It Only Took 10 Months For New Restrictions...

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"Can't be played this way" is a pretty good way of describing the hits. I kinda like the theory someone pointed out in discoard that these hits were less for balancing purposes (otherwise they'd have hit NN *much* sooner) but more for monetary ones since next month's set is most likely Dragon King's Awakening which had GC/NN/SP/NT/NK/OTT in it (so there's your Clan events for the month too. Get Kumi'd once again Tachis). NN players were definitely going to not bother with the set as long as Jingle/Thuria was around and SP players had little reason to go hard on the set as well. Now the players are forced to invest in these banners (and in NN's case go back to the old ones and grab the GRs they never needed) in order to play their decks.

Also I would have liked to have seen Altmile get hit in some manner.


RIP Jingle, couldn't make it to Christmas.


I hope they will not restrict Tahro and Gjoll soon...


I’ve tried 0 dmg luard with the 8k that mills 3 to try to turbo ogma as fast as I can and added pbd as a new win con and honestly felt pretty good on ladder, haven’t tested the 15k though


After testing luard(admittedly, on global) with the 15k, I think damage choke is probably still the way to play the deck.

For the most part, the deck still tells like, 90% of the deck they can't play the game. The stuff in like, tier 2 or lower still does not like this deck at all, stuff like golds for example absolutely still cannot deal with this deck.

The altmile matchup is worse because the 15k means on early strides they can give stride bonus to the front row and still bash your face in with multi attacks. The 18k for the most part forces them to boost which turns off their early game multi attacks. The difference between double 18k vs double 15k front row is extremely noticable

The worst part of the nerf imo, is that the deck out win con is a bit harder now since for the most part, a normal deck hits 18k with a G3 + a booster, eventually they will run out of ways to scale 18k. With 15k they will always have ways of forming 15k. It's still doable for most matchups, but the fact that they can actually kill the 15k means you have to commit more resources to board to survive till they deck out. I've been testing a 3rd carnivore over the 4th driver just to have some access to late game retire to mitigate this, and imo that is something worth testing

Ultimately, unga bunga luard isn't a good deck that does anything unfair, with this deck even though its weaker it still does quite unfair things to most decks and is probably still worth trying out because of that. We all thought 0 dmg was dead post harmonics, but well, here we are


What do you think should've been restricted in Luard? I was thinking Owl and the Diablo strides, but idk not much experience facing the deck.


im merely waiting for the game devs to slap a cb1 on altmile stride skill like the tcg when they realise rp gets too dominant. Poor royal paladins, now they will be perma banned by cs players in the tourney KEKW


Shit my internet couldn't handle the download F


Wait wait why not keep the one jingle turn tho. What. Not both. And we still got other bull crap things lmao. Decks can now hit over the cards as well. What. Oh well dropping the game anyway. The only deck I’ll ever play now is lianorn and that’s a tower event deck. It’s cringe. Dear days bout to end this games whole two year run.


They nerf nociel with a backrow call but couldn't do a THING to nerf altmile. Luard is still a cheating trash. How can they gut luard? Instead of returning cards to deck have them bind them instead. Luard is still tolerable compared to Dogma though.
