Desolate ABANDONED Tropical Resort

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After decades of being a popular beach resort on the island of Barbados, the Almond Beach Village Resort had closed for the final time in 2018, after years of struggling. But the guests memories weren't the only thing it left behind. Today the resort has been left completely abandoned and open to the elements. I'm taking a look inside to discover what's left and piece together a before and after look a this incredible, abandoned resort.

Opening - 0:00
Resort's Beginnings/Rooms - 1:04
First Closure/Shops - 3:48
Glimmer of Hope/Lobby - 7:09
Final Closure/Pool - 9:13
Kids Club/The Future - 12:03


Bright Sun Films 2023

Presented in 4K
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I love that you consistently find and use old footage and pictures in your documentaries as comparison between then and now. It makes it easier to follow and really satisfies the curiosity of what was


It's amazing how quickly nature can take back the land that we use.


My parents got married there back in 2002 at the sugar mill. We visited again around 2016, so sad to see it like this now.


There's nothing like a new bright sun film to brighten my day. Keep up the great content!


I will never understand not cleaning to save costs. You will 100% guaranteed loose a majority of paying customers if it isn’t clean enough


This absolutely broke my heart even more. I grew up going to Almond every year for Christmas, back when it was Almond Beach Village. So many happy memories. I knew the place like the back of my hand.
RIP Almond. Thanks for everything 😢❤


It's amazing how much change happened in 5 years. It looks like it has been closed for a decade or two (from the outside at least). Great Video, Jake!!!!


Those ceiling fans at 9:00 are Hunter Originals which are cast iron and pretty indestructible, shows compared to the other fans which have lost blades and are badly rusted. Such a sad place now it’s decayed and it was obviously a lovely resort back in the 80s and 90s. Great video Jake


So I live in Barbados and when sandals came to the island and built their other resorts they got something like 40 years duty free concessions on imports, but just as the government changed in 2018 when sandals started doing work on the beach area, other hoteliers on the island put pressure on the government about sandals duty free concessions, saying we’ve been here longer why can’t we get as well, so government and sandals went back to the negotiation table, sandals asking for if any company gets a better deal than what sandals has, that they be upgraded to a similar or better deal and they also wanted protection from any new tax law parliament may enact. The two parties couldn’t reach an agreement on the aforementioned issues and therefore the project was put on hold.


Thought it looked familiar; went on holiday here in the early 2000s. Was our last full family holiday as my folks split not long after, so a lot of fond memories despite only being 11 at the time.


It's wild how so many of these abandoned videos mention the 09 financial crisis as turning point in the property's history and almost exclusively led to the downfall and eventual closing of the property.

Also at 8:00 that's definitely the Lego Island font


I have to wonder if civil engineers or materials engineers study places like this to determine what products and materials hold up to the elements better than others.


I'm surprised that the resort hasn't become scrap piled ruins, given it deteriorated this fast and the constant hurricanes it faces


I love the juxtaposition of the vintage photographs with the current views of the same area.


honestly this tropical resort was really cool the desgin and everything so sad to see it go now! i really hope somebody fixs it up i cant believe this used to be a big resort now its just all abandoned


As a fan of your channel it's nice to see uploads from my home country, hope you enjoy your stay in Barbados Jake


My wife stayed here around 2010. She was amazed at the amount of decay. And she remembered playing air hockey on that table!


Stellar work as usual Jake! The before and after photos you were able to include were amazing! What a beautiful resort it used to be back in the day. Too bad it’s prime real estate will one day be bought up and then overcharge guests for years to come


This place hosted Grand Tour? That’s surprisingly awesome. Didn’t expect that


You didn't go into it, but I find it interesting. The reason the Sandals resort has stalled is that Sandals is apparently wanting concessions promised to them (not in writing but verbally) by the previous administration. For an idea about what those kind of concessions are, One was that Sandals would get paid if Barbados ever gave another Hotel company a tax break. That alone is essentially asking for a defacto monopoly on the Hotel business on the island, as the added expense would reduce any prospective tax break or incentive the government could give a competitor. Allowing Sandals to out-compete them with that unfair advantage.
