China’s Social Credit System is REAL and it's TERRIFYING

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Facial Recognition has been improving and expanding rapidly in recent years. It's being used everywhere from police investigations to Walmart security to unlocking your cell phone and adding cute filters to your photos, but what if it's purpose is meant for something more sinister? What if the expansion of facial recognition is just the first phase toward implementing a Global Social Credit System? The Australian government is already rolling out this technology in major cities without its citizens' knowledge, so perhaps it's only a matter of time before Australia goes full China and implements its own version of Social Credit. This is a technology we should all be wary of and watch closely, as what’s happening in Australia may be a warning to the rest of the world.

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Stop obeying, people. Before we lose everything it means to be human.


the minute my friends starting telling me how i should think, act and be in the current world situation.. that "I didn't have the choice". Yeah that moment I realized the number of people i could trust had dropped majorly.


My personal boundaries were crossed the minute they locked down the world and told me I couldn’t play music for humans anymore!


my limit was at day 24 of the 14 day lockdown to "flatten the curve." now that we're at about day 160, and the curve has disappeared and they're actually adding more restrictions, I just get more pissed every day.


Unfortunately, my mother has completely fallen for this hook, line and sinker. We got into an argument the other day about masks and she said, "There are hundreds of thousands of people dying of COVID every day!" Where she got this statistic from, I couldn't tell you.

My mum also unironically supports police states, which is fucking terrifying. She told me about the police state her home country of Uganda has turned into and I asked her, "So if the UK turned into a police state, would you be okay with that?" and she responded with a scarily-enthusiastic "YES! Because it's for our safety." I don't know if she realises that she would be the one to rat out Anne Frank to the Nazis, or snitch on a neighbour for misbehaving and completely ruin their life in China.

This whole "safety" thing is also grinding my gears. I cannot believe the amount of shit the government can get away with under the guise of "safety". Imagine if someone announced they were gonna kill you, but prefaced it was "for your safety". How many people would allow the murderer to stab them right in the heart?

She also flat out denies the fact that mandatory vaccines are the end goal. She said that vaccines have always been voluntary, and so I said, "But what if that changes?" And she responded with, "This is the West! Totalitarian dystopias don't happen here!"

She is truly lost.


Social distancing or not, a social credit system is terrifying. I'll never understand why so many people yearn for tyranny and assume the boot won't end up on their own neck.


“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”

― George Orwell, 1984

This has been a long time in the making.


Went in Walmart without a mask. I told the guards I was exempt and just kept walking. I was the only one in the store without a mask. The Walmart workers were very polite. I think I was providing them hope that one day they could remove their masks. Rebel with a


Totally agree on so much of this, especially the part about dehumanization via masks. Absolutely horrible conditioning is happening and people accept it for the sake of "safety" or even "it's a fashion statement." I could hardly believe what I was hearing when someone told me it was a fashion statement.


200 million cameras!!!!?😳 Interesting how athiests like to play God


My personal boundary is to keep the government out of every aspect of my life. The people have the power — the government can not do anything if we all resist. I resist everything and it seems like I am the only one most of the time.


You are on Fire.
Top YouTuber of the month so far.
I shared this with my 79 year old mother, that is how important this is.
Now she just needs to figure out YouTube.
Great work.


I saw that episode of Black Mirror, and thought, "They're telling us right here what's coming".


you're fascinating. keep up the fight to call people out to think and reason instead of just sheep their way through life


The first thing the police do with criminals is take a mug shot and fingerprint them, so I think its kind of crazy people willingly give companies a scan of their face and finger print just to unlock their phone. I'm sure that won't come back to bite anyone on the ass.


My boundaries have already been crossed. I have to wear the mask at work, to make money, but that's basically the only place I will. I refuse to be made to feel bad just for breathing. I just got an email from my university today (in the US) informing me that I could be suspended and or fined for not following the "community guidelines" off campus. Meaning, if I don't wear a mask or attend a gathering of 10 or more people, I could be fined by the government and then additionally fined and reprimanded by the government institution I pay thousands of dollars a year to, even though all of my classes are online and I haven't been on campus in months....


This is absolutely terrifying and thank you for bringing this up. I remember watching that Black Mirror episode (and the one about the chip implant) and i thought at the time it was horror sci-fi entertainment, that will never happen. Yet here we are, and i can certainly see it happening in the U.S. I am not okay with any of your questions at the end, my only boundary would be that i would wear a mask if visiting a nursing home during the flu season. Wait until we see more of the drone robots in the parks. If i see one i am destroying it. Enjoying your channel, keep up the good work.


Like #53. The masks are also being used so the AI facial recognition cameras can be trained to recognize all of us even with a mask on. This way, even if a truther is masked at a protest, they can still pinpoint who they are, etc.


I havent worn a mask. I refuse to wear it at work. (the one of 3 jobs I have left. I quit my other 2 jobs because I refused to wear a mask) I wont wear it in any store. I havent really been social distancing at all. I hug anyone who will let me. I am trying to live my life as normal as possible among all the insanity. If I had my own business ( I kind of wish that I did at the moment) I would defy every single emergency order. If I had any kids I would pull them out of public school and home school them (If I wasnt already doing that)


The only thing a "social credit" score can ever really measure is someone's ability to pretend to Submit to hypocrisy. The better you are at lying, the more you'll succeed in the society of liars.
