Science Perk Damage Bonus - What Does and Doesn't Work with It - Fallout 76

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I told the devs in the PTS time and time again that they should've let it affect all energy damage accross the board. Sadly devs did not listen :(


Not only it's expensive for 30% damage, but it doesn't work for 80% of my energy weapon, I love you so much Bethesda!


So as a bloodied heavy gunner I was testing the last two days to see if they worked for heavy guns but thanks to turtle I don't have to worry. Thank you turtle


Thats so incredibly stupid, it should work with every energy weapon


Once again they go a step forward & 2 back with adding useful things then making them less useful.


Something else weird, When opening a perk pack, the last animated card was a 3 star bandolier! I have a screen shot for proof but when I checked my cards, I only had the regular cards


What I don't get is that Friendly Fire works on most weapons that do fire damage and weapons that have a flaming mod. So why is it that the Science perks are only limited to a certain amount of energy weapons? I can understand why it doesn't work on heavy weapons since they're already doing a lot of damage, but why not weapons like the Plasma Cutter?


The damage tweaks they made seem to mostly be more damage it seems, the fake sheepsquatch insta kills me with its laser chest attack now, even while unloading on him with a vamp enclave flamer. That wasn’t the case before. The daily ops also had me dropping an infuriating amount today.


I see no reason for them to lower the gat plas damage has always been one of my fav weapons. Definately noticed it right away.


It's just way too random to be intentional, but then again you never know with Bethesda. I do hope they will make the bonus work with all energy weapons across the board. Even heavy weapons, because then you'll have to make a choice between more damage or other heavy weapon related Int perks.


Anyone else getting completely melted by Test your metal and the flame damage after the update?


Note to self: Look into hiring someone slick with the SQL to make spreadsheets, sorting weapons and perks out for me. 🤯


Wow, silver lining, I just switched to carnivore melee build. And my electrified auto axe will be getting put to use with the new power tools card. Remove makeshift rank 5 and add power tools 3 and this rank 2 perk card. Thanks again AT. 👍


6 perk point for 30% it should have been 3 perk points for the 30, just like every other damage perk. They should have increased the weapons damage by 30% and forget about changing the perks to add that.


Thing is the turtle it’s very expensive in a category that you really can’t put it in whether you’re in or out of power arms in power armor you need that category for other shit if you’re not in power armor, you need those points elsewhere for a 30% additive boost that’s only replying to certain portions of your damage It’s way too expensive and as far as the auto ask goes, I just passed this the other day. I actually literally went to the trouble of grinding up a few stamps to buy the rod to put it on an auto ask and found out that even with the energy perks added in sacrificing something unrelated I forget what I sacrifice, but it didn’t have to do with damage the electric all the wax still doesn’t do as much damage, TPS wise as the flaming, dual bar chainsaw, and on top of that, it doesn’t do you know, can’t heal the only real huge case would be if you’re fighting some thing that is resistant to fire, but not resistant to energy, and that doesn’t exist. Anything that has any resistance is almost always has a Deer an ER whether they have a fire or cold poison those are up in the air on some butt but they always have deer near so you’re almost always better off with a dual bar chainsaw with a flaming mod and those cards don’t have any benefit for that weapon


TBH nothing works.
Science card are still only worth to equip when you need them for crafting, the 3×10% damage increase is laughtable low and for 6 points 🤦
Maybe if they where mixed together into two cards each costing 1 point maybe then we can talk about them being worth a little.


New bug. Condition bar… I crafted a hunting rifle and applied same mod to the one I was trading for and it showed they matched the length of CND bar with same mods applied which mean crafted is maxed and if they match it’s maxed CND how ever after trading for it and applied different mods of the same on both guns some how the traded gun was no longer maxed CND it’s alot less but if I apply certain mods it’s max CND but other mods aren’t I’ve traded for 5 guns now of different ones they all have the same problem if your wondering I’m a maxed CND collector so it’s a big deal to me.

Another bug - Running - since update when I’m sprinting there’s this lag like small launch then running but it’s smooth it goes back and forth it’s not major but noticeable.

Another bug - Ultracite Laser Rifle - the gun has lost its animation when firing as its invisible, same thing happens when you shoot anywhere else there no impact effects beside enemies. Then on occasion when shooting a enemy like earl, queen something that not easy to miss if aiming the gun long enough it just randomly move the aim else where like you missing the thing when you been aiming in the same spot.


The thing that apparently no fallout creator will talk about is that this energy weapon buff, for at least the moment, also stacks with the Rifleman/ shotgunner type perks. This is clearly Bethesda's attempt to balance end game weapons to allow players to use something other than 1 of 2 wildly OP weapons.


Why is every update to this game so stressful. Lel


The plasma caster does work tho? I've used it before and after the cards and it does increase damage.
