What happens when you die… | Mel Robbins #Shorts

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Do you want to know what REALLY happens when someone has a near death experience?

You’re going to want to check out the latest episode of The Mel Robbins Podcast with Zach Bush MD, where he talks all about his experience as a triple board certified medical doctor working with people near death as a hospice physician.

#melrobbins #neardeathexperience #thetruthaboutdeath #dying

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I was with my mom when she died. She looked so peaceful with her final exhale. It was amazing and terrible at the same time. I was relieved she did not suffer, but my whole world changed in that moment.


I believe we can experience that wholeness feeling every moment in our lives. The power of vulnerability allows us to be our true self. Our pure soul living and doing it's purpose here on earth is like a feeling of no other.


Thanks Mel for speaking with compassion and courage. You own it. 🎋


Hiya Mel! Thank you for putting this ou there. That must have been a beautiful moment for you on your wedding day! I was looking after my Mum after she took 3 strokes, heart murmur, and a glued head where she took a fall and estrangled hernia. She also had a plate in her leg and a dislocated shoulder where she took falls, and diabetes. On the Morning my Mum passed away i missed her passing by sheer moments. I arrived on the hospital corridor and there was no at the nurse's station. I stood there with my two son's for what seemed like a moment. I looked round and time seemed to slow down as i had a feeling that was the room my Mum was in. I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach that my Mum had just passed away. I waited for the nurses to approach us. Then i asked politely is my Mum was okay as i had a phone call that morning that my Mum had only half an hour to live. The Staff sister turned to me and said i'm sorry that your Mum has just passed away. I fell to my knees and said oh my God! I then regained my surroundings and asked if they could take me to her. I entered the room and placed my hand on her right shoulder and said oh Mum. I was offered a cup of sweet tea and i sat down with the boys and waited for my brother to get there. I still feel that she was still with us as i could feel her spiritual aura in the room it was a gentle warm lovely spirit. I knew she was finally free of emotional suffering and pain. As my was frightened to death at the age of 80 years old. I tried to get help whilst she was alive but to no avail. My only consolence is they can't get to her anymore. I even went to church to get confession as i felt i had failed my Mum. I love and miss her but know she is with the Angels now and my Father and my five year old brother who was born before me. God bless them! If anything this experience taught me that there is a real safe place for people to go when they pass which is Heaven. And i did feel a wholeness in the room. My Mum and Dad's favorite song is Dirty old town by the Pouges. I always play it on St Patrick's Day and her Birthday which is 26th of August. I think of my Mum all the time and miss her terribly. My Mum's name was Sheila Mary Ing formerly Walsh. I love and Miss her with all my heart and soul! Respect! 🙏🤗🥰💖💜🐬✨ I love and believe in you too! 🤗🥰💖💜


You are blessed to love and be loved. I have a tendency to communicate with animals. I had to put my beloved dog down. No choice. I felt her go through me when she died. I was in awe !


I was with my mother when she died, it was a very traumatic death. There was no wholeness. It was awful to experience and not at all peaceful.


I was with my Mother and my father when they passed. It was a relinquishing… or seemed to be an acceptance of it.

Makes me hopeful that my passing is as quick. One moment there’s a breath and then the final exhale. Then nothing.

On to what’s next. God is good. Or whatever you believe.


I'm missing her on tv... where to watch now.


I've been there a couple times witnessing death, it's not like what you see in the movies.




Mel as always your dedication is commendable likewise your understanding as a motivational speaker. I wonder though what you think of the dominating influence of a singular narrative that validates evil across-the-board ?

From the Islamic perspective this is the unchanging reality of life after death for humankind: Happiness and success is for non other than those who repent and believe [in Islamic Monotheism] and do righteous deeds; for those Allah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allah is Ever Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful And whoever repents and does righteous good deeds; then verily he repents towards Allah with true repentance. And those who do not bear witness to falsehood, and if they pass by some evil play or evil talk, they pass by it with dignity. And those who when they are reminded of the Ayaat [ proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations etc. ]of their Lord fall not deaf and blind thereat. And those who say: Our Lord! Bestow on us from our wives and our offspring the comfort of our eyes, and make us leaders of the muttaquun [the pious] Those will be rewarded with the highest place [in paradise] because of their patience. Therein they shall be met with greetings and the word of peace and respect. Abiding therein forever – excellent it is as an abode, and as a place to rest in”[Al-Qur’an: 25. 70-76]

The fire of hell is the eternal abode of the people who rejected the guidance of Islam and it is a place of great physical and psychological torture which compounds every type of distress and torment in a condition of abject misery, humiliation and disgrace. Life in hell is incomprehensible by the given standard of this world and hypocrites and unbelievers undergo perpetual punishment of a physical and spiritual nature in an eternal time frame without interruption or lessening of their pains.

As for Paradise, it is the place of final recompense for those who live in total submission to Almighty Allah and observed the verses of the Holy Qur’an in whatever they do. Paradise is a state of perpetual felicity and eternal peace and bliss. Humans in it will possess everything they ever desired and much more. They are able to enjoy whatever great things they may think of, and do anything they want whenever they want in the most grandiose of forms. The sublime nature of the eternal provisions in paradise for those beloved by Almighty Allah is incomprehensible to the human mind. The holy Prophet Muhammad [SAW] told us. Almighty Allah Said:
“I have prepared for my virtuous servants, that which no eyes has seen, no ear has heard and no human heart has imagined…” The garden of paradise comprises one hundred degrees [the distance between each two degrees is like the distance between heaven and earth: Firdaws is the highest degree from which springs the four rivers of the garden. Above it is the highest Throne.
The area of the garden which could be surrounded by a whip is better in splendor than the entire world and all it contains. The believer shall have a tent in the garden made of a single hallowed pearl, the length of which shall be sixty miles. In each of its corners the believer shall have spouses invisible to the others, and the believer shall visit each in turn. In the Garden there are rooms the outside of which can be seen from within and the inside from without… For those who speak with goodness, feed the people, fast regularly and pray by night while others sleep. Also in paradise there are dwellings made of blocks of gold and blocks of silver as well as dwelling made of Qasab [hollow canes made of pearls.] There are also castles in heaven that have no suspension above them and no pillars below them. Its inhabitants will enter in to them as birds will. They are for people of hunger, diseases and affliction. Almighty Allah [SWT] made a promise of all the luxuries in heaven to those who believe totally in Him and work righteously for His sake.
“…Allah has inscribed faith upon such people’s heart and will reinforce them with a spirit of His own and admit them into Gardens with rivers flowing under them. There they shall remain timelessly, forever. Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him. Such people are of the party of Allah. Truly, it is the party of Allah who are successful. [al-Mujadilah: 22]
