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CIVIL LAW PROPERTY Things for Appropriateion of Ownership, IMMOVABLE vs MOVABLE PROPERTY - Land, Buildings, Roads, Contruction, Trees, Plants, Growing Fruits, Immovable cannot be separated, Statues, Reliefs, Paintings, Objects for Ornamentation, intention to attach permanently, Machinery, receptables, implements for Industry of Works in Buildings and Land, Animal Houses, Pigeon-houses, Beehives, Fishponds, Breeding Places, permanently attached to the Land, Things transported from place to place, Forces of Nature, CONSUMABLE Personal Property, NON-CONSUMABLE Personal Property - Consumer Durables, REGALIAN Doctrine, Private Ownership, Lands of PUBLIC DOMAIN, Laws of the Indies and the Royal Cedulas, Ley Hipotecaria, 1893 Mortgage Law, Spanish Mortgage Law, Possessory Claims, Maura Law, Crown Lands, Possessory InformationTitle, Titulo Real, Concession Especial, Composicion con el Estado, Titulo de Compra, Informacion Posesoria, Philippine Bill 1902, Absolute Grant Freehold System Leasehold System, Agricultural Land, Timber Lands, Mineral Lands, LAND REGISTRATION Act, TORRENS System, Title Absolute, Indefeasible and Imprescriptible, 1st PUBLIC LAND Act, Homestead System, Judicial and Administrative Confirmation of Imperfecct Title, OPEN, CONTINUOUS, EXCLUSIVE, NOTORIOUS POSSESSION and OCCUPATION, 2nd PUBLIC LAND Act, exploitation of Agricultural Lands limited to Filipinos and Americans, General Law Commonwealth Act 141, Classification and Disposition of Lands of the Public Domain, Privately Owned Lands reverted to the State, THIRTY YEAR Prescriptive Period for Judicial Confirmation of Imperfect Title, PD No. 1073, PD 892 discontinued SPANISH Ttiles, Unregistered Land Revised Administrative Code, Classification of Lands - AGRICULTURAL, TIMEBER, FOREST, NATIONAL PARKS, Industrial or Commercial, Residential, Resettlement Grazing Lands, PROPERTY REGISTRATION Decree, Public Domain vs Private Ownership, Public Use, Public Service, development of National Wealth, Patrimonial Property, Private Property Ownership, Ownership over Things (Tangibles) vs Rights (Intangibles), Owner's Right to Enjoy, to Dispose of and to Recover against Holder and Possessor, Doctrine of SELF-HELP, Fencee with Walls, Ditches & Hedges, No Injury on Owner's Use of his Property, Stranger's Interference to prevent Imminent Danger or threatened Damage, Possession as presumed Ownership, Property Recovery based on the Strength of One's Title, Expropriation for Public Use with Compensation, Expropriation for Health, Safety or Security no Compensation, Land Ownership "Above & Below" it, Ownership of Hidden Treasure - 1/2 to Finder, Zero for Trespasser.