Group 2 Regular French Verbs ending in IR | Présent

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GROUP 2 regular French Verbs in the PRESENT TENSE. All thanks to Avinaba's amazing direction and ceaseless support, I am still able to make these videos for you all.

(To get the list of 2nd group verbs, scroll down to the end of this description.)

I, Prajesh Kumar Basu,am born and brought up in Chandernagor, a former French trading post in Eastern India. Having the experience of teaching a large number of adult students as well as children at all levels, I started this channel (all thanks to an amazingly talented and a lovely student of mine, Avinaba) with a basic purpose to reach the students easily whenever they sit to study French. And hay, don't call me before the day of exam! Look up 'French with Basu' and all videos here are genuinely made for all my students of all levels. Work hard and I am always with you but not just before the day of exam! You can't learn it in one day! If you do, it will be of no use in future! Learning needs a little bit of hard work and there's no short cut. If you don't agree, hey, unsubscribe!
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# Les articles:
# 1-2-3français !

# French Verbs Tenses Moods

#Grammar :
35. Élision :
40. Les Pronoms Objets :
#Phonétiques :
# Easy Conversation :
52. Weekend plan :

Here's a small list of 2nd group basic verbs, they generally derive from adjectives, but there are many verbs which don't.
1. Rougir (to blush, to redden), 2. Blanchir (to whiten, to turn white, to paint white), 3. Verdir (to turn green, to paint green, to fill with greenery) 4. Noircir (to turn black, to paint black), 5. Rosir (to paint with pink, to turn pink), 6. Brunir (to turn brown, to paint with brown), 7. Pâlir (to turn pale, it comes from Pâle, which is an adjective, meaning 'pale'), 8. Jaunir (to turn yellow, to colour with yellow), 9. Choisir (to choose), 10. Fleurir (to flourish, to blossom), 11. Mugir (to moan, to groan), 12. Finir (to finish, to complete), 13. Périr (to perish, to ruine), 14. Établir (to build, to establish) 15. Maigrir (to lose weight, to become meager), 16. Mincir (to get slimmer), 17. Obéir (to obey), 18. Réagir (to react), 19. Grandir (to grow up), 20. Grossir (to gain weight), 21. Réfléchir (to reflect, to think), 22. Réunir (To assemble, to get together), 23. Vieillir (to turn older), 24. Jeunir (to turn younger),
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Nice video!...As usual in your exellent manner of deliverering!
