I Dropped Out Of High School (At Seventeen)

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Hey! If you’re new to the channel… my name is Iman Gadzhi.

I own a digital marketing agency that does $60k/pm+ and an E-Learning business that does $150k/pm+

I’m on a mission to re-form the education system by delivering the best online programs in the world.


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This is so crazy how you blogged your whole journey. You really did risk everything and look where you’re at right now. Just crazy and just have to say you have really motivated me to start a business. Thank you for all your content and advice!


This man really documented his whole life. Watching these old content is crazy.


Breh I want to dropout to be a film director but everyone I know tells me to just stick with school. I'm failing every class because I don't want to even do the bs schoolwork.


Seeing these videos now and observing the change in your persona over the years is unbelievably helpful, man.
Cheers, Iman; thanks for everything


This news is amazing Iman. I believe in you because you've been going your own way for such a long time and the rewards will only get bigger from the work you continue to put in. Congratulations on your decision and I look forward to seeing where you can take yourself.


as a 17 year old im watching these videos and im inspired by you honestly you have come so far im just beginning my journey and i am going to make it work


Iman I've been watching your videos for a couple months now and I love your content. I've believed for as long as I can remember that the education system is broken and have been planning to drop out of Uni for a while but never have gotten the stomach to do so. Today I'm glad to say I have finally done so and literally an hour later after dropping out I stumbled upon this video. I had NO IDEA you dropped out on the same day two years ago. That's crazy! Keep up the good content and keep inspiring people. I plan on building my own SMMA and personal brand and can't wait to be my own boss and share my ideas with people! Cheers man


One of the best decisions that you've ever made, I bet that it took a lot of courage.
I'm glad that I stumbled upon your channel back when I was 16


You are very smart and I'm sure you'll do great with what your planning on doing!


Awesome man! Got to take the risks to follow your dreams man!


I like how honest you are about this and truth is high school does not work for everyone, it hard to accept by others but it is what it is


As long as you're doing what you love bro 🙏


Bless you mate...you have every rights to dropout of school


I dropped out of university last semester. My startup didn't take off when I launched because I didn't pay attention to the marketing side. Now I am learning about it from scratch. I've got the opportunity to work with an uncle of mine as partners in a new venture he has in mind. I will give one more semester to the dream. Otherwise, I might have to go back to school so I don't get kick out of my house. Praying I end up financially independent and can leave my house. I wish my parents understand, but that's life I guess, people only believe in what they have already seen before. I know I will accomplish it, I just need that the universe gives me more time.


I've watched your newest videos before this and seeing how far youve come, i just gotta drop out too although I feel like I should have it all together and have business running already, I feel like I should get the kind of education I really need for now, like more about practical skills and finances but I still don't know how to tell my mother, turning 17 next year too so I really need this. Btw thank you Iman, your content is extra ordinary ❤


Interesting video ❤ I got into nursing school with a diploma I purchased online which I’m still ashamed to say I did but I tried taking the GED severally and failed so I had no option


What losers fail to recognise is that success never comes without a cost. The greater the object of your aim, the more you will be required to sacrifice for it. Many “desire” the final outcome, but are blatantly unwilling to incur the cost. Recipe for failure


Watching this now, waiting for your new event, it is really impressive that you have everything documented. Waiting for the next mail and for the event.


I'm dropping out of high school once I reach 11th grade.im in middle school right now but I don't care what teachers say because I know I'm dropping out I also got held back twice


I'm a high schooler! Haha, dude, you're fuckin awesome. Keep the content coming! 💪💪💪
