The nature of matter

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If there’s one thing that we think we understand, it’s matter.  After all, matter makes up everything around us; it even makes up you.  However, all is not as it seems.  Over the last century, scientists have learned about the building blocks of matter, starting with atoms.  It turns out that matter is very different than you think. In this video, Fermilab’s Dr. Don Lincoln will give you an entirely new way to think about the world around us.  You will never think of the universe in the same way again.
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I already knew i was empty inside but thank you for agreeing with me


I eat almost entirely empty space and still keep gaining weight...


One of the the craziest conclusions about this is how dense the nucleus is. All of our weight is just in of our volume. That's how black hole and neutron stars can get ultra dense, the strong gravity defeats the other forces and thus create a real conglomeration of particles with little to no space between them.


thank you, Dr. Don I learned new today it did blow my mind.


Except that matter is even weirder than that. The electron is not like a planet orbiting the sun, but more like a cloud surrounding the nucleus. They don't really have a definite position.

Even stranger than that, modern particle physics states that particles do not have a definite size. They are like mathematical points which interact with different quantum fields. That interaction is what gives particles their impact. So again, marbles are a poor representation of particles.

So atoms are not "mostly empty space." The reality is even stranger than that.


Just started getting into Don's videos. Great stuff.


Really mind blowing. But Dr, if if we have it wrong about reality, we are still right not to walk against walls, except for being crazy.


100, 000³ (cubed) for volume 10^15th... But that range is also the electron-mass-energy-vs-Coulombic-force-times-distance-work-energy, equivalence-range... where atoms abut each other... But, solidification exists not-by distance, but by, multi-electron interactions, among multiple atoms (it takes two to make a solid) and at close range the electrons fit to fill only certain positions with respect to their atoms and to each other... so, in chemistry, there are rules—about octets and hybrids and sigma bonds and pi bonds and singlets and triplets....


I didn't know shit like this. You amaze me sir and you deserve my respect. Now I'm subscribing... ❤️❤️


To Dr. Don Lincoln:  In this video a particle is assumed to be almost completely empty space.  Then a particle is assumed to have a field in all positions in space.  In some other videos a particle is assumed to be a wave.  In some other videos a particle is assumed to be in only 1 position in space having an uncertainty of that position.  And in some other videos a particle is assumed to be all possible particles probabilized in a superposition which, when observed, instantaneously changes to just 1 of the possibilities.  Has it occurred to you that these 5 assumptions all contradict each other?  Has it occurred to you that at best only 1 assumption can be correct, and that all the other incorrect assumptions need to be eliminated?  So is it any surprise that no one can trust any physics explanation derived from any current professionally used fundamental physics theory?

This kind of illogic is why I invented my unifying physics theory, matter theory.  Matter theory is physically logical, and has no such contradictions.  Matter theory supersedes and can easily replace all the current professionally used fundamental physics theories.  I am seeking funding, and I am offering a monetary reward to the person who 1st introduces me to my eventual funder.  Search keywords:  matter theory marostica.


What about the gluon interactions, and virtual particle pairs annihilating, everywhere?


So what is matter? Force field?
Or a field, as a "foam" of quantum fluctuations of redistribution of the energy of impact on the specialized reception of the functional system of self-organization and self-regulation of a human being, the aggregate characteristics of the wave functions of which are a scanning system of the force field, providing information about its state depending on the motivation of behavior, which translates the actual state of imbalance internal environment of the body.

The aggregate of the multiplication of the perception of synesthetic information, reflecting the degree of imbalance in the homeostasis of the internal environment of the organism, and constitutes the features of the manifestation of the redistribution of the energy of matter in the information space of the reality of the anthropocentric universe - the matter of physical existence.


Hey, could you guys make a video on the nature of Alcatraz Matter next?


3.08 shout out to the chiefs for winning the super bowl


A gust of Lincoln''s genius : "you are nothing but a bunch of empty space and force why Trump came straightaway to my mind ?


unreal tales!
model of atom -> from 2:51 to 3:01 -> Ha, ha!!! it's not pearls in a hand.
there are He(3) and He(4), but no He(2). Why? it is impossible: proton close to proton.
and the location and number of neutrons is a direct function of the number of protons.


Why don’t you also mention that the Universe is not knowable? Even if you find all the elementary particles and know all of their properties you still won’t know what they are. Just slapping labels on objects isn’t enough. When you keep questioning what something actually is, you ether run into the problem of infinite regress or you’re stopped in the tracks and there’s no way to move past a certain point because you can’t know the universe from the outside of it.


how can one not love science. thanks for the knowledge. I feel more enlightened now.


The emptiness of matter was the first thing that truly surprised me, as very young physics students. Going into detail, it was the explanation of the experiment conducted by Ernest Rutherford with a radioactivity source, a gold foil and a fluorescent screen.
Great explanation as always, Dr. Lincoln. Thank you!


So, basically what you are saying is that we are pretty much nothing more than a lot of empty space---with anxiety.
