Why I Bought a $15 Total Gym

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In this video I talk about how regardless of what Total Gym model (or sliding bench trainer) you have, you can still get incredible results. I get into some things to consider when picking up used equipment and finally why having a second Total Gym might not be a bad idea.
Stuff in Video:
0:00 - Intro
0:50 - Total Gym 1000
1:22 - How to see results on any Sliding Bench Trainer Works
4:00 - What to look for in used machines
5:41 - Benefits of getting a second SBT

Sliding Bench Trainers I recommend:
Cheaper Sliding Bench Trainer Models
Other Stuff I use and recommend.
Cardio Equipment I use/recommend
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I bought a model 42021, 42023 back in 1988 new for $165 - still works great! And recently started using it again after losing 80 lbs at age 73...


Literally just scooped up a 1500 from the recycle store for $15 today. Rollers still glide perfectly. These things are bulletproof and fun to use - the way gym equipment should be!


I had this model for years. It is the one piece of equipment/exercise/strength training that I consistently used - like every day. Consistency is the key. I got this model because it was what I could afford at the time. I never regretted it. It is a great workout that I will continue for life. I recently upgraded and gave the old model to my sister and her kids. I love my total gym.


A great video. I recently bought a really juiced up total gym. It's awesome. I did keep my Precor sliding bench trainer. It's over 20 years old and works great. It does have three attached resistance bands so I keep it on the lowest level for Pilates type work. Even used bench trainers that were used often can still, like you said, have years of workouts left in them.


Great video, looking forward to the next one. I just got rid of my apex for a fit because the wheels looked shot, and the machine was making a lot of noise. Customer service really didn’t offer any repair advice. I’d like to see what kind of repairs you can do on these machines. Thanks again!💪


Thanks for more great information. I got started on that exact same model. It was my wife's unit and had been stored under a bed for over 10 years. All I needed to do was replace the wheels and it worked just fine. The lack of a squat stand and no external weight bar support led me to purchase the Apex G3 and then eventually an XLS. I no longer have the TG1000, but I still have the G3 as a spare unit. It's definitely a good idea to keep a spare unit. If nothing else, I have a backup in case anything breaks unexpectedly on the XLS.


Thanks for the positive attitude and inspiration. Great video. I just got a used one for free. Already feel it.


Good job man makes me feel confident about keeping my 1900


I had one of these years ago and got rid of it. I did it pretty hard every day and got tennis elbow. I got rid of it, but now have an Xtreme on the way. This vid def brings back memories.


I bought the Total gym 1000 25 years ago...genius workout device for beginners!


I have a model 1000 my ex bought for $25 at a yard sale. Thought it was dumb until I tried it. It sat behind the couch and I'd play on it while watching TV. She's gone, I'm officially a senior, got rid of the Olympic weights, but I still have the TG1000. I made attachments for it to increase utility. Have moved twice since then and getting ready to set it up again. The new house has little room for the basic bench weight kit, but the TG will fit, store and move easily. I 've transitioned from heavy/low rep to high rep/lower weights. The TG adapts. Easier on an older body. It's a good way to get us older guys pushing and pulling.


yeah I've got one of these total gym 1000s and really like it!

i'm tall and got it more as a test unit to see if the style worked for me, but at 6'4 I can just squish myself on it to do supine pull overs with head and feet overhanging slightly. really it only lacks the squat stand option, but you can do presses, pull ups, pull overs, rows, curls, triceps, lunges, core work, so there's heaps and heaps you can do

it's pretty solid build for an entry level unit to. I often do incline bench press with my dumbbells on it and that's probs combined 150kg or so of mass on the unit. i'll probably upgrade at some point but that's really by choice not necessity


As long as it has an adjustable incline, it will work; that's all it is, pulling a percentage of your body weight. And the most important thing, like with everything else in life...are you using it? You can have a high end piece of fitness equipment but if it's just collecting dust it's worth nothing. An old, rudimentary total gym model that's used consistently is much better than a new, expensive version that gets little to no use.


I bought a Weider Ultimate Body Works for $50 bucks 3 months ago. It’s in excellent condition. I’ve been using it consistently ever since. I’ve been following your program for weight loss.


Hey Mike: I can feel my posture already improving - the skeletal muscle reshaping from your new upper body workout - the Elite Pro that was supposedly "refurbished" on ebay for $215 (that's including the shipping and tax) - arrived BRAND NEW! So yeah considering I'm literally reshaping my body just like I've been craving - to work those back muscles - and all the arm muscles, etc. pulling the shoulders back. Retracting the shoulders!! thanks


I have two of them. One I traded for, the other I got out of a scrap metal haulers truck for 10.00. The first one I completely wore out and had re-upholstered etc. It is now used for parts. The other one I had to replace the cable and it’s good to go. It also has the hole for a weight bar where the first one didn’t. They are usually available on Craigslist and Marketplace like new and inexpensive.


I just found one on the side of road. Excited to start using it lol


Very good points to consider for an older Total Gym. I have the APEX G5. I may consider the smaller 1000 if I run across one cheap.


If you want to add a weight bar to the TG1000, remove the side plastics on the bottom side of the glide board. This will reveal the slide board steel tubing attached to the underside of the board. Here you can slide through a 3/4 to 1" weight bar and it works just great 👍


I picked up a total gym 1000 for free because someone was throwing it out. It works great. I used it for rehab and liked it so much it’s a staple of my routine - which is total gym, barbell bench and deadlift, and kettlebell snatches, swings and Turkish get ups.
