Why Katniss Agreed to a 'Symbolic' Hunger Games

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The real reason Katniss agreed to a symbolic Hunger Games.
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He didn’t vote for a Hunger Games. He told Katniss he was with her. He was declaring his loyalty to HER and what he knew her intuition would be.


I always read the "for prim" (a healer who never hurt anyone) as a way for Katniss to hint to Haymitch that she had a plan


She didn't agree to a new hunger games she was faking it. Playing a game to take down both Coin and Snow all at once. It was a smart political move.


That makes alot of sense. Haymich always had a stronger bond with Katniss than he did with Peeta, because Katniss and Haymich are soo much alike. I don't think he knew everything that Katniss was up to when she said yes. But he trusted her, that she had a good reason for it.


I liked this analysis. "For Prim" always stuck out to me because if there's one thing Prim would never, ever have wanted, its a hunger games hosted in her name. So I felt like this was a clue to Haymitch that Katniss had ulterior motives, and that's what makes him consider why she said yes and therefore figure out her plan. It also reveals that Coin never cared about Prim, because if she had she would know this too, which proves that Coin did not care about Prim's fate, which in turn seals Coin's fate.


For me, this scene really cements in how much Katniss’ approach to danger has changed since the beginning of the series. She used to be readable and obvious with her judgments of situations. She handled things physically and/or aggressively. But now, after EVERYTHING, the fact that she can be so casual and cunning in a diplomatic situation really signifies how much her tact has changed.


Both in the book, and in the movie, Katniss has a conversation with Snow BEFORE the vote. Snow revealed to her in both conversations that he was not the one that ordered the bombing on the Capitol's children. Katniss also remembers, in both the book at the movie, Gayle and Beetie talking, and the double trap idea that Gayle came up with. Those two events in the book and movie confirmed for Katniss (and the reader) that it was Coin that ordered the double bombing. Which is why when Katniss said 'for Prim', I knew she was planning to kill Coin. I was not fooled. She would have said anything that would get her close enough to Coin to kill her.


Katniss has shared everything that was going on in her head throughout the series; the reader has never had to wonder why she did the things she did. However, while "thinking everything through" in that meeting, Katniss conceals her thoughts from the reader for the first time in the series, raising the reader's suspicions and forcing us to wonder what "everything" means. "For Prim" gains her credibility with Coin and gives the reader a temporary reasonable explanation. Haymitch, for his part, is thinking things through as well. He never says yes, but comments "I'm with the Mockingjay." He, too, is boosting Katniss's credibility.
Since all of this happens internally for Katniss, we don't get to see that in the movie. The line "I kill Snow?" is there for the benefit of the audience. Coin, never having bothered to get to know the Mockingjay, takes this at face value. But then it dawns on Haymitch, who loves both Katniss and Peeta more than any of them realize and who understands the young'uns very well.
Katniss is taking a calculated risk here, because Haymitch can still say no; but it's one she feels sure enough that will go her way. Anything to get her within shooting range of Coin.


I think Haymitch’s wording in the scene is perfect. He’s not voting yes for the games. He’s voting on his belief in Katniss. As crazy as their relationship is, he knows her. And he knows that she has a plan


The line “For Prim” is genius on Katniss’ part. It reassures Coin that she’s ignorant to her involvement in Prims death, whilst letting Haymitch know that she has a plan because Katniss is the last person who would want a hunger games to remember a sister she almost lost to them. It also immediately makes the audience/reader aware that she wants revenge; and we all know who really killed prim


I was so disturbed when Johanna brought up Snow's granddaughter because she was really cute and really liked Katniss.


The reason I immediately knew without a doubt that Katniss had a plan behind her “yes” answer is because she would never EVER for any reason agree to this. Not even if the Capitol was actually responsible for killing Prim.

Haymitch knows Katniss well enough to trust that she had a plan because he too knows that she would NEVER agree to this for any reason. And I love how sweet Peeta of course gave a firm hard “NO!” but at the same time Katniss and Haymitch were spiritually linked behind the scenes making sure there would never again be another child murdered for sport. Such a great scene and foreshadowing!


When she talks to Gale in the the book, about Prim's death and in the end Gale says "shoot straight", for me in that part I knew he wasn't talking about snow.


I realized it in the movie after her talk with Snow in the movie. Seeing how Coin was turning into Snow before her eyes was what did it for me.

Third book gets too much hate. I think it was the best of the series. Just my opinion though.


I always knew the reason for it. I thought it was great and it took Katniss killing Coin for me to realize why she voted yes but my first read through I knew it was to gain her trust. I think it was written that way for Katniss killing Coin to still be a shock but after the shock you realize that was always the plan.

I’ve always said that these books were written YA because that’s the only way the story would be told effectively. In that sense I think Collins wrote at more adult level and understanding so it can make things like that hard to translate to a younger reader. That’s also why I really enjoy reading the books now as an adult on top of after being in the military. A lot of stuff I missed as a teen now is like “dang”


I think Haymitch understood Katniss's reason for saying yes to a symbolic Hunger Games when Katniss said "for Prim" because HE KNOWS what it is like to rebel against the Capitol and lose the ones HE loved most....his family and his girlfriend. And he doesn't even say "Yes." he says "I'm with the Mockingjay" meaning that he is publicly showing his loyalty is now to Katniss. Prim was Katniss's reason for EVERYTHING. She volunteered at the first Reaping to keep her sister safe from being a Tribute. She told Caesar Flickerman that she promised her sister that she would win. So when Coin KILLS Prim, that, to Katniss, is unforgivable. Coin HAS to die for that. And I think Katniss got the confirmation she needed that it WAS Coin and NOT Snow who ordered the children be slaughtered when Katniss sees Snow in his garden and he says "I thought we agreed never to lie to each other."


I didn't really suspect that Katniss would kill Coin on my first read through, but I did suspect she wasn't letting us in on something. Voting yes was so out of character and her thoughts were so shady and mumbled that I knew there was something, but I didn't understand what. Coin's murder was such a shock to me 😅 it made sense, after, but damn


I think Katniss knew she was going to do it after Coin brought up the symbolic hunger games. Because she makes a mention about the arrow that would be used for Snow. She comments about the sharpness and distance of the type of arrow before she goes out.


Her saying “for Prim” not only tipped Haymitch off that she had a plan but also so that Coin would think Katniss didn’t know she was responsible for Prims death and would trust her even more.
