Android Compose / Kotlin

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Description of App:
Use Yelp GraphQL API so show fitness/restaurants/bars on an infinitely scrollable map. You can see details (with driving directions) and choose favorites. Global Favorites scroll with some snazzy graphics.
Android Arch:
* Gradle modularised project by features
* The Clean Architecture with MVI pattern in presentation layer
* Jetpack Compose (maps) with Material 3 design with 100% Previews - for UI layer
* Kotlin Coroutines & Kotlin Flow - for concurrency & reactive approach
* Kotlin Serialization converter - for JSON parsing
* Ktor - for networking
* Hilt - for Dependency Injection pattern implementation
* Room - for local database
* Coil - for image loading
* Version Catalog - for dependency management
* JUnit5, Turbine and MockK - for unit tests
* Jetpack Compose test dependencies and Hilt - for UI tests
* GitHub Actions - for CI/CD
* Renovate - to update dependencies automatically
* KtLint and Detekt - for code linting
* Do not need to give location permission to use the app.
* Save state though restarts
* Open source
Lean more about architecture (with source) here:

The video is kinda jerky to show performance.
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