Laws of Light: Mastering the Beauty Dish

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Learn how to use a beauty dish INSIDE and OUT in our latest video in the Laws of Light series! We take this amazing collapsible beauty dish from Westcott from our studio setup to an epic sunset to show you how to truly master the beauty dish.

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Canon 5D Mark IV

Canon 50mm 1.1.2 L

ZEISS 1.4/50

Canon C200

Canon 24-70 2.8

Sony A7 RIII

Canon EOS R

Tamron 24-70mm 2.8 G2

Tamron 28-75 2.8

Tamron 17-28 2.8

Vanguard VEO 2 Pro 263CPV

Blackrapid strap


Spyder Color Checker

Kobra Modifier


Jay P. Morgan has been working as a Commercial Photographer and Film Director in the Los Angeles area for more than 20 years developing an impressive list of clients from Paramount to McDonald's. Jay P.'s experience with elaborate set design and extensive lighting are key to the success of his illustrative work.

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#lighting #beautydish #photography
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Fun opening! These tutorials are helpful but it's also because you make it easy to connect that the learning goes down easy.


I use the Profoto Softlight beauty dish with grid and diffuser with case from Temba in car. Its light and easy to carry, just a little large but im okay because the results are amazing and stand better against the wind outdoors. Using B1X with bulb, next will get the glass plate to switch it from the metal one for better light output from the center for better catch light. I tried the westcott when i was using orlit lights in the past. The switch on the beauty dish to change modifier mounts broke off upon arrival. I returned it and still managed to slide some Orlit lights in it. But i like Profoto take on it and have no problem bringing it with me wherever i go. Alot of my clients love the look and said they have never seen something like this before. Anywhoo both are awesome cheers!


Just the video I’ve been looking for J.P! Finally an informative video by an experienced photographer who I have lots of respect for.


Hi TSL fam! So excited to bring you a Laws of Light on mastering the beauty dish! Let me know if you've shot with a beauty dish before. Has anyone used old of the old ones like I show at the beginning of the video?


Thanks a lot for taking the time to COMPARE the different setups of using the foldable soft box. The With Plate/Insert and Without photos really demonstrate the effects of each well. Greatly enjoy watching your vids. Very instructional. Very helpful. Thanks to Grace as well. Beautiful model.


Was looking for a portable beauty dish and this looks great...also the model is beautiful. Great video all round.


2 years ago I purchased a used metal beauty dish w/o insert (used merch). Made a makeshift insert, but never used it. I have a Glow brand collapsible one and use it ALL the time with and w/o grid. After your video, I realize, "Duh...I don't need the metal one anymore!" Thanks for this video...did not hit me that I had duplicate beauty dishes. Out with the old one!!📸📸👌🏽👌🏽


Great tutorial, I'll get this beauty dish


Thank you for the video! It's always good to see side to side comparison in details.


I've found that gear that's inconvenient to use will often stay home. That said I've heard amazing things about Mola beauty dishes. Stay healthy Mr. Morgan! =)


Love my 16" beauty dish that I carry in my off-camera flash sessions. Not foldable but It is my favorite speedlight modifier. Give me that intermediate light between soft and hard (without diffuser). Nice to see a video about this underrated modifier. BTW: I use it at left, at right, in front, not in a classic way but the results are great. Hope to see more Graceanne here. Cheers!


Love your video, I’m very new with flash and didn’t understand what is fall off? Thanks


This is so timely - I just put my beauty dish on a light to experiment with it last evening. Mine is exactly like the hard one you have - but that is fine since it only fits my studio lights anyways. Might look into that portable one for my Travelites though. Another great vid!


I'm new to your channel, love how you explain the details and that, it's not right or wrong but how you want to use it. Thanks for your passion.


I will pick the old school speedotron any day over the new one


Do you use the diffuser on the front of the Wescott beauty dish? If so, when?


Would you compare the silver vs white?


Hi I love these types of sessions that teach and explain about different gear items. I would also love a session on light meters. Just a thought.


I think you used the deflector plate reversed, I think the textured side should face the strobe to make the light spread more even...;)


Question I have a 16 in beauty dish why do I get bad shadow when shooting
