Воздушный ажурный декор из вафельной бумаги для декора тортов /Openwork decor from waffle paper
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(English below)⬇️ Мой директ разрывается в Инстаграм с вопросами, как сделать этот воздушный декор из вафельной бумаги Я провела несколько экспериментов - гладила утюгом вафельную бумагу, запекала, жарила и в результате экспериментов у меня получилось множество текстур, новому курсу быть😃😅! Да, на просторах интернета есть рецепты, но ни один из них мне не подошёл- результат меня не устраивал, то слишком густое «тесто», то метод не тот, то сковорода не та, поэтому пришлось даже купить сковороду с антипригарным покрытием. На керамике не получалось! Учтите это при приготовлении👌🏻
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To make openwork pancakes, you need wafer paper scraps For 5 grams of wafer paper, 100-120 ml of water at a temperature of 30 degrees, so it will soak faster, let it stand for 5 minutes, then punch with a blender, let it stand for 3-5 minutes. Try with different amounts of water and find for yourself the very consistency that you like, you should get a fluid emulsion, similar in consistency to pancake dough. Preheat a nonstick skillet, reduce heat to low, and pour out as you would for a pancake. After a minute, begin to disperse the mixture from the center to the edges so that the edges do not dry out, and the middle is baked. The whole process of making 1 pancake is 2.5-3 minutes. Be guided by your technique. As soon as it begins to separate from the pan, pry up with a spatula and transfer to the wire rack to dry, for 5 minutes. To soften the decor, lightly sprinkle with vodka; after a minute, the decor will become soft. Attach to cakes not with wet creams, this decor does not like moisture.
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Подписывайтесь на соц сети / Мy social media
To make openwork pancakes, you need wafer paper scraps For 5 grams of wafer paper, 100-120 ml of water at a temperature of 30 degrees, so it will soak faster, let it stand for 5 minutes, then punch with a blender, let it stand for 3-5 minutes. Try with different amounts of water and find for yourself the very consistency that you like, you should get a fluid emulsion, similar in consistency to pancake dough. Preheat a nonstick skillet, reduce heat to low, and pour out as you would for a pancake. After a minute, begin to disperse the mixture from the center to the edges so that the edges do not dry out, and the middle is baked. The whole process of making 1 pancake is 2.5-3 minutes. Be guided by your technique. As soon as it begins to separate from the pan, pry up with a spatula and transfer to the wire rack to dry, for 5 minutes. To soften the decor, lightly sprinkle with vodka; after a minute, the decor will become soft. Attach to cakes not with wet creams, this decor does not like moisture.
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