Elite Dangerous emergency radio chatter
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Background radio chatter you hear near damaged starports.
Recorded ingame, shortened quiet time between transmissions and removed (most) duplicates.
Recorded ingame, shortened quiet time between transmissions and removed (most) duplicates.
Elite Dangerous emergency radio chatter
Elite Dangerous - Severely damaged station under evacuation - Fusion reactor exposed
Elite Dangerous combat zone radio chatter
Elite Dangerous Damaged Station Rescue: Random explosion blasts me off course
Elite: Dangerous ambient starport radio chatter and ship traffic background audio
Elite Dangerous - Station Announcer Is A Singaporean!
Elite Dangerous: Damaged Station Rescues
Elite Dangerous - Ambient damaged station sound and radio chatter
Elite Dangerous - Station Emergency Evacuation
Elite Dangerous Vocal Demo for Distant Radio
'Station Defences' - Elite Dangerous
Elite Dangerous ► Station Evacuation (ambience video)
Elite Dangerous New horizons sound
Elite Dangerous - Canopy Breaches are Terrifying
Elite: Dangerous - Fast Ship Evacuation with Passengers from Burning Station to the Rescue Ship
Elite: Dangerous - WARNING:EmergencyProtocol
Elite Dangerous: Conflict Zone with backround radio transmissions
Elite: Dangerous Hello Station Control
Elite Dangerous - Empire's welcome message to me
Elite Dangerous 2.4 Distress Call USS Capital Ship Transmission!!!
Elite Dangerous - Damaged starport glitchy menu
Elite Dangerous Damaged Station Evac
Police Officers Always Hold Their Vests - Here’s Why!
Elite Dangerous Ambient noise at the Ancient Ruins