A different kind of superpower: what it means to be intersex | Susannah Temko | TEDxLondon

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I can’t wait to watch this with the rest of my family, my middle kiddo is intersex and also views it as their superpower and just another beautiful expression of being human. We too were told they would not be happy without surgery but Thanks to intersex people speaking out even 12 years ago I was able to educate myself as a parent and respect my child’s autonomy.
I love what you said to parents and this whole Tedx talk is fantastic, thank you for your vulnerability ❤️


I am not intersex but thank you so much for teaching me a new way of living that I wasn't aware of. The intersex community deserves to be seen and heard and respected 100%, you're no different from anyone else.


To any intersex people in here, you do have a place in this world, a special strong one.


Nice presentation, I am intersex. Africa is still very low on intersex awareness, like in my country Nigeria, some communities kill intersex babies. I wish more could be done to educate the society like Nigeria on intersex.


"The truth is that love, acceptance and refusing to bathe that child in shame will protect them more than trying to fix something that isn't broken" Omg, that is so powerful <3 Thank you, Susannah <3


I am not intersex but I am glad these discussions and presentations are available. I am sorry for all of the humiliation you have endured and am grateful for your courage to help us understand intersex. I am in my early 60’s now and I think it has only been over the past decade or so that intersex has become (...and I am not sure of the right term here...) recognized or appreciated or ?? by the public at large. I am probably wrong on that but so be it, I can only speak from my own experience. As with most major shifts in our society, change has been the result of a few courageous folks who stood tall and proud and helped us understand things we could not, or perhaps would not, see. Bless you for opening our eyes, minds and hearts.


As a blessed mom, raising a superpowered kid like you, thank you from my heart for spreading the word out, so acurate, so gentle and fearless, a million thanks! 💛💜💛✌️


42 years old and I didn't know there was a title for me. Also didn't know that there are so many people like me. As prevalent as redheads. So true that they never counsel or educate you about it. Interesting. Thank you.


I am also intersex.. I am transitioning to female and had surgery when I was little, I was raised as male.


I’m born intersex and this makes me so happy !!!


You're a wonderful speaker and powerful voice for equality. It's a shame that this is not more widely talked about or accepted and I thank you for doing your best to change that.


Well done. Excellent presentation. I too was born intersex and have lived (xx chromosomes) for the past 70 years not fitting in and ashamed of who I am.


Great speech! All intersex people have a place in this world! Like everyone else, they have a right to exist! Thank you for speaking up!


I had a delayed puberty that was found to to be caused by a chromosomal disorder, and I will always remember the taunts that labeled me not as a "she" or a "he" - but as an "it." I consider myself cis, but I argue against the idea of a rigid binary because it helps no one and erases all the people in between. THANK YOU so much for your talk.


Wow! Very well presented! You're a great advocate for intersex people!


Quite the amazing speech!
One of the best, if not- the best TED talk intersex speeches.
I have waited years and decades for a speaker who is precise concise informative and calmly captivates an audience to promote intersex awareness and educate the world about who we are....how we fit in and how we can help alleviate the restrictions on everybody based on simplistic binary thinking!
5 years an activist- thanks for being a part of the intersex education mission!


I too am intersex. It is hard to explain to those that are locked int the binary thinking that xy and xx is not the only parts of the spectrum. Its like they are locked into the contraints and have no way to see beyond it. Even my sister who have known me my whole life still denies it. Thank you for such a great speech.


Brought tears to my eyes. I am not intersex but it sounds absolutely beautiful. I am inspired.


Intersex rocks! No one should be operated on without consent of the person, unless to save their lives.


Thanks for speaking out, the world 🌎 needs compassion and empathy
