Unveiling the Mystery: What Did Jesus Write in the Dirt? (Catholic Reflection)

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Today's Catholic reflection is on John 8. What do the Catholic Saints say regarding what Jesus wrote in the dirt? Saint Thomas Aquinas, in his Catena Aurea (Golden Chain) commentary on John's Gospel, also reflects on this passage, suggesting that Jesus' writing may have been related to the sins of the accusers:

"Hence it is said, ‘He stooped down and with His finger wrote on the ground.’ For Christ wrote the sins of each one; or, as some say, He wrote the commandments of the Law." - Saint Thomas Aquinas, Catena Aurea on John 8:6-8.

Origen, an early Christian theologian and scholar, offered his interpretation of this passage:

"But let us look to the Lord's intent, when, without committing sin Himself, He turned the law against its devisers. When, therefore, they brought the adulteress, He, who was present and knew the secrets of all, laid His hand upon that ancient law, as it were, writing in the ground, and, convicting them of sin, said, 'He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.' He, the true Elijah, when they who were playing the part of adulterers did not smite him, but stood self-convicted by their conscience, 'again stooped down and wrote on the ground.' What He wrote the Gospel does not tell us; but this their conscience suggests to us, that their sins were written in the earth, that, even though it be with an evil conscience, they may depart. For they departed, beginning at the eldest, that they might acknowledge their greater sin, and therefore 'went out one by one, beginning at the eldest.'" - Origen, Homilies on Luke, Homily 13.

Origen's interpretation focuses on Jesus' use of the law to convict the accusers of their own sin and to prompt them to reflect on their actions.

Saint Cyril of Alexandria, in his commentary on John's Gospel, offers his insights into this passage:

"Perhaps He made as though He heard them not, and stooped down and wrote with His finger on the ground, not marking the ground with characters of writing, but making as though He did so. And this was done, that by the delay they might be at leisure to be influenced by their own conscience." - Saint Cyril of Alexandria, Commentary on John, Book 4, Chapter 8.

What does Scripture say in John 8?
And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came to him, and sitting down he taught them.And the scribes and the Pharisees bring unto him a woman taken in adultery: and they set her in the midst

And said to him: Master, this woman was even now taken in adultery.
Now Moses in the law commanded us to stone such a one. But what sayest thou?
And this they said tempting him, that they might accuse him. But Jesus bowing himself down, wrote with his finger on the ground.When therefore they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said to them: He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

And again stooping down, he wrote on the ground.
But they hearing this, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest. And Jesus alone remained, and the woman standing in the midst. Then Jesus lifting up himself, said to her: Woman, where are they that accused thee? Hath no man condemned thee? Who said: No man, Lord. And Jesus said: Neither will I condemn thee. Go, and now sin no more.
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Amen🙏🏽 Thank you Jesus for your mercy and compassion🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Amen..Lord have mercy on us and forgive our sins 🙏 💔 amen


Wow! Jesus is mercy and forgiven
Amen 💕 🙏 💕 🙏 💕 🙏 💕


This revelation comes from Maria Valtorta’s writings in The Poem of the ManGod.


As a Catholic, this is just too Protestant for me.


An incredible story! It was inserted into John around the 5th century. Some fan fiction is just too good to leave out.


So here's what I believe happened:
(Jer 17:13)
Lord, you are the hope of Israel; all who forsake you will be put to shame. Those who turn away from you will be written in the dust because they have forsaken the Lord,  the spring of living water.

So what I've noticed is that Jesus bases a lot of what he says on the Old Testament (Torah). Even some of the things he said on the cross and at the last meal can be found in the Old Testament. So I think this too is a referral to the Old Testament. So he most likely wrote down their names in the dust and they knew what that meant as scholars of the Torah.


If you enjoyed my story telling, please give generously when the collection comes around.


God forgets our sins the moment we repent and change our ways.


Exactly, Jesus wrote each one of the accusers' adultery relationship with the woman they brought.


He was calculating his own errors he had made that day, or regarding that topic, that would bring his perspective to their level, to know the right thing to say


Perhaps when they we're telling Jesus what was written, Jesus writing in the dirt what his low key way of saying,
"you mean back when I wrote it "


Why the elders were the first to drop the stones and walk away after hearing Jesus response?


Fantastical story. Breathy voice sounds authoritative. Oh wait... No it doesn't. Myth has everything in common with human imagination.


The point was the act of writing, not the content of the writing. That's John's whole point in not telling us what Jesus wrote. Jesus was declaring his divine authority by writing in the dust he had created man from just as he had written the ten commandments on the tablets of stone he gave to Moses. The elders, the leaders of the mob, understood the significance of his act and walked away, not having the courage to challenge him, and the rest followed. Jesus had demonstrated his authority over them and the Law and everyone understood it. They hated him for it, but they would not raise a hand against him. They would await a later moment when they could get someone else to do their dirty work for them.


Assumptions are not good ! Isnt what youve geard and seen enough.


Why didn't write something on paper?


The same hand that wrote the commandments


Makin shit up... "this is just a guess, some speculate...". It's called fiction for a reason


Zoroaster is the truth, follow the fire of light.
