12 | JMeter | CMD |

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How to run JMeter from command line
- GUI consumes memory, slower
- integrate with any external process CI CD
How to run JMeter test from command line
How to log results
How to see command line help and options
How to run from any location on your system (add in Path env variables)

Step 1 - Open Command line > Goto JMeter’s bin folder
Run the command

jmeter -n -t “location of your test file” -l “location of results file”

Linux / Mac
sh jmeter -n -t “location of your test file” -l “location of results file”

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Dankeschön. Sehr kurz und gut erklärt...👍


You are doing good job sir kepp going like this only sir lots of love from Andhra


Hello Raghav, do you know why by command line, jMeter won't generate in the .CSV file the post put delete requests? It captures only get request, thank you!


When attempted, in console i got error msg as -n -t -l "redbus2report.csv"
An error occurred: The file doesn't exist or can't be opened
errorlevel=1. can you check and assist at this point


If one wants to start this carriers in testing. What he can start with sir???


Hello sir, please help i have followed all the process which you have mentioned in the video but, when i click on run button after entering all the path in cmd the test is not stopping its continuously on running mode. can anyone pls help what is the solution. i have checked heap memory also that is also fine. but my test is not stopping.

please answer i need it urgently


@Raghval Sir I have 2 script test1.jmx and test2.jmx I want to run both script parallel in NON GUI Mode on Windows. I have no idea how to run it. I have only idea to run one script from non gui which I learnt from you. jmeter -n "test1.jmx" -l "results.csv"
Please please guide me.


Sir ...can u pls ..suggest resource..for Real-time devops aws ci cd pipeline project..for free ....to put on to resume
