Cardinal Sins: Resisting Pope Francis (Episode 11)

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As the Four Cardinals make their historic stand against revolution in the Vatican, several bishops and one more cardinal move in to support them. Michael Matt tackles the question of what to do when a pope goes wrong. Do faithful lay Catholics have a role in stopping Pope Francis and the Modernists who put him in charge, or should the threat of causing scandal cause all of us to keep silent?

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Good on these Cardinals for standing up to the Pope!


We must not and cannot leave Christ because of Judas. WE cannot leave the church even if this pope is bad. WE must remain and fight from within


We need to pick up the rosary in prayer every day for the church .No matter what agony our church is in we need to stand with her in the truth.We need to stand with the truth.Not with persons, BUT THE TRUTH!


Please pray the Rosary daily. Our Church is reeling from this Freemasonic heretic. God bless us all.


So glad I found your channel. Committed convert for 20 years (having been sent to a wonderful Catholic school as a child) but recently been hit on all sides by evangelicals. The sex abuse scandals had me wondering whether to leave the Church but you guys have helped me understand why I must and can stay.


In my church, they change priests ever few years. The priest doesn't know the people, who are divorced or who is living with someone or who is a Satanist etc.. They just give communion to everyone. But I understand you commit a sin if you are not pure and take the communion.
The biggest problems I have with Francis is him telling us God is not a magician. What? Didn't Jesus ask his Father to raise people from the dead? Did he not bless a few fish and bread and feed 5 thousand people?
Then Francis tells us we shouldn't try to convert or try to convince others of our faith. What? Didn't Jesus tell his apostles to go out and make converts of everyone? Didn't Saint Francis during a crusade, go risk his life and cross the battle lines to go and try and convert the Sultan himself? Instead this P. Francis goes to a mosque and faces toward Mecca to pray with the mullah. Let's not forget Pope John Paul II kissing the koran either and so on and on.


I'm still recovering from when he called THOSE priests animals, i.e., the priests who were not supporting parishioners who are irregular unions, etc. A real loving guy who loves everyone else but his own troops!


well, I'm not going to abandon my faith and Catholic believes. but I'm going to study and pray more for protection. thank you for warning us.


Excellent! Michael Matt, thank you so much for your work. I especially like your thoughts toward the end of the video. Blessings!


Francis has hardly said anything about Christian values - or of a deep spiritual depth - it's all social justice communism and 'progressive issues' he even states things that are diametrically opposed to simple Christian values - actually sat in Westminster Cathedral and instead of a homily we were hectored about ecology and using the right type of light bulbs designated by the EU. No mention of the lesson! Perhaps this is a contribution to the "... great falling away ...". If the Sacraments mean anything (which they do) - then allowing pagans and other religions take part in the sacred 'celebrating' Mass, as Jean Paul II did is a dangerous sign. Ephesians C:6


If the pope destroys the Church he isn't the pope. The Vicar of Christ on earth doesn't destroy the Church.


We are living in the times foretold in visions to Pope Leo XIII.


This video essentially expresses so many of my thoughts. Very grateful that at least a few people see through the lies and the "stuff of nightmare." I love the Holy Father(s) and I pray for them regularly... but it is hard to walk along as a "sheep" when your shepherd is using his crook at your feet in stead of guiding your neck.


True, we Trads are not the only ones who fight against what is happening in the Church anymore. But I am afraid that we are still the only ones who would not be happily satisfied with a return to the teachings of the "Great" John Paul II. Some, I am afraid would be satisfied going back to Pope Benedict. What is needed to for Cardinals to stand up and say that the Second Vatican Council is null and void, as it truly is. For those who wish a restoration of the Church, there can be no going back to ANY post Vatican II times.


A couple of years ago, I was looking at the Duomo di Siena and I pondered whether Jesus or his disciples would feel comfortable in such a place with it's black and white striped motif. Because, to me, it borders on ostentatious and risks covering over the simple truth that is God and Jesus Christ. And it occurred to me that if Satan had thousands of years on earth to prepare for his shot at the throne, he would undoubtedly do everything in his power to cover over the truth, literally and figuratively. He would redefine the thesis, God, as the antithesis. White becomes black. Truth becomes lies. Marriage gives way to divorce. Homosexuality overshadows the union of husband and wife. Chaos and ambiguity become the new order. Slowly, insidiously, evil becomes not only acceptable but good. The church becomes Babylon.

And it struck me that we are forced daily to make false choices, the lesser of two evils. The Hegelian dialectic. And we are constantly wiggled free of our moorings and moved closer to the darkness and further from the light. Now we have a "pope, " a spiritual leader, who tells us to be less rigid, to be more tolerant, to make a mess of things, that doubt is the key to a life of faith. And it dawns on me that my soul might be at risk if I follow this man's teachings because he appears to be redefining truths in the same manner that Satan might in order to deceive. In order to steal souls. And this "pope" talks of collegiality and dialogue but it's a charade; he prefers darkness and cunning and slight of hand. Like a thief. And his many sycophants, or minions, use their own deceptive practices to conceal the truth with carefully crafted words, doublespeak and deceit.

I firmly believe the Catholic Church is at a critical juncture. A thorough reading of Bergoglio quotes and headlines since his installation clearly indicate that he is destroying the church from within. There is a war raging right now, a war for our souls.


This is very scary 😱 especially when I've seen this video & many like this you've made. Please keep it coming & may the Lord be with you


Thanks for your video! I find it very encouraging during this difficult times in the Church.


Thank you Mr Matt for being outspoken, for speaking out for many of us silent Catholics who love the Catholic Church! I like your way of discerning the situation and trying to find the solution according to the Sensus catholicus. The Lord warns us against being judgemental (the measure we use will be used for us) but He wants us to persevere in the Truth. The trial we are going through is part of a process of purification or it is a chastisement, as you said, and God is in charge.
Resistance from within can only succeed if each one of us, apart of our prayers and worship of God in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, go the way of sanctification, of interior growth, fighting against our own sinfulness (the worst enemy is within ourselves). It will help us to be strong (and full of the Holy Spirit) to be able to face whatever comes upon us and to help others to find the way to Heaven through the Catholic faith. We have great helpers in Heaven, armies of angels and great saints, and above all, Our Lady, who will crush the head of the serpent. THE HOLY ROMAN CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH IS ALIVE in each faithful Catholic who loves the Church and prays for Her.


I pray that Cardinal Sarah is our next Pope!


I'm a new convert, since June '14. The more I learn about the faith, and the current state of the Church, I can't help but see it through the lens of the Church being in its own passion. If VATICAN II, and the Novus Ordo are the scourging of the body, and our crown of thorns, should we not expect such pain? Are we not meant to accept it as our Lord did?
