Mom Sues Daughter’s Ex-Friend after Hawaiian Vacation | Part 1

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Christina says her daughter’s former friend owes her money for expenses incurred on a Hawaiian vacation.


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My friends parents never let me pay for anything. Now that I’m a parent, if my son invites a friend, I’m covering the cost.


I absolutely believe every word this young lady is saying. This mother and daughter are real pieces of work, act like they're better because they have more money, but demonstrating clearly that money can't buy class.


growing up anytime we took a family trip and **invited** friends we took care of most of the trip, they just brought spending money for souvenirs and stuff. 🤷🏽‍♂️ it's kinda petty.


This mother felt it was necessary to repeat a handful of times that her daughter s ex friend was struggling financially. How sad.


this is ridiculous in my opinion… you help people out of the kindness of your heart. i would have absolutely no problem paying for my child’s friend to join in on a vacation. even if they’re not friends anymore, there is no reason to sue. this mother is the epitome of CHILDISH


this mother has clearly only brought this girl to court to make a point. what exactly does that teach her daughter? don’t worry, honey. any time you fall out with a friend who we’ve done nice things for in the past, we’ll take them to court, because your friends should live with the fear that if they are no longer friends with you, there will be financial consequences.


That's the first judge Judy case I've seen where both parties answer her questions swiftly and structured without interrupting the other.


This is petty I'd never do this to someone invited with my family.


My heart hurts for the girl she looks like she’s trying her hardest to hold back tears


Its great to see a mother teaching her child how to be a sad geebag


I watched that and was like wow!
You’re helping someone who isn’t as financially set and yet you charge them for dinner? Just classless and disgusting!


My parents always handled the expense of my friends during vacations growing up. I would never expect my daughters friends to pay either. How disgusting. Don't invite people especially young people and expect them to pay.

She's a teenager. Don't invite your friends kids and not expect to pay for everything for them! Especially for unexpected adventures.


Irene you really dodged a bullet by getting away from these people. They never cared or loved you. Their actions show this. Glad you realised that and split from this toxic family. The Lewis family are awful people. The mother Christina Lewis and her daughter Brianna truly embarrassed themselves. It’s like they punished Irene just for removing herself from their grip, influence and control. Irene pay the petty fine and never look back. Irene wishing you the best x


If I were the adult hosting a trip for my kid and her friend we invited, I would cover the expenses smh 🤦🏻‍♀️ this woman is so cheap.


If my daughter was being sued I would not let her show up alone. The plaintiff is a horrible human being.


you can tell her she is extra salty from being unfriended lmfao.


She invited her to Hawaii. That is like inviting someone to dinner. And having them pay the bill.


Suing a girl — your daughter’s friend! *_Shame ON YOU!_*


Most times when families take their kids friends with them on a vacations, they’re just using them so their own kids don’t feel miserable being alone with parents


I am beyond embarassed for this mother. I dont know whats worse....deliberately trying to humiliate this young girl clearly because she didnt like what she saw in their personalities over time or being so money driven that 200 dollars matters more than anything else!!! This was a tough one to watch. Shes not supposed to get everything right at 19 but the mother should know better. I have grown up children and i have always told their friends if they are struggling in any way they can come to me for anything and if they needed any financial help i would help them and nobody else would know about it and that it also wldnt be a loan. Ive specifically always told them that even if they fell out (as people often do) and didnt want to be friends any matter who was right or wrong that any help i had given them in any way wouldnt have anything to do with anything so that they didnt have to worry about me turning on them when the going got tough. I have helped many many times and i was just happy to be able to help someone who need it more than me and i would do it again in a heartbeat. I really hope this young lady is doing well and i hope she knows that its legally a win for them but morally which is much more important....well...oh dear!!
