GMG Reviews - Warmachine: 2 Player Starter Set (2024) by Steamforged Games

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The fourth edition of Warmachine and the first starter set and plastic models from Steamforged Games are arriving on the scene in November. Let's check this first offering out with the Cygnarans and Khadorans heading to war!

Thanks to SFG for the complimentary copy of the box to review.

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i agree not having anything to start playing.. even if just a stripped down version misses the point of a starter pack for me


I like that rules and stats are online. However, the build instructions must be in the box and I think a quickplay guide should be there too.


Wow!!! Hard plastic Warmachine!!! Never thought I'd see the day... Really hope SFG can turn this around and bring the game back to prominence!!!


They should have called it Age of Cygnar


It feels like a million years ago, but when I got into the heroclix run of BattleTech, I'd get two dice and a ribbon measuring tape. I still use them sometimes.


Is this the Spirit Airlines of war gaming?


Alright here the review I've been looking for!


So you get a few sprue frames and an advert with some QR codes on it. What a depressing box.


Thanks for the review! Looking forward to see you playing. I do think the Warmachine app is pretty good.


Seeing Warmachine in HIPS is a dream come true. Really hyped to get my pre-order and build it.


Hard plastic is a huge win, and something that Privateer Press originally should have probably attempted to transition to far sooner than they actually did. I recognize that it's now under Steamforged Games, I'm just saying that maybe the game wouldn't have stumbled and fallen as badly as it did IF hard plastic - for more than just a few warjacks - had been available.

I will agree that this particular box doesn't scream "starter set" - this is a You're already familiar with this game, we're counting on you coming back to play again, here are cool minis to get you started set. From what I saw it doesn't even look like the packaging or the inserts have much information in the way of what the game or the setting is even about. It's just... vaguely steampunk/dieselpunk minis here ya go enjoy.


I like the new miniatures i've seen so far, but this "starter" box is a swing and a miss.


I've been playing Warmachine since early Mk1. This is a "beginners set" in that you get 2x complete, small starter armies that are 30pts each. I would say it is not targeted at the brand new to wargamer customers in that it assumes that anyone interested in this will already have d6 and tape measures. Sexy tokens would be nice, but a dozen coins or other similar items will suffice. The lack of other contents may be in an effort to offset the tooling costs of the miniatures and keep costs low - GW having inhouse mold making and production is a *massive* advantage. -- Yes, you will want to play these models repeatedly after you start adding on to them with additional units. While every single item in the box is a character, and not modifiable like in WH40K, each of the warcasters is listed in the rules app with half of the spells pre-selected and the other half chosen by the player. -- Mk4 is a fantastic rules set, very similar to the previous editions but all of the fiddly, pain in the rump, slows down the game parts of the rules are replaced with quick and easy mechanics. I think I've had more fun playing Mk4 than any other edition of the game, with the app being an absolute gem. Any fence-sitting veterans *need* to download the Mk4 app. Get ready to dig out your old armies.


I tried getting into WM back in the day. There were so many models I liked. I love the new models, my only issue with WM has always been that you can’t make custom casters(or whatever they are called now). I like the idea of personalizing my faction in some way and I was never really able to do that with WM.
I hope it does well and I’m not sure I won’t buy some of the new stuff. That one thing has always been my own personal pet peeve with it.


Crazy to see this resurgence. I never got into the game but came up with Warhammer 3/4th edition and saw Warmachine rise


No instructions? That's just pathetic.


Those in the comments probably didn't know, but there were a bunch of hard plastic hips kits for WM III; a lot of the collosals and jacks were plastic.


Ash when do we get to see the battle report? Your Mkiii reports helped sell me on getting into the game

We just started actively rebuilding our Warmachine community our first day in an flgs had 5 of us and actually gained some interest from other people in the store.


Looking forward to your Halo review.
10/10 Christmas day test.


Not played Warmachine for 12 years, this set has got me so excited. Pre-ordered and ready to go. Have no need for paper instructions, you only have to build these once and the sprues are coded for every model. The app works great for playing, I do wish there was a one page quick play, but I’ll survive.
Amazing looking models.
