Freedom Writers - One day my war will end.. [One Sentence Contest]

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Everybody thinks we should be happy, because we are young, they don't see the war we fight every single day.. and one day my war will end.. and I will not die.

This sentence is about the drama and how it should be, but mostly it's about to be strong. Because if you can say you will survive it, it means you are strong and not gonna give up!

It's from Freedom Writers. This vid is specially about Eva.

It's not how I saw it in my head, but yeah it's not that bad I hope xD I just love the movie and the story's of every person, they deserve to be heard :D

Song: Start Again by Red
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This video made me watch Freedom Writers and I can say honestly, it's the best film I've ever seen. This is so wonderful :)


this little clip brought tears to my eyes


I already said it but this video is just amazing. & you really made me watch this movie. I gotta thank you for that because it's just wonderful! Thank you! We had a speaking exercice for English. Had to choose our fav quote & show a video with it. I showed yours because this describes what the movie is about. <3


Awesome video and awesome sentence, great job and good luck! :D


@TheWolfsMoon yea you are right, I mean, we don't have a real 'war' but you find yourself back in this quote because we do fight our wars against everyone. Agains bullies, being happy with yourselfs, fights. That's the war we fight & we will not die, because we won't give up. We are strong. That's what I think what I really means, for us...


@TheDarkestSecretsx You're welcome! I'm glad I could help.
I think the quote not only shows were the movie is about, but I think everybody can find themselves in the quote too.


@TheDarkestSecretsx I was exactly thinking the same.
