OPEN MAT GRAPPLING (GAIN CONFIDENCE as a Beginner) BJJ Over 40? Is She Wasting Their Time?

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Can you start jiujitsu if you're over 40? How in shape jiujitsu do you have to be? What if you're the smallest on the mats? In this video we talk about how to train when you don't feel confident. #bjjbeginner #trainforlife

One of our sisters writes: I just got my first stripe so am about 4 months in (and am a 50 yr old 110 lb female) and freeze as soon as we start rolling at the end of class. I’m usually the only girl with a bunch of strong, young (but very nice and patient) guys, so I always feel like I’m wasting their time!

Here is a video explaining:
Why start Jiu Jitsu as a small female?
Can you start Jiu Jitsu over 40 years old?

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IG: @realizebjjlife


Female BJJ White Belt Beginner? After this video watch:
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This one will help you feel more confident!! xoxoxo!!!


Thank you for all your videos! I'm 37 yr old female just starting. It is intimidating having everyone else in class younger and mostly men. It is nice to hear of other older women doing this also. I feel so out of place but your videos help me with the internal battle. So thank you so very much!!!


Hold up-that comment was mine!! I feel famous ;) I need to hire you as my life coach! I like the mantra of “I’m the most valuable person on the mat.” Thankfully, my coach has a “self-defense” mindset, so he is encouraging—very grateful for that and his patience. I’ve been much braver in class, but I still haven’t made it to Open Mat, so my goal is to force myself to go this Saturday. I GOT THIS. Thank you for your videos!!! You’re the best!


Omg…this video was made for me! Yesterday, I was at my absolute lowest when it came to my confidence on the mat. Last night was one of those nights where the whole “people can and will always learn from white belts/everyone was once a white belt” mentally went out the window. Being that I’m only a month and a half in, I was being extremely hard on myself, despite seeing the little bit of progress I’ve been making within the last two weeks. I definitely needed this kind of pep talk though, because I truly felt like I had nothing to offer when rolling with the higher ranks. It hasn’t been easy being one of the very few women who train at my gym. Especially when my main focus as a white belt is to learn how to survive and build proper defense skills. So thank you for the words of encouragement! Imma proudly keep rolling as a woman and do what I need to do to keep climbing the ranks! 🤙🏼 OSS!


I love to roll with lighter less skilled people. I go easy and can a try a lot of stuff that I usually can't try with stronger higher belts. So, stronger, higher skilled partners force me to get a better defense (just survive!) - lighter, lower skilled partners allow me to try new stuff, in a light, more technical roll. So, no, you won't waste my time at all!


I thought I was the only BJJ person in the world who played cello. Nice to see that there is someone else that has found a way to reconcile the two!


I love all of the stories that you share, wish I had found your channel in my first year!! ❤️


Great inspiration! I'm 46 and so it's fantastic to hear of other 'older' (lol) women starting out with BJJ.

I'm finding your videos really helpful, e.g. last week I followed the 'go fast' advice and managed to get mount on another utter noob by springing at him. He was bigger, stronger, fitter and younger so I was pretty amazed even to have got there - and even more so when I held it for 2 mins using your advice from your video on keeping the mount. Was super inspiring. Of course afterwards my roll went: bottom of mount, bottom of side control, tapped on arm bar, bottom of side control, tapped on arm bar etc etc, but that first 2 mins was gravy.

This week I am starting strength training :D


I cope with sarcasm so I’ll just ask someone “hey you want to kick my ass for 5 minutes?” 😉😉. The actual rolling part doesn’t intimidate me as much as asking someone to roll so I guess that is progress.


Im often shy in class and get abit scared to ask higher belts as I worry they may hurt me
