What are the seven seals of Revelation? | GotQuestions.org

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The seven seals are one of a series of end-times judgments from God. The seals are described in Revelation 6:1–17 and 8:1–5. What are the seven seals of Revelation, and what do the 7 Seals in revelation mean? In this video, Pastor Nelson with Bible Munch answers the question, “What are the seven seals of Revelation?”.

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idk if youll see this but this was a great video; God bless all of my fellow believers in Christ Jesus, I love y'all and stay faithful; to God :)


I saw the seven seals and there was a face behind it, but I wasn't worthy enough. Every day is an effort to return and be worthy upon finding them again.


I’m saved so I fear not! Whatever comes, comes, and I’m done for whatever. Sure it will look crazy but if your know you’re going to heaven, you’ll be happy to go there, it’s like going through a crazy workout, the pain means gain and you’ll gain peace love & happiness forever!!!!


The seals are not all opened up within the 7 year tribulation. Remember, our timing, and Gods timing are way different. We are currently within the 4th seal. There will be no pre tribulation rapture. That is not biblical / false doctrine. Matthew 24:29-31, Jesus very plainly tells us, AFTER the tribulation. We will be saved from God's wrath. The tribulation and God's wrath are not the same event.


I hope I’m not on Earth when this goes down


I heard that the laveithan is awaken and it’s head already start moving
I need to return to God and set myself right before it’s to late I need the holy gost in my life I have spending way to much time on worldly things that doesn’t belong to God immediately 😢


For 69 yrs of my Christian life of my 75 yrs on this planet; I was confused about the "7 Seals". Because I find that every one has different thesis'. This bugged me to no end...

So, 15 yrs ago (90 now), I kneeled upon my bedside; and cried out to Jesus; to give me "Wisdom, Understanding and the Truth".

Thus today, my belief on these 7 Seals is this (in numerical order):

# 1. White...stands for "Purity". And there will never be anything as pure; as Jesus. Thus, Jesus opened this Seal; and a baby was born in "Bethlehem"; beginning one of the most "dynamic" eras in history; until this very day. Praise His Holy Name.

# 2. Red...To me the word "Red" in the bible; has often meant "blood". Thus, Jesus opens this Seal; when the Roman Catholic Church; tortured and/or murdered over 50 million Christians, from 538 AD to 1798 AD. Oh yes! AKA: "Time, Times and half Times"!. Or: 1, 260 yrs.

# 3. Black...darkness and bad, bad era. Thus, Jesus opens this Seal; and the whole world will suffer of "Famines"; that have NEVER happened to this day. For it is just before the "Great Tribulation". And it is Jesus' wrath; against what "WE" have let happen over 2, 000 yrs. Sad, but oh so true!

# 4. Grey/Pale...Horrid illnesses. Thus, Jesus opens this Seal; and "Plagues" all over the world pop up; that have never happened to this day; until at the very door of the GT. Again, Jesus' wrath, for what we have done.

# 5. During the first part of the GT; Jesus will open this Seal; and Jesus' children cry out...Revelation 6:10 How long, O Jesus, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them (that hurts us) that dwell on the earth?...Revelation 6:11 And white robes were given unto every one (born again) of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

# 6. Then satan and his 200 million "Fallen" Angels; are given just 5 months "in the flesh" on earth (GT). And when satan sees; that he was UN able to kill the "Born Again" (For Jesus' angels, had hidden us and fed us "Manna"); satan becomes livid. So he creates a worldwide "law": "NO one will be able to buy or sell ANY thing; if they do not have my 'Mark of the Beast' (666)!

(Notice # 6. I do not believe it's just a Coincidence; but it might be! Then the 7th "Trumpet" blows and now the "Rapture"...And last; but NOT EVER the least)...

# 7 (means "Fulfillment") Now Jesus has, on "Judgment Day", been proven that He is the ONLY one that is "Worthy" enough; to open the last and "Seventh Seal". Also, proving that Jesus WAS, IS and shall ALWAYS the ONLY true God; there will ever have been. AMEN!
Not to mention that Jesus WAS the Creator. And He also was the one; that wrote the "Book of Life". That he put the "7 Seals" on in the first place! So the Seals "begin" with Jesus and "ended" with Jesus. Proving..."Alpha to Omega!". Hallelujah; and shout it to the highest Mountains!

Proving that the "Word of God" has never been a book. But Jesus alone is the true "WORD" of God. Believe it or not. And Praise His Precious Holy Name. Where...John 1:1 and 14; proves this to the "Nth" degree; to what the "Word" of God really is: "JESUS"...AMEN!
Brethren, could I be wrong? ABSOLUTELY YES! But all others, could be wrong too..

...In any case, Please Pray OFTEN and Praise Jesus OFTEN; for He is the ONLY true "God Almighty"; there will ever have been. And may Jesus bless you and yours always. AMEN!


Daniel 8:19
King James Version
19 And he said, Behold, I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation: for at the time appointed the end shall be.


Same as the 6 days of Genesis and God rested on the 7th


Just as King Xerxes's seal had to be broken, unleashing Haman's destruction of the Jews, so must the 7 seals be broken. Once a word is spoken, it can not be retracted, but it can be altered, as Jesus did, warned of, and added to.


The Seven Seals are each a 1, 000 year period of time we are in The Sixth Seal now and soon to be in the 7th thank God


The fifth seal is aligned with the sign given by Christ in Matt 24 immediately following the beginning of birth pains. It's not the tribulation yet. The great tribulation doesn't actually begin until after we see the signs of the sixth seal revelation. It's culmination is revealed in the seventh seal revelation.


If it’s the judgment of God, why couldn’t anyone open it? Seems like we’re all condemned so why not all of us open it at once.


I just found out learned that god is like a play writer of a opera play and the seals are like his play book


When does the sixth seal appear - before the millenium reign or after? Why does it describe a vanishing of the universe? Because only after the millenium everything will be destroyed and made new, isnt it?



Daniel 2:32-33
Belly and Thighs of Brass = Grecian Empire

Daniel 7:5
3rd Beast
Leopard = Grecian Empire

Revelation 13:2
Like a leopard = Grecian Empire

Daniel 8:21
He-Goat with horn = Grecian Empire

Revelation 6:5-6
Third Seal
Black Horse = Greek Empire (330 BCE - 63 BCE)

Revelation 6:5-6
5. And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.

6. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A choenix of wheat for a denarius, and three choenikes of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.

The BLACK HORSE represents: Trade

Then the Black Horse rider who is "Alexander the Great",
Also had balances in his hand to put food on their plate.
The Greeks traded Oil and Wine to get their barley and wheat.
This represents the Grecian Empire after Medo-Persia's defeat.

{ A denarius was a common wage for a day's work, during that time in Greek history, and a choenix was a Greek dry measurement which was about a quart by our meansurement today of wheat or three choenikes which is about 3 quarts of barley are basically subsistence diets.} Wheat

[scales] BALANCES

This represents the Grecian Empire which became a great world trading power and is why it says " I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, a measure of wheat for a penny, three measures of barley for a penny", because it covered all the old empire territory and the new one to come, the Roman Empire.

Christianity and Civilization - 1947, page 49:

Since the soil of Greece was not good for grain and other staple foods. The Greeks sought these products through trade and thus developed into a seafaring, venturesome people.

A History of Civilization - 1960, page 50:

In ancient times, therefore, little could be grown in summer except drought resistant fruit like olives and grapes. For the rest, the farmers produced barley and other grains that could be harvested in the early summer, wine, honey, and very little else.


Olives into Olive Oil

Grapes into Wine

A History of Civilization - 1960, page 51:

The Greeks quite early carried on an active maritime trade; they exchanged the olive oil and wine of the Aegean world for the metals, grains, and slaves needed in the homeland.

A Survey of European Civilization - 1939, page 37:

With wheat from Egypt, wine and olive oil from Greece, spices from Arabia, or tin from Britain providing ready cargoes for the ships as they moved back and forth like shuttles weaving a vast web, irresistibly into a single complex economic and cultural pattern.

A Survey of European Civilization - 1939, page 41:

Greeks had, at first, little to offer until they increased their production of wine and olive oil and began to manufacture products for sale.

Exploring The Old World - 1965, page 93 and 94:

As more Greek tribes moved into the valleys, the people found that they could not grow enough food there. They began to plant figs, grapes and olives on the hillsides. From the olives they made olive oil. This was a precious product. The Greeks used it for cooking, as butter, as a body lotion, and as oil for their lamps. In the valleys and on the coastal plains they raised WHEAT, BARLEY, and vegetables. Because there was so little good land in Greece, they used ever bit they could to give them food and materials for their clothing. The farmers produced more of some foods than they could use at home. They traded these foods, such as olive oil and wine, with Egyptian and Phoenician merchants for much needed grain. The ancient Greeks raised olive trees on their hillsides. From the olives they pressed olive oil which was a rich food product and also valuable for trade. Today it is still an important product of Greece and one of her chief exports.

Wisdom of The West - 1959, page 33:

The soil of Greece is not suitable for cultivation on a large scale. As the population grew it thus became necessary to import grain from everywhere.

We have learned, the balances in the hand, represents the great trading empire of Greece had become, and why it speaks of wheat and barley being measured, it was needed in Greece, because they could not grow much of it. They were not to hurt the oil or wine for they were their greatest trading products.

History proves what the Scriptures are talking about.

"Alexander the Great" (3rd Seal - Black Horse)

He rides in on the Black horse, Alexander the Great, with

balances in his hand along with the weight. But first the goat

with the notable horn had to break the horns of the ram to

deliver it’s fate. The Grecian Empire became the third beast,

when they conquered Medo-Persia from the East.

"I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A choenix of

wheat for a denarius, and three choenikes of barley for a

denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine." Greece traded

the oil and the wine for grains like barley and wheat. This was

done before becoming the Grecian Empire, so they could eat.

Olives and grapes was about all Greece could grow. Very little

barley and wheat could they sow. From the Olives and grapes

they made the oil and the wine, one from a tree the other a vine.

The barley and wheat they had to buy and it was only through

trade that they could get enough for them a supply.

© By Gary Wendell Stanfield

Downfall of the Grecian Empire:

Daniel 8:2

Now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation, but not in his power.

People Become Civilized by Trevor Cairns, page 92, copyright 1974.

Alexander the Great died and four of his generals split the Greek Empire amongst themselves.


Egypt: General Ptolemy


Syria: General Seleucus


Thrace: General Lysimachus


Macedonia: General Cassander

© Study By Gary W. Stanfield


Taught that reffering to rastafari... Haile Selassie


When Death shows up, why is Hades behind him? Is it saying hell is behind him or is it actually another person?


Irvin Baxter on youtube explains seals.


It’s not 144, 000 Jews who will be protected. It’s the children of Israel. Jews reject Christ which is why they are Jews and not Christians.

The lost tribes of Israel is who Jesus came to save. Those that fell away from God to worship false gods. Remember, Israel is not a country, but a people. God’s blessing was bestowed upon them when he promised Jacob’s descendants would be as numerous as the stars.
