ADHD And The Struggle To Regularly Exercise - My Tips To Overcome Barriers!

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I was diagnosed with ADHD this year, and the more I’ve learned about it, the more that all the struggles I’ve faced with fitness, regular exercise, nutrition, and yo-yo dieting make sense.

Impulsivity, the tendency to overthink, difficulty staying on schedule. These things can be a problem for anyone, but those with ADHD (or even just general mental health struggles) may find these to be an even more significant obstacle for getting and staying in shape.

In this video, I talk about my top tips to overcome these barriers (while listening to your body) while dealing with things like:

-Being clumsy and bad at sports
-Staying motivated when you’re feeling impatient about your progress
-The natural tendency to be all or nothing and finding the middle ground
-Really low energy due to mental exhaustion; how this affects my workouts and how I adjust accordingly

These tips are meant to help ANYONE who is struggling to keep consistent with their routine.


The Truth About ADHD & Exercise (and the Hardest Barriers we Face)

▶︎3 Tips To STOP Over Eating And Being ‘All Or Nothing’ With Fitness

▶︎15k Steps A Day- How I Stay Lean On High Calories (average of 2100 calories)

Hey friends, I need your help!!

I’m currently conducting research for a project I’m working on about professional women 30+, (with or without ADHD) who are working towards their fitness goals and struggling to balance their career goals and busy lives.

If this is you and you’re open to it, I would really appreciate it if we could hop on a quick call and I could ask you a few questions. This info will not be shared with anyone.

Here’s a link to my calendly so you can pick a time that works best for you:

P.s. If you know anyone else who would be interested send them my way!

Follow me!!


ADHD And The Struggle To Regularly Exercise - My Tips To Overcome Barriers!
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HELP, PLEASE! I’m working on something really important, and I need your help!
I’m doing some research for a project on people with ADHD (or people who relate to the traits - you don’t need to be diagnosed) who are struggling with their fitness and nutrition.

If you can relate to:
🪀 a lifelong cycle of yo-yo dieting/struggling with your weight
😓 all-consuming stress and shame about your body,
😐 constant guilt about not being good enough with your nutrition and workouts
🫠 low energy & brain fog
…I’d LOVE to speak with you and ask you a few questions.

Thanks SO MUCH in advance!


Finally someone who actually has adhd giving tips.


15 k is toooo muccch! U r a workout queee


Hello cool that you are doing your research how is it going?


Thank you much for this video Laura. 💗 I feel like I've been typing in some variation of "exercise and ADHD" to YouTube for months and not quite finding anything like I needed and this was so it. In my 20s I always thought working out would start to come more naturally come my 30s (or that there'd at least be less resistance lol) and now that I'm here, boy was I wrong 🤣. So happy to have found your channel! 😍😩 Thanks again, Subscribed!


Thank you for this. I was in a really good routine with working out, then life got busy and now I can't seem to get back on track.


What triggers the crying. Because this happened to me and I was so confused.


Got prescribed dexedrine weeks ago for ADHD and my life really improved


Thanks for this subscriber here ❤❤


Hi Lauraaa! Actually, I was looking for solutions regarding ADHD and by magic I found this video, you know I have been part of your team for a long time so if you are still in this project I would like to join, I struggle with my time, and my goals, I'm same as you


OOOH this is so good, as a fellow ADHDer. Thank you for making this so realistic. It is so validating. I just created my youtube channel and my next video is going to be about getting inspired to exercise for mental health! I came across yours while looking for inspiration. Just subscribed and excited to follow along <3


After 4 years of pulling teeth with my Family doctor, he;'s agreed to see me in 5 days to diagnose me with ADD and prescribe dexedrine. It's been a long, road to get here.


with tip #4, what if i want to look good physically to help with my mental health? because that’s pretty much the only reason why i feel so down all the time because i’m shy and insecure. i stay home and i’m too scared to go out especially to school, only because i don’t love or barely like myself because of the way i look. i was bullied in elementary school and i’ve always had this mindset but it’s just recently gotten worse


Hey Laura! I have a question about my activity level, for the past few weeks I’ve been hitting an average of 20-25k steps per day and eating about 1700 cals. Is this too low for my activity level 😭
