Yugoslavia Trial Explained

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After the Yugoslavia War ended, there was a trial to put criminals in prison. This Trial was the Yugoslavia Trial, or Yugoslavia Tribunal. This video looks at the process of gathering evidence, preparing a court case, and how the defendants were sentenced. This is a continuation on my videos on the Tokyo Tribunal, or Tokyo Trial. And the Nuremberg Trial, or Nuremberg Tribunal.

- Research: Mrs Scope
- Animation: Petra Lilla Marjai
- Audio: Seb. Soto
- Writing and Voice Over: Avery from History Scope

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M. P. Scharf, A Critique of the Yugoslavia War Crimes Tribunal, 25 Denv. J. Int'l L. & Pol'y 305 (1997).
J. Turley, Transformative Justice and the Ethos of Nuremberg, 33 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 655 (2000).
D. Shraga, R. Zacklin, The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. EJIL( 1994) 360-380
M. Klarin, The Impact of the ICTY Trials on Public Opinion in the Former Yugoslavia, Journal of International Criminal Justice 7 (2009), 89-96
Attribution: Photograph provided courtesy of the ICTY.

1:25 Chapter 1: Creating a Tribunal
7:37 Chapter 2: The Evidence
14:26 Chapter 3: Arrests
17:12 Chapter 4: The Trial
23:50 Chapter 5: The Defense
28:51 Chapter 6: The Sentences
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A tribunal like this was truly a first in human history. If you consider the relationship between countries throughout history, the fact that we have reached a point where there can be an international court with judicial authority is astonishing.


It’s so crazy how people can commit literal war crimes and crimes against humanity and get lesser sentences than many other crimes


imagine getting 20 years for committing a genocide. that’s insane.


Babe, wake up, new war atrocities trial video by History Scope just dropped!


Radovan Karadžić was President of Srpska, a Serb-majority region within Bosnia and Herzegovina which tried to break away to unify with Serbia during the Bosnian War. He was not the President of Bosnia as stated at 6:58. He commanded the army of Srpska, which committed war crimes on the Bosniak people, not the Bosnian army.


Civics teacher here. I want to point out a mistake made in this video. The jurisdiction of international law when it comes to human rights is universal. A state does not need to be a signatory for its authorities to be tried as war criminals. Human rights are universal and directly binding. Of course, the enforcement in non-signatory-states is difficult, but the principle still stands.

I think a good way to understand it as follows: the international treaties do not create human rights. Human rights exist by virtue of humans existing. Rather, the treaties *affirm* the existence of these human rights and the crimes that precede from the abuse thereof.

One more thing. This isn't a mistake, but still something I would've liked to see. In order to the Yugoslav Trial in the proper historical context, I think it would've been good to name the number of casualities in the conflict, in particular the camps. This is important. Did 1000 people die? 10, 000? A million? That scope does add to the understanding of the evil behind the crimes committed. 130, 000–140, 000 people died and 4, 000, 000+ people were displaced. That is roughly equivalent to the population of modern croatia.

The mistake doesn't mess up the explanation of what the Yugoslav trial was, so I don't think the video is a failure. On the contrary, it's an excellent video that does a good job explaining the trial. Good job!


Inaccuracy at 0:32:

Croatia and Slovenia are swapped. The red and blue in Slovenia are also swapped.


I remember the joke you made in your "breakup of yugoslavia" video about making the videp when the finaly guy finished his appeal. Never tought i would see this. Good video.


It's absolutely insane how recent much of this is


Sadly you didn't mention the very interesting trial of Vojislav Seselj, he's like the most famous case of the tribunal, there are compilations of him making fun out of the judges, insulting them in various creative ways for which he got his sentence prolonged multiple times.


0:41 I love how you strategically hide Kashmir to avoid angry comments


He’s back! And so am I, back to watching History Scope. Dankjewel for this interesting, yet understandable explanation of this part of history!


Bro, straight up said Karadžić is Bosnian 💀


just a small note
almost everyone who you heard in this video that they served in the "Bosnian army" are Serbs who committed atrocities against Bosnians rather than being Bosniaks ethinically


Speaking of post war trials, one country that I'm surprised didn't face any trials after WW2 was Italy. After all, in the second Italo-Ethiopian war from 1935-36, Italian forces used banned chemical weapons like Mustard Gas to subdue the Ethiopian forces. Yet there (as far as I'm aware) there weren't any trials for Italians post WW2


I hate how Bobby Fischer couldn’t come back to America for simply playing chess in Yugoslavia in 1992. Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson can go to Moscow today with no problems. Fischer wasn’t singing the praises of Belgrade’s grocery stores.


I’ve watched at least a dozen of your videos. This is by the far the best of any I’ve watched. This video is a credit to you and your team. It was obviously extremely well researched, presented in an unbiased and factual way without personal opinion and was both entertaining (in spite of the topic) and informative. Congratulations and I’m for one going to continue watching your videos.👍


This, along with the videos about the Nuremberg and Tokyo Trials, are very informative explanations. Perhaps you could do the Cambodia/Khmer Rouge Tribunal next?


I've been waiting for a vid like this for a while, great breakdown!


Great video, however, there are some mistakes. Radovan Karadzic was the president of the Republika Srpska, which is a entity inside Bosnia predominantely inhabited by Serbs now, and also Srebrenica massacre death toll was around 8732 confirmed bodies, dont know if this is the exact number but it is very close to this, and many mass graves are still sometimes found in ex-Yugoslav republics.
I love your animation style btw
