How To Win Against Anti-Mormons: The Art Of Apologetics

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Ever had someone you know get unsettled by anti mormon content? Should we just ignore it? Is devotional content enough?

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My parents, sister and I joined the Church when I was eleven years old and at the end of fifth grade. The following school year I was in the sixth grade. I lived in a small town where everyone knew everyone. We had been very active members of the First Methodist Church in our town. It was a large, beautiful place. It didn’t take long for everyone who knew our family to learn about our change of religion. It spread all over town.

One day in home room my teacher addressed me about my new church. “Mary, I hear that you and your family joined the Mormon church. Is that true? I know it can’t be true because you’re too smart to do such a dumb thing.”

Well, Mr. Kilgore, it’s true. We joined the Mormon Church.” I answered.

“ Then explain to the class about polygamy.” (This was 1962. We were in NE Texas. I had been a member for about six months. Polygamy was not a subject that was included in the missionary discussions. I’m not sure that I had ever Heard of polygamy.)

I took a breath, said a quick prayer 🙏, and answered, “The Lord told Joseph Smith and Brigham Young to do it so they did.” Then I sat down. Nobody ever asked me about it again. That was that.😊I was just twelve years old. I don’t remember ever being attacked about my religion again.😅


The problem with Ward Radio is there shrillness and mockery of others views. It's fun, I won't deny that, but I can't watch it--not just because of the mocking tone, but because they often don't get to the point or don't make a cogent argument all the way through. What you and some other sites do is make the argument from beginning to end in a clear, understandable manner. I've watched about half of the "LDS Truth Claims" series and it is excellent, maybe the best on YouTube. Yours is a reminder for me to go back and pick up the rest of them.
Thanks for your debate with Trent Horn, I stopped at the halfway point, I didn't see it as a debate, because he was using so many references that were untrue, hearsay, and third and fourth sources it wasn't an actual debate, but truth again many lies and half-truths. You did as well as could be expected against such tactics.
Best to you.


Since I saw my comment shown on this channel again I’d like to say I cannot thank you enough for the work you do. You see I’m a more intellectual rather than spiritual, and while I appreciate my parent’s spiritual and scriptural foundation for the Gospel, it wasn’t enough. Especially when I started meeting people online, and when I mentioned that I was a member of the Church, I was ridiculed and they brought up all these supposed problems with Church history, and I did as you said, putting these problems on my shelf, though slowly eating away at my mind. So when I found content like yours and others both defending the Church and also providing offense it helped me deal with these issues in depth in a way not even the Church’s questions and answers page couldn’t. Thus my faith was intellectually invigorated and now I have a more powerful testimony because of it. To me it seems too many folks are either disinterested or look down on intellectual matters but I think they’re both very beautiful to explore and an important factor in strengthening Faith. So I’d like to say to you once again, thank you Jacob for strengthening my testimony with your content.


I've JUST come upon a NEED for the ability to defend MY faith in my _own_ family . Praying EARNESTLY for help, this item (and another from this source, the posting most previous to _this_ one) JUST came up in my Y-T FEED !
Our father HEARS our righteous pleas !


It's not about winning or losing, it's about what is true and what is fantasy.


Members have been wrongly told over and over again that apologetics is "contention" and "contention is of the devil".


I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this but... I'm constantly amazed how many similarities there are between anti-LDS literature and the anti-Christs in the book of Mormon, down the the specifics of their criticisms against the church and the false teachings they replace them with.

What else is has amazed me this year is how many messangers went forth teaching the Gospel in such a way that they "confounded" any dissenters (See Helaman 5:17). There was likely just as much head involved as there was heart there and I totally agree: As a people, we coudl really benefit from a better understanding of appologetics so we can access the power of the doctrines found in the restored gospel in defense of truth. I also appreciate that you emphasized that this intellectual battleground is not enough on its own - it merely tills the ground to allow for spiritual growth to occur.

Thank you for your efforts in this arena!


I'm one of those people who likes to have a good, respectful debate, and I agree that it's important to be educated on the issues, and also rhetorical tactics. I've spent (probably too much) time engaging in back-and-forth with former members who have become critics and going over their gish-gallop lists with them, usually to no avail . . . That being said, in my life I continually meet unbelievable people with simple but powerful faith, whose testimonies of Christ are so strong that none of these "difficult issues" even phase them. I envy them. They are fine, not just putting the troubling accusations on the shelf, but totally ignoring them. These are the people that you want to come to your home when you need a blessing. These are the humble followers of Christ.


The youtuber is correct that fundamental to apologetics is an offensive posture ( a critique) of the opposing view. One of the most effective ways to do this by focusing on the go to or strongest assumed argument. For example, for an Evangelical it would be an appeal to the Bible (the sola scriptura position). Once this strongest argument can be dismantled, often the interlocutor has no other argument and simply withers.


you do know that calling something or someone anti-mormon doesn't discredit their arguments nor does it validate any of your non-sensical arguments.


I think the BoM is the best place to start, honestly there's a reason why they keep telling people NOT to read it. And if you notice in debates, they dodge it.


The reason Mormonism is harder to defend than John Dehlin’s Secular Humanism it’s because Mormonism makes dozens of extremely bold claims about the nature of reality, without equally large proof to back it up. Hence the need for FAITH in Mormonism.

For example, the claim that the LDS church is led by Prophets would require
evidence that they prophesy, or have some special insight into reality. The evidence is not forthcoming.


John Dehlin is very fair.
Just yesterday he gave 6 hours(!!) air time to two young pro- Mormons.
It is proving to be one of the most popular Mormon Stories episodes ever.


Funny story:
Serving a mission in Alabama, I became very adept at “Bible Bashing” towards the end, following MUCH study after having my testimony destroyed in the first few weeks 😂 I learned how to flip the offense, shut down attacks, and get right back to the lesson before the spirit leaves. I found that the BoM doesn’t contradict the Bible any more than the Bible contradicts itself.
I rebuilt my faith on the idea that Truth always holds up to attacks, sometimes you just gotta research to know how. Just like how science works.
Then I got home, and decided that I would continue to learn the hard truths and how to combat anti-Mormonism to continue to grow my faith and others.
And what I found, was that the church holds up to attacks from other faiths, but that it doesn’t hold up to its own history. And that if you research without bias, you’ll find more than sufficient evidence that the church is not true. But whether you allow yourself to accept that fact, depends on your situation.


This was absolutely an AWESOME video. Your comments on Pratts ‘Offensive Apologetics’ was most inspiring. Reminds me of David Alexander’s Channel


I received a blessing that told me to ignore the voices of the great and spacious building. Now I know what is meant by that. Thanks for explaining that so well.


Thank-you for your video. I liked it. As an Evangelical Christian, I don't consider myself "Anti-Mormon", but pro truth. I'm where I'm at, because I've looked at the evidence and I'm convinced. It would be refreshing to be able to sit down with people I care about and we both share why we think what we know is true and be willing to follow where truth leads us. P.S. I very much like C.S. Lewis.


Thank you so much for this video. My family has been struggling with external input and this material is SO HELPFUL. Please continue with your great content!!!


Greater conviction, greater understanding is manifest by increased and consistent study. Put in the time and effort, the understanding will follow.


You can make a case against Mormonism using, in context, Mormon ( not anti Mormon) sources.
Brigham Young's sermons for example.
Also, Joseph Smith's false translation of Egyptian in the PGP.
