Your wireless headphones will break, and you can't fix them.

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If something isn't designed to be repaired, it's designed to fail. Let's talk about right to repair and a flaw in modern product design.
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my local church's 35 year old sound system held together with duct tape, amateur soldering and prayers:


Good story: I have an xduoo xd 05 bal. Battery died and one switch broke off. Xduoo support gave me an ali link to buy a new battery for cheap and sent me 3 new switches for free to Costa Rica, so I can solder them in myself. The amp is designed to be taken apart by the user to switch out op-amps. That’s the right mindset!


Planned obsolescence is real boyos, support right to repair


5:02 Wow, someone still remembers project Ara. I remember being so excited about the concept watching their video. I still think a modular phone is such a cool idea


When I was in school and recycling started getting a big push, we were taught the three R's: Reduce, reuse, recycle. It seems that everyone has forgotten the first two. I constantly see people talking about what a good thing they did for the environment by swapping our their 5 year old petrol car for a full electric. No, you just made things worse than if you drove that petrol car until it died. It's the same with phone companies. "Our phone is made from 50% recycled materials". But you won't supply parts for me to repair my one year old phone?


You really put it into words here. I've lived with that mindset for over five years now and it honestly pays off. For me, at least :)


I have 2 old Schwinn bicycles, one from Taiwan year 1987, and one Japan year 1998. These old steel machines are built from standardized parts and assembled with nuts and bolts you surely already have in your garage. New bicycle components coming out today will still fit on these timeless frames. There are no proprietary tidbits and the only parts you’ll ever be required to change are tires and brake pads. Old steel bikes are indestructible and more customizable than bikes coming out today, and my 2 Schwinns will surely outlive me given I take care of them. Not only that, when they eventually are run through our end up in a landfill or something, the steel frames will rust up and eventually pretty much become dirt. No plastic, no toxic aluminum. (old bikes are way prettier than new ones as well 😉)


I still have a laptop from 2003. 1 core, 1 thread. 2GB RAM. I used it a few years ago as a router with pfSense.
It only had one 100 Mbit network card so I added a 1Gbit PCMCIA NIC
Back in those days I only had a 100 Mbit connection to the internet so it wasn't bottlenecking anything.
It worked really fine, until pfSense went 64-bit only. The laptop have a 32-bit CPU


enjoy watching on my Z fold with your 4:3 aspect ratio. filled up the whole screen, which is a nice change. thanks


Phones are a bit different given that the EU is pushing all manufacturers to create replaceable battery phones within the next few years IIRC, + there are companies like Fairphone that are essentially modular.


not gonna lie 4:3 aspect ratio goes hard


My Airpods Max did one week ago. Right after Warranty, Apple wants 312€ for repair. An utter desaster.


That’s why I love the Sennheiser HD600 series. Longevity, user serviceability and readily available parts. You can easily fix and replace everything yourself, unlike some other headphones (COUGH COUGH AKG K7-series).


preach brother - watching this video on my samsung galaxy note 4. it was released back in 2018 but i bought it used in 2020 - still going strong after 4 years and don't have any plans to get a new one any time soon.


I love my desktop speakers from Bose. My family got them in 2009 as speakers for an iPod nano. I moved them to my desk when we no longer needed that setup. They have gone through more moves than I can count and are still going great. I have been tempted to get even better speakers on my audio journey but at the end of the day, these bose meet my daily neeeds.


Dude you described me in this video. I keep things forever and always look for a way to fix before replace. My car is over 20 years old and I'm always on top of maintenance, my Iphone 7 Plus was bought in 2017 and I still use it daily, my desktop computer that I'm using to watch this video is from 2015, my daily watch is a mechanical one I bought 10 years ago, my go-to headphones are HD600 powered by a JDS Atom stack from 4 years ago, hell most of the shoes I wear were bought 7-10 years ago. And I even just bought a Moccamaster coffeemaker since they have always been made to last. I could even go on but you get the idea. I am super focused on quality when I buy something because I also don't like being wasteful, and I don't like being ripped off. I feel that disposable products, especially when they're expensive, are a ripoff. I like things I can depend on, and instead of getting tired of them I usually end up liking them more as time goes on. I hate how many people get taken advantage of with cheap, bs products that suck them into the never-ending replacement cycle. And how other people just waste money on replacements just because they have to have the "new thing". And even better when they bash corporations for being greedy when they're helping them make all that money. To close I'd recommend to anyone take the time to research quality products, and also to factor country of origin into your decision-making process. I think the less we depend on countries like China who flood the world with cheap junk from sometimes questionable labor methods, the better. Anyway, great video DMS. Hope it reaches a lot of people.


Absolutely great take
i expect this video to talk mainly about headphonies
but this, is way deeper, wider, and better
i feel this really coming from the heart


My dad has a laptop which is older than me and i still use it love it soo much


I know there's only a select few mentioning the aspect ratio, but honestly... to me anyway, I feel like for these kinds of videos it really doesn't matter. This video is something I can still enjoy and take something from it just by listening.


Europe is taking the lead on right to repair and USB-C, and as an American, I thank them.
