Visualization of Merging Black Holes and Gravitational Waves

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This visualization shows gravitational waves emitted by two black holes of nearly equal mass as they spiral together and merge. Orange ripples represent distortions of space-time caused by the rapidly orbiting masses. These distortions spread out and weaken, ultimately becoming gravitational waves (purple). Black spheres represent the black hole event horizons, surfaces beyond which nothing can escape. The merger timescale depends on the masses of the black holes. For a system containing black holes with about 30 times the sun’s mass, similar to the one detected by LIGO in 2015, the orbital period at the start of the movie is just 65 milliseconds, with the black holes moving at about one-tenth the speed of light. Space-time distortions radiate away orbital energy and cause the binary to contract quickly. As the two black holes near each other, a new horizon forms around them, creating a single merged black hole that quickly settles into its "ringdown" phase and emits its final gravitational waves. For the 2015 LIGO detection, these events played out in little more than a quarter of a second. This simulation was performed on the Pleiades supercomputer at NASA's Ames Research Center.

Credit: NASA/Bernard J. Kelly (Goddard and Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County), Chris Henze (Ames) and Tim Sandstrom (CSC Government Solutions LLC)

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I still don't understand but it looks so cool :D


If gravity is a force directed TOWARDS a mass, then how does the weak gravitational force wave ever leave the general area of the mass? Or of two combining black holes, of those masses?

And, if 'space' can warp, what exactly is 'space' that warps?

For me:
'Space' is energy itself. Wherever space is, energy is. Wherever energy is, space is.
'Time' is the flow of that energy.

And also for me at this time:
What is called 'gravity' is the force that makes the sine wave of em expand and contract in a photon and acts 90 degrees to the em which of course act 90 degrees to each other. The pulsating, swirling photon being the energy unit of this universe that makes up all things in this universe.

The forces of nature did not come into existence like is currently taught, they are inherent in the energy unit itself and is why they haven't 'evolved' by now in the supposed billions of Earth years of this universe supposedly expanding and cooling, (since it is claimed that the expansion and cooling of the singularity is what brought about the forces of nature into existence to then allow this universe to exist.). And, 'if' modern science is correct concerning how the forces of nature came about, and also about this universe still expanding and cooling, then what is going to happen to this universe and all in it, probably when, not if, the expansion and cooling of this universe causes the forces of nature to 'evolve', maybe even in the very next moment of time?

Any current forces of nature going to change?
Any new forces of nature going to come about?
Any current forces of nature going to go extinct?

BPC: Blink, Poof, Change: the forces of nature evolve and yet we retain our consciousness somehow, someway, somewhere, in some state of existence;
OR, and more probably:
BPG: Blink, Poof, Gone: the forces of nature evolve and wipes out this entire universe and all in it, including us and our consciousness'. And here again, maybe even in the very next moment of expansion and cooling of this universe.

OR, is modern science wrong concerning the forces of nature and how they came about?
