Beating Heart Disease - The Dangers of Grounding or Earthing

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In this video, I talk about my recent trip to the hospital do to grounding or Earthing, and why it's dangerous 99% of the time!
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Grounding didn’t land you in the hospital. Hooking yourself up to a power outlet did.


I really wish you would change the title of this video. Its really misleading.


I'm sorry you had this experience. But I don't think the take-away is "grounding is dangerous." I think the take-away is to be careful if you're hooking up a grounding device inside your home, especially if you're making your own. Test the grounding plug before use. When I bought a grounding pad, it came with a little device to test the outlets, and I always test a new outlet before using the grounding pad there.

I can understand why you're no longer comfortable doing any Earthing yourself. But I disagree with your comment about this being dangerous "99% of the time." That's not what Dr Sinatra's research has shown!


Please change the title of video. It can deter people from EARTHING. Grounding didn’t put you in hospital, you electrocuted yourself, and have no clue what the hell you’re talking about. Your house wiring is F’d up. Consult an expert before uploading more videos. 🤦🏼


I've just got to say. My ancestors were and still walk around barefoot, for thousands of years. We're okay mate. I won't say which Indigenous people, but we are fine. This shit is cracking me up. We cook our food in the Earth. Some say we cook in dirt. We know and believe that Mother is cooking our food for us. Bit of a difference in outlook, however we are connected to the Earth.


You have it backwards - it’s about discharging electrons into the earth. I have dubia that you are an electrical engineer because you’d understand that GROUNDING is not about giving you electrons but discharging them FROM your body. What you did was somehow low-grade electrify yourself for days which means you were putting electrons into your body, increasing oxidative stress, changing your blood viscosity and a host of other things that would mess with your heart. I’m glad you are ok tho!


Your video points out the very obvious problem with NOT testing your outlet before plugging in your grounding equipment. Grounding in and of itself was not the problem; it was your faulty electrical outlet. It's also important to purchase quality equipment and not go for the cheap imitations found on so many sites, or DIY equipment not properly designed.


Yeah, one single experience doesn't make you an expert. I heard from electrical engineers and they don't think it's dangerous at all.


Definitely, the most natural, safer, chipper, and easier is walking in nature.


The same thing happened to me but this video saved me a trip to the hospital. I was grounding at night was great nothing bad only good things to say. I decided to ground during the day so brought another sheet and sat on it during the day hours. Then I got really ill blood pressure way up heart pounding I felt sick to the stomach, my bp has been great for a long time. I remembered this video so I purchsed an outlet tester and sure enough dirty electric in the plug in the room I was using red light flashing and beeping. My own fault for not testing the outlet first but very grateful I had watched this video.


you said you're an electrical engineer and yet you didn't test voltages or fus or place a resistor in your grounding wire. I would hope that someone actually checks and tests your work. Absolutely basic testing is always required. Why would you not! I hope you feel lucky that you or someone else or a child didn't get injured. As an electrican, I am still speechless!!!


Electrician here. I would never ground to your electrical system. Rather I would run a dedicated 12 gauge stranded wire directly outside connected to a ground rod then directly to the source you are grounding (ground bar, bed, grounding mat).


You “kind of made your own” 🤦🏼‍♀️ so make a whole video about grounding is “dangerous 99% of the time”
Come on man..


I just want to point out that a GENUINE distributor (those approved by the Earthing Institute/Clint Ober) are not permitted to sell products on third party platforms such as eBay or Amazon; therefore your product may have been an immitation.


Not to mention, from the looks of your channel “Beating Heart Disease” it looks like you probably ALREADY HAD a problem with your heart.


Grounding isn't what's dangerous, it's improperly connecting yourself in an electrical 'chain'. Earthing or being physically connected with the earth is how we humans lived for millenia, but hooking up wires, mats and using house hold outlets is not!


I don't know if you found the problem with your electrical system but it sounds like you have a bad neutral somewhere in the line. I'm an electrician and I ran across this one time. I turned out to be a bad neutral at the main service. Once I repaired the loose neutral at the main service, the problem went away. Really what the ground at your house is for is to absorb lightning strikes to prevent lightning from going back into the light company's system. If you have electrical poles outside you can see a ground wire going from the neutral wire at the top of the pole, down the pole and into the earth ground. The way you were doing it was a good way to do it if there is no electrical problems in the system. I guess you know that now. Go to your breaker box and check power from your breaker to the ground and then from a breaker to the neutral. You should get the same voltage.


The ground outside can NOT become electrified. Not even in the power company return situation. They mean they take the power back to ground to make it negative.
Grounding is safe and therapeutic


Yes be safe. And when around electrical stuff make sure you're doing it right. Thanks for all you do


Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)
One of the most often-repeated bogus warnings against Earthing is that when you are grounded you become an antenna for man-made voltage that then enters your body and does you harm.
The statement is false, yet frequently made by EMF consultants. Any electrical engineer or physicist knows that a grounded antenna doesn’t
For an antenna to work, it cannot be grounded. A grounded antenna does not work because it becomes an extension of the Earth’s potential and the electrons within it will not respond to external EMFs. The antenna is shielded and EMFs are reflected.
When you are grounded, you become like a Faraday cage and the Faraday cage effect prevents EMFs generated by the electric wires of your home from penetrating your body.

Another common variation of the antenna nonsense is that when you are grounded your body pulls in EMFs from the environment, and could be harmful to you.
Since the body is a conductor, just like an antenna, it will act as an antenna (a receiving antenna, not an emitting one) when NOT grounded.
As far as “pulling in” of EMFs is concerned, such a phenomenon does not exist. An object, whether a conductor or a non-conductor, does not pull in EMFs. That’s because EMFs do not have electric charges. They cannot be attracted to anything. They simply radiate outward to infinity from an emitting source, such as electric wires, appliances, and cell phone towers. An antenna, to work properly, needs first to be ungrounded and, second, to be directly in the path of EMFs. The antenna will respond to EMFs only if these fields come in actual contact with it and not because of any “pulling” force generated by the antenna.
