Early Release - Golf Swing Casting Fix
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How to STOP Casting, otherwise known as Early Release, in the golf swing? This early ‘throwing’ of the club is a very common issue for amateur golfers, particularly high handicappers. This is often the result of poor sequencing in the downswing but can have other causes.
Many golfers start the downswing with the arms or club first, in an effort to increase clubhead speed. However, this very effort is the very trigger for Early Release or Casting of the club. You wouldn’t throw a ball by ‘snapping’ your wrist first, or by throwing the arm without lagging behind the rest of the body. However, this is exactly what millions of golfers attempt to do every week!
Understand the common causes and misconceptions of Early Release in the golf swing and learn how to fix this swing fault for good. Glen takes you through the process of improving your kinetic chain. He helps you achieve the feeling required to achieve better lag and golf ball compression. Also included is an easy Golf Early Release drill to get you mobilising your wrists.
For your convenience, we have composed a FREE PDF Training Guide, which you can download to your smartphone, tablet or pc for printing. The guide includes lesson notes, images and details of all the golfing insights included. For instant access, so you can take the Guide to the course, click here:
In this video, Glen is uses and recommends:
0:00 Early release - a common problem
0:43 Golf swing release explained
2:12 Causes of casting - No. 1 - Weak grip
3:41 Cause No. 2 - Collapsing in the backswing
4:30 Cause No. 3 - Effort/tension
5:19 Fix No. 1 - Stronger grip
6:06 Fix No. 2 - Mobile wrists
7:13 Fix No. 3 - Increase lag in the downswing
8:38 Drill to fix golf casting
10:00 Why do YOU Cast the golf club
#casting #earlyrelease #golflessons
Golf Coaches, Not Teachers
The Aussie Golf Pros are holistic coaches in every sense of the word. Steve and Glen are both fully qualified members of the PGA of Australia and are avid students of the Sports Sciences. Together, they are certified in Advanced Golf Coaching, Golf Psychology, TPI (Body-Swing Connection), NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Personal Development and Skill Acquisition.
Steve and Glen are not ‘Method’ coaches. They recognise that there are literally 1000’s of ways to swing a golf club! Rather than try to ‘change’ your swing, their goal is to help You Be The Best Golfer You Can Be!
Skill Development vs Technical Changes
Although technique is an important factor in improving a golfer’s performance, Skill Development is largely neglected in golf coaching today. Skill is something that can be tangibly improved with proper understanding of the golf impact laws and effective practice towards improved performance.
External Focus of Attention
Most golf teaching involves an internal focus. Common suggestions might include increased hip turn, a still head or improved hand path. These are all factors of the golf swing, which many golfers and teachers consider important. However, as they are focused internally, on movements of the body, golfers find changes extremely difficult to process.
Enter the world of External Focus of Attention. This means that instead of focusing on body parts, a golfer can and should focus more on the target, the ball, the clubhead - objects which are external to the body. The sciences involving Motor Skill Learning have proven that by employing an External Focus of Attention, sports men and women learn new moves more quickly, retain changes more readily and can perform better under pressure.
Many golfers start the downswing with the arms or club first, in an effort to increase clubhead speed. However, this very effort is the very trigger for Early Release or Casting of the club. You wouldn’t throw a ball by ‘snapping’ your wrist first, or by throwing the arm without lagging behind the rest of the body. However, this is exactly what millions of golfers attempt to do every week!
Understand the common causes and misconceptions of Early Release in the golf swing and learn how to fix this swing fault for good. Glen takes you through the process of improving your kinetic chain. He helps you achieve the feeling required to achieve better lag and golf ball compression. Also included is an easy Golf Early Release drill to get you mobilising your wrists.
For your convenience, we have composed a FREE PDF Training Guide, which you can download to your smartphone, tablet or pc for printing. The guide includes lesson notes, images and details of all the golfing insights included. For instant access, so you can take the Guide to the course, click here:
In this video, Glen is uses and recommends:
0:00 Early release - a common problem
0:43 Golf swing release explained
2:12 Causes of casting - No. 1 - Weak grip
3:41 Cause No. 2 - Collapsing in the backswing
4:30 Cause No. 3 - Effort/tension
5:19 Fix No. 1 - Stronger grip
6:06 Fix No. 2 - Mobile wrists
7:13 Fix No. 3 - Increase lag in the downswing
8:38 Drill to fix golf casting
10:00 Why do YOU Cast the golf club
#casting #earlyrelease #golflessons
Golf Coaches, Not Teachers
The Aussie Golf Pros are holistic coaches in every sense of the word. Steve and Glen are both fully qualified members of the PGA of Australia and are avid students of the Sports Sciences. Together, they are certified in Advanced Golf Coaching, Golf Psychology, TPI (Body-Swing Connection), NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Personal Development and Skill Acquisition.
Steve and Glen are not ‘Method’ coaches. They recognise that there are literally 1000’s of ways to swing a golf club! Rather than try to ‘change’ your swing, their goal is to help You Be The Best Golfer You Can Be!
Skill Development vs Technical Changes
Although technique is an important factor in improving a golfer’s performance, Skill Development is largely neglected in golf coaching today. Skill is something that can be tangibly improved with proper understanding of the golf impact laws and effective practice towards improved performance.
External Focus of Attention
Most golf teaching involves an internal focus. Common suggestions might include increased hip turn, a still head or improved hand path. These are all factors of the golf swing, which many golfers and teachers consider important. However, as they are focused internally, on movements of the body, golfers find changes extremely difficult to process.
Enter the world of External Focus of Attention. This means that instead of focusing on body parts, a golfer can and should focus more on the target, the ball, the clubhead - objects which are external to the body. The sciences involving Motor Skill Learning have proven that by employing an External Focus of Attention, sports men and women learn new moves more quickly, retain changes more readily and can perform better under pressure.