Early Release - Golf Swing Casting Fix

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How to STOP Casting, otherwise known as Early Release, in the golf swing? This early ‘throwing’ of the club is a very common issue for amateur golfers, particularly high handicappers. This is often the result of poor sequencing in the downswing but can have other causes.

Many golfers start the downswing with the arms or club first, in an effort to increase clubhead speed. However, this very effort is the very trigger for Early Release or Casting of the club. You wouldn’t throw a ball by ‘snapping’ your wrist first, or by throwing the arm without lagging behind the rest of the body. However, this is exactly what millions of golfers attempt to do every week!

Understand the common causes and misconceptions of Early Release in the golf swing and learn how to fix this swing fault for good. Glen takes you through the process of improving your kinetic chain. He helps you achieve the feeling required to achieve better lag and golf ball compression. Also included is an easy Golf Early Release drill to get you mobilising your wrists.

For your convenience, we have composed a FREE PDF Training Guide, which you can download to your smartphone, tablet or pc for printing. The guide includes lesson notes, images and details of all the golfing insights included. For instant access, so you can take the Guide to the course, click here:


In this video, Glen is uses and recommends:

0:00 Early release - a common problem
0:43 Golf swing release explained
2:12 Causes of casting - No. 1 - Weak grip
3:41 Cause No. 2 - Collapsing in the backswing
4:30 Cause No. 3 - Effort/tension
5:19 Fix No. 1 - Stronger grip
6:06 Fix No. 2 - Mobile wrists
7:13 Fix No. 3 - Increase lag in the downswing
8:38 Drill to fix golf casting
10:00 Why do YOU Cast the golf club

#casting #earlyrelease #golflessons




Golf Coaches, Not Teachers

The Aussie Golf Pros are holistic coaches in every sense of the word. Steve and Glen are both fully qualified members of the PGA of Australia and are avid students of the Sports Sciences. Together, they are certified in Advanced Golf Coaching, Golf Psychology, TPI (Body-Swing Connection), NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Personal Development and Skill Acquisition.

Steve and Glen are not ‘Method’ coaches. They recognise that there are literally 1000’s of ways to swing a golf club! Rather than try to ‘change’ your swing, their goal is to help You Be The Best Golfer You Can Be!

Skill Development vs Technical Changes

Although technique is an important factor in improving a golfer’s performance, Skill Development is largely neglected in golf coaching today. Skill is something that can be tangibly improved with proper understanding of the golf impact laws and effective practice towards improved performance.

External Focus of Attention

Most golf teaching involves an internal focus. Common suggestions might include increased hip turn, a still head or improved hand path. These are all factors of the golf swing, which many golfers and teachers consider important. However, as they are focused internally, on movements of the body, golfers find changes extremely difficult to process.

Enter the world of External Focus of Attention. This means that instead of focusing on body parts, a golfer can and should focus more on the target, the ball, the clubhead - objects which are external to the body. The sciences involving Motor Skill Learning have proven that by employing an External Focus of Attention, sports men and women learn new moves more quickly, retain changes more readily and can perform better under pressure.
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For me it is caused by my brain targeting the ball. My best shots are when I can imagine another ball ahead of it. But this rarely works.


Thanks Glen, a very straight forward explanation.
Long winded reply sorry. I’ve been looking for a long time for something like this. I get by with my lack of keeping the wrist hinge but end up with lots of weak high right rubbish. I don’t take divots although sometimes take them on the wrong side! My wrists aren’t that strong so I’ve been actually keeping them really stiff especially on the driver which keeps the ball straight but not even 180m - and I have to overturn so much (and think UNDER or it’s a hook or high slice) I’m 14.5 g.a handicap which means 16 at my home course in South Australia and I’m female 70 years old and been playing for 10 years very inconsistently 4 times a week, so I’ve bedded in bad habits to get by. My playing partner is a 76 year old female and plays off g.a 11. Short backswing and yet out drives and out plays me on her second shot every time. She makes it look so easy and says she puts it down to having a strong grip and flexible wrists. Aha!! So although flexible you say not loose. And after trying this I can see that my body has to do a lot more turn to get the handle to outrace the clubhead. My grip has always been correct with thumbs creases pointing to my right shoulder and two knuckles on left showing. However it does come undone a bit through the shot, that’s why I started keeping it so stiff. I also early extend sometimes as I dread hitting the ground!! (No wonder I’m in such a mess). How did I ever get to 14.5 and stay there beats me! Usual scores between 28/34
Doing this drill shows me that my legs have to start doing something and if my wrists are flexible enough they actually go slightly backwards for a moment in time before going forward (rather than actually making them do it by themselves)
Finally I understand why people do the waggle, always wondered, now it makes sense.
I tried an early wrist set a while ago but I still just unwound on the way down. The coach at the club suggested the Right Side Swing for me which is a little like stack and tilt but I still release stiffly and early. Doing your drill works if I keep my right shoulder going under (sort of sideways through) otherwise it tends to go right.
Thanks for taking the time to show us poor early release players how to get out of this terrible situation ❤


Another Great Video Glen and Steve. I have been guilty of casting over the years but have improved great thanks to your videos.


Glenn! All excellent examples of what produces early release! I was probably very guilty of this at one time. After watching a multitude of You Tube golf lesson videos, including yours of course, I finally found solutions to my problem. I relaxed my grip pressure, created a better wrist hinge, utilized better weight transfer, and started letting the club do what it was designed to do. Now, although I do hit some "corkers" I'm producing a lot better strike on the ball with both my irons and woods. Thanks for the contribution!!!


Thanks Glen - great explanation. I already have a strong grip and shortish backswing, so for me it's tension. I know (now) when I have tried to "muscle" the ball; it feels terrible! Recently I have tried to focus on rolling that right wrist through on impact, but I go too hard and either block it left or hit it very fat. I know it works when I slow down, so I guess it comes down to trusting my best swing. Cheers.


fantastic thank you Glen, Im 14 hc but inconsistent with early release or tension slices, you have helped me soooo much


I have watched casting videos for months to try and get more shaft lean, and nobody has brought up a weak grip as a possible issue. I have just checked back on some side-on footage of my swing and yep! I have somehow developed a weak left hand. Thanks mate.


Great lesson, but when I keep my wrist loose like that I hook the ball.I don't have a weak grip.
Irons or driver doesn't matter.Thank you.


Thanks for your video it has really helped me I think the main reason why I was early release ..was the ball was too far forward in front of feet & there was too much focus on the golf ball as soon as I switched off the worrying about the golf golf ball and relaxing an amazing strike plenty of lag❤😅


Great video. Thank you. I believe my grip is weak causing my issue. My wrists are breaking down to soon since they arent able to hinge in full with a weak grip.


I'm definitely a weak grip, is it ok to close the club face a bit and regrip the same?


Weak grip because I was over drawing my irons, when actually my grip was the exact cause, now trying a neutral to strong grip to stop early extension & spinning the ball so much to the left, couldn't hit a fade no matter what


Thanks for the timing marks, helps to go back and forth for those of us slow to catch on.


this video is tailor made for me .. thanks for great video
