What MBA Classes are REALLY Like!

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In this video, I discuss my MBA classes at Wharton and whether or not the classes are useful.

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0:00 - Introduction
1:03 - Wharton’s Academic Structure
2:21 - Target Test Prep
3:44 - What MBA Classes are Like
8:37 - Are MBA Classes Actually Useful?


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I was considering getting my MBA. Thanks for clarifying the usefulness towards business startups. Great video!


Wow this is really similar to my MBA classes a few years ago! Thanks for sharing Ben!


Amazing. Congrats. Wharton is truly next level.


I'm evaluating whether I should take an MBA in the future or not. This video has been hugely insightful! TQ for sharing your thoughts


I got an MBA in the pre-smartphone era (early 2000s) at NYU with a major in finance and statistics. If you enjoy statistics and are taking Python next, you may want to consider taking further studies in data science, which combines software, statistics and finance domain topics like valuation. I also enjoyed the classes with lots of guest lecturers much as entrepreneurship; however all the guests they invited were successful which is a poor representation of the field. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


Nice video. Recently realized that when you are starting your own business. The classes that are really needed are marketing, business analytics, project management, and leadership. Also in the area I work in. All they care about is if you have the right equipment, good attitude, insured, and reliable. Also, I have been learning about the tax codes but the graduate program does not teach about it. Also, Google certificate courses are just as useful for only $50 a month versus MBA tuition.


Very interesting video, thank you! I plan on applying for the 2026 class. Greetings from Germany


Thank you so much for this video. It was very instructive.


The value of an MBA lies in the prestige of the institution you are buying to associate yourself with.


Problem with MBA is 70% is useless for most and only 30% is needed whatever niche someone is going to use for their career. After few years you may only remember 10-20% max anyway. Only practical classes are finance or real estate or private equity etc.


Loved this video about the classes. When did anyone believe we use everything we learn at school haha? I am 3 years out of college and studied Economics and Business and got into the IT/SAP world in Oil and Aerospace and Defense. I like many others want to maximize my opportunities by getting an MBA. Hit 660 on the GMAT tho, but hoping my other experience speak more than just a test. I'd like to ask your opinion on getting an MBA this next cycle or the next after. when did you feel ready? Many say once you get leadership experience or promotion sets you apart but if your company is not as generous with promotions (very lean) would applying as an analyst with just 1 year at the current company be enough (still have 8 more months before starting in the fall 2024)?


i love it from tarun please make more videos on wharton classes how many assignment per subjects also about class timing daily basis is it 2 semsemste in year or 3 semester in year also about capstone projects etc kinly provide detailed


Can you please a video of the grading scale, and how hard it is to get a good grade in the classes? i.e. an A or A+ vs a B+, B-? Is there a method to their distribution of the grades, etc? @rareliquid


As an engineer with no business school training, the mba classes are very insightful. If you already did a BBA or a 2 year business diploma, probably not as useful.


Shaping sharp to mould....synthesis.
Finance synthesis.


I have an BSc undergraduate degree in Economics, I am from the UK. I am also a small business owner. I am also a financial advisor studying to become chartered. I dont actually need an MBA I feel as I am always going to pursue entrepreneurship and self-employment. Many modules you stated such as Micro / Macro econ, and stats, I have already done. I am considering to pursue an MBA purely for enjoyment, and to raise my knowledge. Any thoughts my friends? I have tons of real world experience... just wondering if the MBA would add value.


I found the idea that you didn't get much from Marketing and Microeconomics to be...a little surprising? given I remember way back when when you used to translate videos into Korean and Chinese. I thought that was going to be an area you'd enjoy a lot.

That being said, I absolutely agree that practice trumps theory. I'm coming from an education background, and while my criticisms for it isn't a one-size-fits-all, there's a lot of academic inflation where to get the same job our parents got (who might have spent 12 months max at uni) we now need a 4 year degree and a 2 year MA, when in fact all we really need is to get boots on the ground.

And hey, that's what happened the newsletter!


Waooo...I am doing my MBA too at Temple University and our classes are very similar..For example, we use JUMP(JMP) also in Statistics and I really enjoyed my Statistics class..I learned a lot..


The only useful, practical MBA is if you major in Corporate Finance/Accounting.