Recognizing Spiritual Attacks on Your Family (What To Do In Response)

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How to recognize spiritual attacks on your family and what to do in response. In the video Ken and Janelle Yasinski share tips on recognizing when your family engaged spiritual warfare and some prayers and things do do in response.

Prayers for spiritual protection for the family:

Daily spiritual protection prayers:
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A simple and powerful prayer that I heard in a video from Fr. Jim Blount is, "Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world." I'm trying to say it constantly throughout the day especially when going out in public. Try to always put into practice the rules for discernment of spirits (BUT), 1) Be Attentive 2) Understand whats going on 3) Take action


Perfect timing especially for me. I am fasting on media in the month of June. June was hijacked. June belongs to Jesus' Sacred Heart!


Very powerful, the St. Benedict! Place a medal in every room! God bless you and your family. I am the 7th of my family and I am now 81 years old after a multitude of attacks. I survived the spiritual attacks!


Gregorian Chant - a beautiful way to pray. One of my fav to chant is the Veni Creator Spiritus - I call it my "serenade to the Holy Ghost"


Sweet Catholic couple. Doing their best to live a holy life with their children. Thank you for advice and prayers. Our Lady's intercession. Padre Pio prayers. Please pray for my son and my relationship and that he comes back to our Lord. God bless to you and your family


I needed to hear this. The evil one was definitely working me Monday and Tuesday. I commanded in the Name of Jesus that if there's any evil spirit lurking around me that it go to the foot of the Cross to receive it's sentence. I had to do this several times before I felt a little better.


I was a youth minister for a number of years and I can safely say that, every year right before Confirmation, I was truly under attack. I used to tell my students that it just meant that they were destined for AMAZING things, especially if the devil was working this hard to impede the process. Consider it the enemy's way of telling you, too, that your work is powerful!! I started following you several years ago in recommendation from one of my spiritual mentors and you both are now a part of my spiritual life! Thoughts and prayers always and may God's peace and blessings be on you and your family and may His healing graces keep you happy and healthy😊


I felt the same way day before yesterday and it was awful! I couldn’t even pray the rosary and I was afraid to say the prayer for spiritual protection you just posted and then l remembered Padre Pio saying that when you are struggling to pray the rosary, say it because it is more effective and powerful! And so I forced myself to say the rosary and my day ended up very well and at peace 🙏❤️


I often wonder if our grandchildren are being attacked by evil as their behavior is unbelievable. Heaven help us to get through these times. Thank you for addressing this and the advice you have offered. I thought you had perfect children. 😇 It helps to know others face these chaotic days. We will pray for your family. Please keep us in your prayers. God Bless your family. 🙏🏻🙏🏻


"Sagrado corazón de Jesús en vos confio." "Sacred heart of Jesus, I trust in you." First prayer taught to us as children, and said throughout the day.


I've experienced great peace in such situations after spending time in front of the Holy Eucharist. Also when it's with the whole family, everybody going for confession and attending mass together is also a good way to fight the attacks.


Thank you for this - its timely for me too. The fact that its happening to so many of us is very telling. We must stay close to Jesus and The Sacraments ❤️


I think everything you do is spot on. "Deliverance Prayers for the Laity" by Fr. Chad Ripperger is an excellent resource. Prayers for you and your family!


May the Lord continue to bless you and shower His graces powerfully in your family. Your family has such incredible potential to give the world priests and religious sisters! May Our gracious and ever Virgin Mary continue to cover you with her glorious Mantle that her light would repel any and every move the enemy may have against your beloved family, in the name above all names we pray, Jesus. Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🕊🕊🕊🕊🔥🔥🔥🔥


Helpful to read others’ struggles, especially about the Rosary as recently l and my son have not been praying the Rosary daily as we used to - l will show him these comments and we will renew our daily Rosary together. God bless you all, dear people 🙏🏻


❤loved this so helpful and I’ve been now praying family protection prayers everyday for a while now🙏🌷🌷🌷


My prayers for your family and my family who’ve fallen away✝️🙏❤️


I always give thanks to Jesus for these reminders that we can never be too close to the Lord. We have Our Blessed Mother and all the angels and saints to turn to for added protection. Jesus, we trust in You!!! ❤️🙏


I read the "365 Days for the Holy Souls in Purgatory" by Susan Tessone, almost daily. Recently Ive been reading how you can ask them to pray for you. They can intercede for us, they just can't pray for themselves. I am gaining so much respect for the Holy Souls! They made it! They aren't perfect...yet! But every prayer we pray for them, they are so grateful. And they KNOW the God we can't see & pray for us w an intensity we can't even imagine. I ask them to help me w decisions, driving, etc. And they come through. I see old pictures of people & begin to pray for thise who built our dams. Cowboys, cab drivers, nurses, doctors, any Popes who may be there, Cardinals, etc... & of course, my family, relatives, friends. Esp thise who have died suddenly & unprepared w grievous offenses against the Lord, but STILL made it. Fr Grochel from EWTN had a broadcast once & he said something like this: "I work w the hardened poor. Pray for them anyway, even if Hell acc to everything is their destination. God is outside time & He knew you would pray for them! The Holy Souls are becoming my best friends!


Meditating on the 7 Sorrows of Our Lady helps with peace within the household too. I read somewhere that its one of the promises attached to the devotion. I pray the 7 Sorrows devotion as part of my bedtime prayers every night except on Tuesdays & Fridays. On Tuesdays & Fridays I pray the whole chaplet as my bedtime prayer (in addition to my regular daily rosary, on those 2 days). And on Friday nights I actually use your video on the 14 stations right after too. But the stations I pray through only on Fridays because it's the only night that I can have long prayer time. 🤷‍♀️
