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Amen 🙏🏾 I use to get this heaviness when I was in college trying to study. I graduated but I never wanted to go back . I was just so done and burnt out. Now I feel it all the time. I’ve gone the the Dr and all my labs are fine. And definitely when it comes to the things of God.


I’m experiencing everything you talked about in this video…


Please pray for me as well, i would appreciate it so much. I was fasting weekly and reading the word all the time, praying in the spirit all the time til i had a very demonic dream n i have noticed a down slide in myself where its so hard to pray and i fall asleep so easy when im trying to read or listen to the bible, i didnt know then when i had dream bout 6 months ago or so to denounce, renounce the dream and cancel the assistments of the enemy as soon as i woke up but i do now. I think i was super close to a breakthru, i was seeing much deluverance in my life! I have back slidden in sin except i have a hard time at work complaining about others that dont do their job n it makes my job worse, i need to work on guarding my words, but yes i am getting attacked for sure. Thank you so much for what you do for God and His body! Thank you for your prayers!


Pray for me brother! Concerning financial drought and oppression in the mind. Thank you 🙏


Yeah, I have a physical abnormality since I was 4. The doctors never saw anything and I’m still struggling today at 41. I also have difficulties with finances, I feel like I’m always loosing money, don’t know why…


I have been experiencing all of those. Lost the will to live. I am fighting and not allowing what I want or don't want to prevail over what God wants or doesn't want. It's hard.


Pastor please pray for me, I am dealing with fear from since I was a child my family was involved with witchcraft and took me to many witch doctors growing up Give me things to eat from the witch doctor .I later got saved but I still struggle with fear, with finances, I Struggle with acid reflux.
I’m on the path walking closer with the lord and overcame habitual sins.
Please pray for the Lord to break all curses over my life and set me free from all evil and infirmity.🙏🏽


1.unexplained physical ailments
3.recurring failed relationships
5.always getting sick
6.heaviness in the things of GOD
7.uncommon oppression in the mind
8.uncommon financial droughts


Im also facing most the spiritual attack you jave mentioned in this video. I need deliverance, healing, breakthrough and restoration from every spiritual attack tormenting me. Pray for me brother and believe that prayer will force them leave me.


Please pray for me and my family🙏my husband has been getting attacked with seizures and we still have no diagnosis. I know we need deliverance and it's attacked our finances as well😢😢
Alot of these symptoms we have 😢😢
I have tried praying own.


Thank u so much for this video. I have been under spiritual attack past month... also keep getting disturbing dreams about demonic entities etc... i also keep having dreams that i am doing "exorcisms" on family members and others... i dont know why.. also i am soo tired all the time. ... affecting me working etc...


I have been dealing with the issue of blood my cycle stays on for 6 months none stop I have been dealing with sleep paralysis and waking up with scratches on me feeling sluggish whenever I want to read my bible or pray but when I it comes to other activities I have energy!


Good morning brother, im going through #6 currently and its weighing me down. Please pray for me. Watching from 🇸🇪 🇸🇪


Me and my daughter are both experiencing all these things between both of us. I’ve watched these things happen to me for years and years of my life tho. I always thought something was wrong with me and my life was just cursed. The Lord has given me revelation tho this year who has been word cursing me and my daughter and 100 percent bewitching us. Please pray for me because it’s two very prominent family members. I began having prophetic dreams about these family members. After years of never remembering my dreams. These people are into witchcraft and I believe have been for many years even before I was born. Thank you so much for your ministry. I’ve learned so much! I’m going to continue to be in prayer and fasting! No weapon formed against me shall prosper and I pray a ring of fire around me and my daughter in Jesus name.


I had a little bit of everything. In the last month or so, I've been hit by any number of weapons. The last 3 days have been chaos for me, I am ugly, old, thin. I am constantly looking at my body, what is this now, what is happening to me. I will whisper in my ear, you will be alone, you see that no one is helping you. I'm in isolation, nothing I try works. Thank you very much and God bless you


My teen daughter usually has backpains, headaches that cannot be seen thru xrays or scans. Secual nightmares also. For me its always slumber and no passion for reading the Word or Praying


heyy, mine is bewitchment, tiredness while praying and just in general, mental opression . ive been contending against a subduing spirit thats generational . LIKE EVERYBODY & my family has over 100 people . any extra prayers would be appreciated .


It's like you were describing me, mostly. Thanks for praying for me.


I am expecting what you said. I’m afraid of going into fasting and prayer. Fear or further attacks. I don’t have a church or friends that would understand. I fear going through it alone.


This is me man of God and I have experienced many of these. I am tired and broken. I just want to be free.
