Paul Washer on Purity and Sexual Sin

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This clip is taken from “God’s Call to Young Men: Q&A with Paul Washer.”

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man, i cried when Brother Paul said "God may speak to you more harder than the devil but He will always say "now return to me". Praise God!


I used to be a slave to pornography, which started at 14 years old. I am now 46 years old. I've been free from pornography for a little over a year. I know it had to be God that delivered me from that slavery. Now lustful thoughts and images and even intrusive thoughts still haunt my mind, even in my dreams. I also have wandering eyes, which I disabled my Facebook from my phone so I won't have any temptations scrolling thru my news feed because of how bad social media has gotten.
I just want total freedom from any type of sexual impurities. I just want Christ to be my Supreme Treasure, and not rely on myself, or my own works, but Him alone.


Feeling tempted, scrolling and this popped up. Thank you Father. I hear you loud and clear


sexual sin is very very deadly. i can attest to that through my testimony. when i backslid and lived for years as a sinner again, there was this one event that has saved me from truly dying spiritually from sexual sin. i was in a rave party, about an hour into it, i felt a girl behind me trying to entice and seduce me. i wanted to turn around and reciprocate but at that very moment, my conscience was bothering me for the first time in a long, GOD was giving me an ultimatum at that moment and it was if i turned around and went with that girl, there was no more hope or salvation for me. basically, if i go with her i would sin so much that my heart would harden to the point that i would never repent again. that thought literally scared me frozen and i kept my back to her and did not turn around. i thank GOD i listened to him because eventually the girl lost interest and left. that was just one of many events in which helped me go back to JESUS CHRIST and finally leaving that sinful life once and for all


When you see Him then sexual sin becomes ugly.

Open the eyes of my heart Lord. I want to see you


I used to struggle horribly with sexual sin. I hate sin so much now that the thought of sex outside of marriage is repulsive to me.


I’ve realized In my fight with pornography I have to really love God.I’m keeping myself off pornography for the love of God.Joseph in the Old Testament inspires me to flee sexual immorality I’ve lately done what he did


I don't have any male figures in my home and really need help with talking to my sons about this. However, I know that the Lord is with me. Please pray for me. Thank you for this video and God bless ❤


Help us Lord to remain pure and help us stay away from sexual sins. Thank you Jesus ❤️❤️


His last satement got me!! If fathers don't provide that masculine love for their daughters they look for it somewhere else....lived that life. I'm turning 32 soon and decided to turn my life around back to my one true Father in Heaven who will NEVER leave nor forsake me. 💯


I am shamed to confess this as a person. But I'm not ashamed to confess this as a Christian. I have been struggling with following God's words since I was converted; I especially have a hard time with sexual sins. In fact I am still struggling at the time of writing this. I fell down countless times praying that He would save me and relieve me from my self damnation but it really seems my prayers aren't answered. I am still struggling, but I believe. I believe that one day, MARK MY WORD! ONE DAY! I will be a strong Christian who stands FIRM in front of temptations with the FULL ARMOR of God! I might be struggling right now, but I'll never be defeated because God is with me and if God is with me, who can stop me? My sins are great but the love of God is greater. I believe one day He will free me from my disgusting sexual sins. For now, all I need to do is keep going, be strong in faith and repent as soon as possible.

I wrote everything because I want everyone to see that you aren't the only one struggling. Don't give up, always pray to God, be strong in faith brothers and sisters. May God watch over you as always. Amen.


I’ve been doing it for yrs I agree it’s hard to break let us all pray for each other going through this


The compassion Paul Washer conveys truly seems like a mirror of the character of God. If Christ be lifted up He will draw all men unto himself.


This is the best solution I’ve heard for the battle against sexual sin so far


The wisdom of Washer for this generation is always a blessing! I hope we can also get some advise for single moms raising their children without any male figures that fear and love the Lord. Thank you for this video!! God bless you!


Pastor Paul washer is like the father I never had. God bless him and his family.


It’s so important I wish I would have learned this as a young girl.


Thank you for this video. What Paul said at the end, about our daughter's needing us more than our sons.... I needed to hear that.
Thank you Lord for revealing things such as this to us by watching these videos.


Thank you Paul Washer for sharing TRUTH.
My husband left me 20 months ago after 25 years of marriage for another woman. After that failed he went through 3 more relationships before divorcing me. It has brought such devastation to the family.


I’m struggling with lust as a women, feeling that sex will fill some emotional need because I don’t know how to be emotionally open with God so he can be my ultimate satisfaction. I feel the need to be desired as a women. But it’s all a lie. It’s shallow and leads to darkness and death and a focus on things that will pass away. It’s especially hard because it might not be God’s plan for me to marry.
