The ability to speak for long periods of time without communicating much of any information at all has become an incredibly common talent. drspicy
The ability to speak for long periods of time without communicating much of any information at all has become an incredibly common talent.
The towels on their heads makes the joke work 😂. Nathan-vtjz
The towels on their heads makes the joke work 😂.
Klavan always manages to say the last thing I think he is going to say, and I can't get enough of it. claythomas
Klavan always manages to say the last thing I think he is going to say, and I can't get enough of it.
The Stanley cup was a hilarious touch. DeborahHMarks
The Stanley cup was a hilarious touch.
Girls gone bible need to react to this lmao dilemmablue
Girls gone bible need to react to this lmao
Ok who is this guy. He’s hilarious😂😂😂. I can’t stop watching this 😂😂 Nursing-iz
Ok who is this guy. He’s hilarious😂😂😂. I can’t stop watching this 😂😂
A prisoner escaped by putting a paper towel over his face and walking out of jail. There’s a Bounty on his head. robertjensen
A prisoner escaped by putting a paper towel over his face and walking out of jail. There’s a Bounty on his head.
These chicks still make the best wives and mothers. It’s not even close. hvacsoldier
These chicks still make the best wives and mothers. It’s not even close.
Not me snapping at Lol, this hits the spot. bludbought
Not me snapping at Lol, this hits the spot.
you know he seemed like a cool guy until I came across him laughing at someone gossiping about followers of Christ and mocking God 😔 🙏 deadlyeditzzz
you know he seemed like a cool guy until I came across him laughing at someone gossiping about followers of Christ and mocking God 😔 🙏
Funny! Milos Y said the same about Trump. He calls him daddy, the daddy we all need 🤣😅😂 MBB
Funny! Milos Y said the same about Trump. He calls him daddy, the daddy we all need 🤣😅😂
I don't understand the comment at the end. JohnSmith-mczz
I don't understand the comment at the end.
I fucking swear, HOW... HOW, is it that I see female character when I see Towel for wig.. Castle-HazeFlix-bely
I fucking swear, HOW... HOW, is it that I see female character when I see Towel for wig..
This was a fun history and explanation of Area 51. Nathan-vtjz
This was a fun history and explanation of Area 51.
The view is single-handedly using up the world's entire supply of copium. ThinkfreeorDie
The view is single-handedly using up the world's entire supply of copium.
Evidently this person has not seen Christian girl Melissa Dougherty! So opposite this silliness. newmoon
Evidently this person has not seen Christian girl Melissa Dougherty! So opposite this silliness.
Kinda resembles your content, you’re there but don’t add anything of substance colehiller
Kinda resembles your content, you’re there but don’t add anything of substance
Everything they say rings true for women. We have been taught a bunch of BS that our man was our God. jdwright
Everything they say rings true for women. We have been taught a bunch of BS that our man was our God.
Now we are making fun of Christian's. Are you saying they are in a cult or actually following Yeshua? christineperez
Now we are making fun of Christian's. Are you saying they are in a cult or actually following Yeshua?