Spooky eyes - halloween Eyes assembly with schematic and configuration

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This is my version of a project I saw mentioned on a forum site. It is originally by Adafruit, and also reworked by Sudomod.

The video shows the hardware assembly from packaged parts to a working pair of "eyes".

The schematic diagram and the config file, adapted to work with the Seeed Xiao and that schematic, are here:

I must stress that the concept and brilliant software to display the numerous eye variations are all their work and the original articles etc, are linked below.

My version uses a different microcontroller module to the ones mentioned in those articles, which appears to be cheaper and easier to find at present, a Seeed Studios XIAO which uses the same CPU as the Aruinos mentioned in the other project articles, so only needs the appropriate library installing in the Arduino IDE to be fully usable.

Edit - Be sure to get the Xiao version with the SAMD21 (ARM M0) MCU - Since I made the video, Seeed have released other Xiao modules with different ICs / CPU types, which may not work or may require different program settings - I do not have any to try.

The video thumbnail shows the pair built during the video, stuck in to a plastic skull with strips of tape across the back of the displays, plus another pair unmounted.

For the software side, see the original projects and software from these links:-
The original Adafruit project:
And the program ("sketch") for their version:

Sudomod's variation, which moves each eye independently, allowing two display in parallel on each channel, so two pairs of eyes using one MCU :

Update - apparently some people have had problems with the links to the original files; a full project file with my config is here:

And for the Seeed MCU I used, their Wiki page with details on the device and instructions for adding their library to the Arduino IDE; see the section headed Software, about half way down the page:

The plastic skull used in the video was from a high street shop, "Wilco" I believe.
The robot face section is a 3D printed part from Gael Langevin's "Inmoov" robot design:
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Hello Robert. I made a nice single eye pendant using your code with no issues. The second one I tried uses the XIAO RP2040. The original sketch uses the SeeedXIAO. This doesn't work with the RP2040. If I try and use the Seeed XIAO board, the com port disconnects when trying to upload. When I change the board to the SeeedXIAO RP2040 the code will not compile with the error 'KINETISK_SPI0' not declared in the scope. I'm not sure if this is due to a library update or something else. Do you by chance have an updated sketch that will work with the RP2040? Thanks in advance. Mike


Hi Robert, managed to play around with the 2 eye settings in the config.h and now all is well. Now it’s working I’ll explore the led and other software settings. Thanks for inspiring me.😀


Any chance you can do a video on how to make different eyes


Congratulations on the project, do you have a list of the components used?


Hi Robert, thank you for making this so clear, as a complete beginner I will be attempting the project this weekend. I was just wondering about the power supply as I don't want to wreck it all by doing something stupid at the end. Would I be correct in thinking any 5v 2amp power bank will be sufficient?


Hey Robert my lcd eyes worked a treat, i used an esp8266 found was very easy to sort as the seeds was just having issues with trying to get the com port to stay on while uploading the sketch, what i really want to do now is add a servo inside to make the jaw keep moving as well with a sg90 servo, i just do not know who to add to a sketch, on some skeletons i want lcd eyes and servo jaw, and some props just blinking led eyes with jaw , i just do not know how to define a sketch for either .


How much can I increase the screen brightness with this display? I have 56R in series but it isn't great in daylight


I know this is silly old but my question is will the Arduino "Uncanny Eyes" configuration file from the Adafruit project work on other versions of the arduino? I've got a UNO and a MEGA also id like to use 1.28inch TFT LCD Display Module Round RGB IPS 240x240 Resolution screens for the maybe a updated video? Yours seems to be the only one who is using modern type stuff.... thank you again for your efforts on these type of videos


Once you flash to the chip are you only powering these with a battery pack? Is there a way to cheat the wiring to run two sets of eyes or four displays from one board?


sir this is amazing i will remake this project. Just ordered the parts.


Hi Robert I've tried uploading the code to the Xiao but it stops with the error that it cant find "graphics/defaultEye.h" . Am I missing something please. I'm a bit of a novice I'm afraid. Do I need it to be able to access something that I haven't downloaded. Thanks


I am working on this with a esp32. Thanks for sharing


Hi Robert I have now constructed a set of eyes and they are sort of working. There are multiple eyes on each screen at what looks like 45 degrees with the top part of the screen not being used. Which ino did you use Adafruit or Sudamod? - I am close but some help needed Thank you


Hello Robert i wonder if you could help me out here, i have all that you have provided, i made the wires up and board, this is where i am stuck, i downloaded the board software uploaded the blink and the board light itself blinks so all working there, now the next part is where i am stuck, do i download the uncanny eyes and delete the config and copy and paste your config in its place and upload it ? do i just copy your config to a blank sketch and upload it ? in easy term can you help me out to upload to get the eyes working thanks .


Hello i finally got the program to instal but no eyes are showing. I'm using 1.28inch TFT LCD Display Module Round RGB IPS 240x240 Resolution GC9A01 Driver, and ive read i dont need the resistors. Do you think i do or different ones? Thanx


Increíble, lo intentaré, podrías recomendarme una placa en especifico? Ya que vivo en México y veo mucha variedad del seeed xiao y no se cual comprar por tu atención muchas gracias.


Hi Robert, So the eyes have been working great for my Halloween project. All the different eyes work except the dragon and NoScaleraEyes. I got "arm-none-eabi/bin/ld.exe: region `FLASH' overflowed by 13812 bytes collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status error message. It appears to me that there's not enough memory on the MCU. Am I understanding this correctly? Is there a way to adjust memory usage when compiling? I'd like to try the dragon's eyes if possible. It may be perfect for my prop.


Hi Robert, I am attempting your build and I've breadboarded the schematic you posted and loaded your uncannyEyes sketch. It took a few times to get all the dependencies installed but it compiles without error. I have a green LED on the MCU but the LCDs are lit up solid white. Do you have any hints on what I should look for as a problem?


Could I also use a more powerful esp32 or is there no need?


Thanks for an informative video, I have started using round 240x240 screens, would the eyes scale to fit?
