How Your Septic Tank Works

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Today we will explain How Your Septic Tank Works.

After the foul waste (or effluent) flows via the drainpipes from your property, it makes its way to the septic tank, possibly through several inspection chambers or manholes, and ultimately is discharged to the drainage field.

The septic tank is generally located within the boundary of your property and can usually be identified above ground by two or three manhole covers situated relatively close to one another.
Let’s have a closer look at the septic tank.

A standard septic tank is divided into two chambers. Each chamber is equipped with an inlet and an outlet pipe, known as a T-piece or Dip Pipe by their distinct shape. Once the fluid reaches the level of the outlet pipe in the first chamber, it will overflow into the second chamber.

The inlet and outlet dip pipes play a vital role in retaining the solids in the effluent long enough so that they can be broken down. As the chamber fills up, the vertical section of the dip pipe prevents the fat and floating solids in the liquid from making its way to the next chamber.

When the foul waste water settles in the first chamber, the solids in the water break down and separate into 3 distinct zones or layers.

The top layer is made up of fat and solids that have not yet broken down, also known as the crust. The second layer is mostly dirty water and commonly known as liquor. The bottom zone is known as sludge and consists largely of more dense waste that builds up slowly over time. This and the top layer of fat must be removed when the tanker comes to ‘de-sludge’ the tank.

The separation process will repeat itself depending on how many chambers your septic tank has. The liquid discharged from the tank makes its way to the drainage field situated after the septic tank.

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