The Popularity of Northern Cardinals

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When it comes to popularity the Northern Cardinal takes the cake in the bird world, at least here in North America.

The brilliant red plumage of male northern cardinals grabs people’s attention, don’t even have to be a birder to enjoy the presence of one. This beautiful bold red color is a result of Carotenoids in their feather structure, they get it from the foods they eat. It is thought that the bright color helps boost the bird’s ability to attract a mate and defend its territory. (put a picture of berries they eat) Let’s not forget the elegant female though, with her soft warm tan color and reddish accents on the edging of the wings and tail, And that cute red-orange bill. such a pretty bird.

This difference in plumage coloration in males and females is known as dimorphism and really helps people to know which is which. In this case, the color difference complements one another nicely. They look beautiful together.

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Photo of Cardinals fledglings @ 6:01 Nature With Mar -

Photo of Male cardinal feeding fledgling @ 6:04 - Eleanor McDonie

Photos and videos from free use websites:
TThe individuals' names can be found on their respective photo/video and /or found below (license at the end)

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Sumac By manfredrichter and Dogwood berries by HeungSoon Pixabay

Cardinals Team - Thomson200, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Cardinals NFL team All-Pro Reels, CC BY-SA 2.0

Map - Agyle, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

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#LesleytheBirdNerd #Northerncardinal
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In the morning, the cardinal is often the first visitor at my feeder and the last visitor during the evening. That's been my observation for years.


On a scale of 1 out of 10, the Northern Cardinal is an 11. They’re literally THAT cool of a bird!


I think the female cardinals are so underrated, as the blending of colors of their plumage is so lovely! Thank you for pointing that out. We were a bit sad when we almost moved out of their range, but there is a pair that we see now and then. It's always a nice surprise to see them at the feeder. Thank you for another beautiful video!😁


My mother used to address them as Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal. They were the only birds she was so formal with.


Absolutely believable. The Northern Cardinal is by far the most requested bird portrait that my clients request. Even though they begin to look the same, if I take new Cardinal portraits, they sell right away. People also associate a strong spiritual aspect to this bird, I find that interesting that people are so quick to assign a bird to the soul of an ancestor. Thank you as always, for another exceptionally informational video. Do you have an explanation regarding why their upper beak often overhangs the lower? We are blessed to have so many here.


I observed a molting male cardinal...and felt sorry for him! His head was black and looked so small. When the new feathers started growing in, i was relieved to see the kingly cardinal appear as I was used to seeing him. Quite a humbling stage to go thru...


The cardinal is by far my favorite bird. My mom taught me to make a wish every time I see one. My 31 year old daughter finally gets it and she does the same.


I call the cardinal the Christmas bird because a bright red cardinal on a nice green pine always reminds me of Christmastime!!! 🌲☃️🌲⛄🪴⛄🪴☃️


I moved from Tucson AZ and miss the daily encounters with these beautiful happy birds.


Cardinals are wonderful songbirds. I love to see them depicted on plates, mugs, and other artwork. There probably is no other American bird that is loved so much by people unless it would be the wood thrush or hummingbird.


I love the beautiful cardinal. The male is so majestic and sings so lovely and loud. The cardinal is the State Bird of Indiana. And such a great choice. And most people like to think that when they see a cardinal. It is their loved one visiting from Heaven.


I read that seeing a cardinal is a life giving sign for you.😊


My favorite bird besides the blue jay. There is a picture in my home of the beautiful cardinal. Thanks, for another lovely bird video!!!


I have a pair that have lived in my yard since 2013. They're super friendly with me, especially the female.


The cardinal male looks so beautiful sitting on a bush in the winter snow. I take alot of pictures of the male and female Cardinals. They are so elegant. I had 3 pairs eating at the feeders. Each female stayed with her male. It was so beautiful.


I have always said a healthy female in her winter colors is one of the most beautiful birds out there. And over looked


In the Michigan snow they look amazing!!!!


I think cardinals get more praise than bluebirds do because they are so much easier to attract to a bird feeder. They also tend to be more common than bluebirds in neighborhoods. Thanks for the great video!


They’re so beautiful by the feeder on a snowy day. And it’s a joy hearing their songs on my morning walks in the winter.


I had a fledgeling female visit my balcony daily for sunflower seeds this summer - it was mesmerizing to watch her grow up, seeing the brown of her bill gradually drain away to reveal a bright orange. She would often arrive at sunset, once the other birds had gone home for the night, and graze lazily for half an hour or until it turned dark.
Surprising fact: house sparrows would bully even larger adult male cardinals away from the feeder - To dissuade the mob of sparrows, I had to switch from black oil sunflower seeds to bigger/tougher striped sunflower seeds, which the sparrows have a hard time eating but the cardinals can handle just fine. Cardinals are lovers, not fighters.
