Kryptonite - 'This Is The Moment' (Official Music Video)

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Sometimes musicians are put together who only know each other from afar via their respective recordings, but something clicks and triggers a magical moment. That's exactly what happened when Jakob Samuel from The Poodles met up with producer Alessandro Del Vecchio on the heels of a concept created by Frontiers President Serafino Perugino. Together, they set off to work on a new band that could offer lyrical concepts that are deep and intelligent with music that operates within the genres they excel in. And most importantly, has a great energy and impact.

Together with executive producer Serafino Perugino, they handpicked each musician to be part of their vision for a strong lineup of young and hungry Swedish musicians that would be ready to go out there and kick some ass. Pontus Egberg, formerly of The Poodles and now the bass player for King Diamond and Treat, was the first one to enter the picture, followed shortly thereafter by Robban Back of Mustasch (and ex-Eclipse). The choice of guitar player fell to the young and immensely gifted Mike Palace. Mike showed his huge talents as a writer and performer on his band Palace’s debut album and on several songs he has already written for the label.

The recording and writing sessions flowed freely and the songs came naturally. This band will truly set a standard for what fans perceive as melodic hard rock in today’s climate. It is classic, but modern at the same time, groovy and cool.

You will love what Jakob, Michael, Pontus, and Robban have cooked up for you as Kryptonite!

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Mastered by Maor Appelbaum at Maor Appelbaum Mastering, USA
#Kryptonite #ThisIsTheMoment #officialmusicvideo #frontiersmusic
Рекомендации по теме

Michael Palace is such a great musician this lead is so badass. Great project


sounds like malmsteen old good songs eclipse periode! like it!!!


Excellent Power Pipes👍👍 The views on this video as well as their other 2 Videos have stopped adding up with just a few years back.. They need to fix that! This band is really underrated!


Outstanding voice. Now I have to buy ANOTHER album lol


Rock is not Dead its ALIVE and WELL \m/


I can not believe that such a good band there are so few view


These guys are great, to bad they only made one album.


Drummer -Steve Vai
Lead Guitar - Steve Lukather
Bass- Vivian Campbell
box- Jack Sparrow


Much better than the 1st single (Chasing Fire)!


Q SUPER PASOTE D DISCAZO q se a marcado Jacob y cia. (para mi esta a la altura del 1º d THE POODLES del 2006, aun en este caso dentro del MELODIC ROCK en vez del hard rock)
para mi por ara DISCO DEL 2017 (mas d 50 escuxas en estos 2 meses q yevo escuxandolo)


This rocks! The only problem is that I can hear guitar only in the solos on bought tracks so it needs to come up a bit more


Song is good, but someone please tell the band to figure out what look they are going for. One modern... one 80's throwback... and a drummer who looks like he just came in from outside a college campus.... so bizarre...


Cool song but the production is horrible
