Relaxation Oscillators - Solid-state Devices and Analog Circuits - Day 6, part 10
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Relaxation oscillators exploit a sudden change in a circuit parameter when the circuit reaches a given voltage or current. This change does not reverse until a different threshold is reached (hysteresis). In the simplest example in this video, a neon light starts to conduct when a parallel capacitor charges to about 90 volts. The conducting bulb discharges the capacitor. The bulb stops conducting at around 60 volts, allowing the capacitor to charge again. Other relaxation oscillators use different mechanisms, but the common characteristic is one voltage of current triggering a change in the circuit but a different voltage or current reversing the change.
Relaxation oscillators exploit a sudden change in a circuit parameter when the circuit reaches a given voltage or current. This change does not reverse until a different threshold is reached (hysteresis). In the simplest example in this video, a neon light starts to conduct when a parallel capacitor charges to about 90 volts. The conducting bulb discharges the capacitor. The bulb stops conducting at around 60 volts, allowing the capacitor to charge again. Other relaxation oscillators use different mechanisms, but the common characteristic is one voltage of current triggering a change in the circuit but a different voltage or current reversing the change.
Relaxation Oscillators - Solid-state Devices and Analog Circuits - Day 6, part 10
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This chapter closes now, for the next one to begin. 🥂✨.#iitbombay #convocation
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