Veterinarian Secrets To Get Your Dog to Eat: Part 1 VLOG 68

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What can you do if your dog or cat won't eat? How can you tempt your pet to eat at home? In this vlog, Dr Sue is joined by boarded internist Dr Kerry Heuter (and her hubby) to give you tips you can do right now at home.

Plus find out successful methods from her community of pet parents that have worked for their dogs and cats when they stopped eating.

Nothing is more stressful than a pet that refuses to eat or is picky.
And in part 2 we will cover medications that you can use in addition to get you pet eating sooner.

Thanks for watching. Please share if you think this will help another pet parent, and don't forget to subscribe. xo #KickCancersButt #drsuecancervet #veterinaryvlogger
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Just wrote a comment and had the whole thing disappear! I have been caring for a 20 yr old dog. A few days ago, I took her to the vet and her BUN was 326! It's down to 96 now so the vet let her come home. She was on intravenous fluids there. So she hasn't eaten in a week (well, there was the piece of bacon she mouthed). So she's supposed to get a liter of fluids daily (water, broth, etc.) So I'm using a syringe, or putting cat treat fish paste on her nose so she licks it off. If she looks like she's starting a seizure, I give her some Pet ReLeaf CBD, which tastes/smells like fish, about .75 full dropper a day. She has a bladder tumor the vet won't treat because of her age. Anyway, here's something you might try: Miya perked up when I did this: put your laptop next to your dog and put a YouTube video of dogs noisily eating and drinking.


Things that worked for my bichon w/ lymphona...two round eggs from mcdonalds every morning on our way to work, lots of hand feeding, also strangely she would likely eat if put in her cage and left at home alone. Green giant makes riced cauliflower, broccoli, sweet potatoes. Those were a life savor when I had to cook her meals for a few days at a time, the bites are so small. She would not eat anything big or chunked. Last tip, keep on top of the meds!


Goats milk is my go to for any animal, kittens, puppies, calves, horses etc... big and small and it is so good for them. I have raised kittens from 3 days old and puppies from 4 days old on goats milk. It is very hard to give them the milk squirts with it also. Cows milk is so hard for small animals to digest. I found this out when I was on chemo. I could not drink cows milk. A neighbor gave me some goats milk and it was a God send. I also mix in some baby rice cereal for a little more carbs. Hope this helps.


My Mini Goldendoodle "had" this not eating problem whereas I'd leave his food out in his bowl in the morning and it would sit there 'til bedtime... sometimes being ignored altogether. Problem solved when I instead, put his morning and evening meal in a plastic cup and fed him pieces of his dinner on our frequent walks. This method is now standard for us. Anything left over gets put in the fridge, warmed up and feed on our outdoor sit-downs in the shade. All this is working very well. He gets human grade meats I cook and cut up for the walk. He won't eat much kibbles when mixed in his bowl with his human grade various meats and salmon, only rarely. I end up having to bring bowl meals with us on many a walk. It's worth a try for stubborn eaters.


My dogs like boiled chicken with turkey bacon cooked together. I add 1 teaspoon cyanne to enhance the blood, tumeric for inflammation, garlic, keeps the bugs off, one small bag of cooked carots, 1cup broccoli or spinach I also desolve one multi vitaminen. My dogs have been eating this for years. I also give them raw beef instead of chicken. My dogs love it.


My chihuahua is very picky. She will only eat turkey or roast beef cold cuts, chicken and lately Vienna sausages. I’ve tried every dog food with human ingredients etc and no luck


I lately offer strained chicken broth after providing a gravy style meal of cooked chicken and vegetables with Spring salad mix. To make the gravy or soup, depending on how much liquid he needs at the time. (My dog won't drink water). Blend all in the food processor, add some water to hydrate together to make a puree, then add some chicken broth for the meal. This satisfies dachshund now for five years. No flour or corn added to the recipe. Nutritional yeast is a must, sprinkled on top. Sweet potato is a good carb and some cranberries added to the soup. Cook them in until soft.


My 3 months puppy is suffering from anorexia ..
Its really hard to see her like this ..Its been 4 days she hadn't eat a single piece of food.. Vet gave her an injection of vitamin ..
I dont think she is going to live more.😩
Please pray for her ❤🇮🇳🙏


Question? Chicken stock is made with some amount of onion. Isn't that a no no?


Dr. Sue: Store bought chicken or vegetable broth contains onion and garlic, which we know are toxic for dogs. Should we be concerned with giving dogs store bought chicken broth? With respect to the cold cuts, I've been advised that the sodium is too high in cold cuts, which can be harmful to dogs, especially smaller dogs.


My dogs if I add eggs or anyting to their food they will try to get all the eggs or whatever I add and leave there food


1. Dr. Kerry Heuter, a board-certified internist, suggests trying something new if your pet is bored with their current food. This could be another commercial diet, or home-cooked meals like boiled chicken, rice, pasta, or baked potatoes.

2. Heating the food in the microwave can give it a more appealing aroma and entice your pet to eat (Dr. Kerry Heuter).

3. Adding a little bit of low-sodium chicken broth or tuna juice on top of the food can make it more enticing for pets, especially cats (Dr. Kerry Heuter and his wife).

4. It's important not to add any fatty or spicy ingredients to the food, as this can cause digestive issues (Dr. Kerry Heuter).

5. When transitioning your pet to a new food, it's crucial to do it slowly to avoid causing diarrhea (Dr. Kerry Heuter's wife).

6. Plain white rice can be mixed with your pet's food as a simple, easily digestible option (Dr. Kerry Heuter's wife).

7. Cold cuts like chicken or turkey can be mixed with your pet's food or heated with it for added protein (Dr. Kerry Heuter's wife).

8. For those who don't want to cook, rotisserie chicken (without the skin) can be a good option (Dr. Kerry Heuter's wife).

9. Eggs are another simple protein source that can be cooked and added to your pet's food (Dr. Kerry Heuter's wife).

10. If your pet isn't eating, trying different foods can help. It's recommended to buy small amounts first to see what your pet likes (Dr. Kerry Heuter's wife).

11. Steroids can stimulate appetite, but they should be used cautiously. They can't be given in just a few doses and then stopped, and they shouldn't be used with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (Dr. Kerry Heuter's wife).

12. Debbie, a pet owner, suggests feeding your pet whatever you're eating, warming the food, and hand feeding. She also recommends eggs and boneless, skinless chicken breast (Debbie).

13. Using happy, encouraging voices when feeding can help stimulate your pet's appetite (Sue).

14. Feeding outside or changing the environment can make mealtime more appealing (Debbie).

15. Changing the bowl or plate can also help. If your pet eats out of a metal bowl, try ceramic or even one of your own plates (Debbie).

16. Tuna fish can be used to entice dogs to eat, as well as any food with a high scent (Debbie).

17. Gillian, another pet owner, suggests replacing metal bowls with glass ones and using bone broth. She also used Famotidine (PEPCID) when her pet was on Prednisone to help with stomach irritation (Gillian).

18. Laura, a cat owner, suggests trying different textures of food, as this can be more important to cats than the flavor. She also recommends cutting off treats completely so your cat won't hold out for them (Laura).

19. Sherri, another pet owner, suggests trying different nausea medications if one seems to stop working. She also recommends hand feeding and, when desperate, even chicken nuggets can work (Sherri).

20. Arwyn Todd suggests sprinkling something tasty on top of the food, like Parmesan cheese or crushed cookie crumbs. They also recommend not getting too emotional during meal times, as pets can associate this with negativity (Arwyn Todd).

21. Brittany suggests using baby food, anchovies, canned food with warm water to make gravy, or canned chicken (Brittany).

22. Diva suggests using goat's milk from Answers Pet Food, and canned tripe as it's smelly and most pets can't resist (Diva).

23. Jacoby, a pet, likes a little bit of freshly grated Parmesan on top of his food (Jacoby).


Gerber ham and gravy for baby's, works great.


I know this is a long shot but if anyone can help me I really need help. I have a shih-tzu about 2 years old, a few months ago she had a urinary tract infection. We were prescribed pills from the vet. Luckily the infection is gone, but she still has crystals in her urine, the vet prescribed a special type of food designed to break down the crystals. The problem is, she won't eat it. We have tried so much, we have tried hand feeding, using wet food on top, mixing it with other foods, bone broth even olive oil (which I know isnt the best but we were almost left with no choice). The only thing we haven't tried is chicken broth because she is allergic to chicken. She will often lick whatever is on-top and leave the food on the bottom. We try feeding her and she spits it out. We tried the starvation method, leave the food let her sniff it if she doesn't eat take it away until the next meal, and she will go days without eating until we finally give in and give her some wet food because we don't want her to starve. She clearly doesn't like this food but she has to eat it. What can we do? Please any insight would mean the world. Thank you


My yorkie has kidney disease and is going through a crisis right now and won't eat.We have tried everything, bowls, plates, chicken, steak, pork, eggs, but the only thing is really interested in milk bone treats.He is on Cerenia/Pepcid AC and sulcrate


CBD/ THC tincture dropped sublingual ..30 mins later hungry dog that wants to take a nap after they eat .


Thank you very much for the information. 👍🏻🙂


Texture of food is a big deal. I have a selection of lots of little pots and chicken breasts, if he's really fussy Sheba creamy snacks. I talk positively to him too.


My dog eats but she gets sick of her food and we will offer her something but she won’t eat, next day she will. What do I do?


What type of breed is the dog you show. At around 2min 18sec . My dog looks almost identical. Was trying for years to figure out his breed. I think chi and something else. Thank you for the video
