You're Anti Gun, But You're The Problem...

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*Another solid argument from Mr. Noir.*


I'm scared of guns. So I keep as many as I can locked up in a safe that only I have access to..


Taught my female cousin to use a Ruger. She never had another problem with her abusive boyfriend.


I personally own several guns and i find when i carry my concealed i am alot more tolerant of bs and by far more likely to let things go. It's like a constant reality check not to over react because i don't like dying and i definitely don't like prison.


I will say this:  Mixing some LEGAL drugs with guns can create a problem, I know this from taking Chantix years ago.  It turned me into someone I didn't want to be.  If you are in such a situation, give your gun to a friend you trust until you get your head right, it's not worth it.  I am as pro-gun as anyone leaving comments and I stand with you but being responsible comes first.


Most of us watching this video agree that a gun is nothing more than a tool driven by the intent of the person using it. While I can see Colion's point about applauding those who realize their flaws and choose not to purchase a gun, I also think it's an irrational thought even for those who don't oppose ownership by others. A knife, bat, hammer, bare hands, a decorative lamp, and a large pepper mill could all be used to kill someone. I realize that a gun is by far the most effective tool out of all of these but the point still stands: if you truly fear that you will just snap and kill someone out of anger, the ownership of a gun is not going to make much difference. You have much larger personal issues that need to be addressed than the ownership of a gun.

To go a bit further, take a look at how many illegally possessed guns are used for murder year. The people committing these murders likely didn't have ready access to a gun through legal means but it certainly didn't stop them from acquiring a gun to commit the crime. The point is that we need to look at the intent of the person using the tool and not the tool. If you honestly believe you are likely to murder someone simply because you own a gun, PLEASE seek immediate help from medical professionals.


I have extreme anger issues, but I have never once in my life thought "Oh, that person made me mad so obviously I should run home, grab my gun, come back and kill them" for even a single second. That's not "anger issues", that's homicidal tendencies, So not only should you not get a gun, you shouldn't get *any* weapons period, and you should go get psychological help.


Damn right. You need more exposure. Colionnoir for president?


YES!  It's all about projection!  Thank you Colion!  You speak the truth again!


amen brother as American we fight for our right


These people that think they might shoot someone if they get mad (WTF?), what are they like if they're in the kitchen and they get mad? Do they start stabbing and slashing?


Carrying a gun has greatly improved my self control and decision making skills. I got into a lot of trouble when I was younger, and realized at some point that I was basically out of "legal trump cards", and one felony arrest would permanently end my legal ability to own firearms. And relating to everyday aggression, it's made me get less angry driving or interacting with people in general. My ex girlfriend was driving once, got cut off BAD, and proceeded to lay on the horn and scream at the guy. When she didn't stop, I finally yelled at her to stop. She says, "WHY? THIS GUY IS AN ASSHOLE!". To which I said, "Sure, but if you piss him off, and he comes over here and god forbid has a weapon, what do you think is going to happen? You want to put me in a position where I might have to shoot someone because you want to beep the horn? ENOUGH." She didn't ever do that.


Colion, you have to be one of the most articulate and rational spokesperson I have ever heard speak for 2nd Amendment rights. I am thankful your are on our side.


You're genius Colion.  Love watching your commentaries.  Very wells spoken. Thanks....


If you don't think you can handle owning a gun, don't own one. That's on you. Don't advocate for stricter gun laws because of it. Don't encroach or infringe on anyone else's rights. Problem solved; problem staying solved.


I got 99 problems and they all hiding in the dislike button


People base their perception of reality on their experiences. If someone thinks snakes are gross and imagine it having a slimy texture, if they see someone holding a snake, they automatically think the snake holder is feeling a slimy sensation, when really it is a rough dry texture. They automatically assume that others will react the same way they do to a situation. Because they can't trust themselves with a gun, they can't trust anyone else.

*the snake example is a pretty good one, you may have not caught the significance if you read over it too quickly.


Man i love this guy. He's speak nothing but the naked i own an AR and i solely use it for target shooting. I have the UNIVERSAL RIGHT TO PROTECT MYSELF.
Those who are against guns should NOT even comment. Let US to even exercise OUR freedom of speech... SO if you don't like don't f=#&k with our 2nd amendment.


Great message Colin. Was a pleasure to meet you in Dallas!


Im so glad to hear what you said in this video... It drives me up the wall that the anti gunners try to impose their own believes on others simply because they think that because they can't control themselves that others must be the same way.. Then they get into the whole "what, do you want this to be like the wild west?".  Well it certainly isnt like that now, so why would it be.   Your video hits the nail on the head for what Ive been telling people for years!  Well done man.
