Project 2025: Christian Nationalist Dream

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The Non-Prophets, Episode 22.41.4 featuring Phoebe Rose, Aaron Jensen, Jimmy Jr. and Blatant Blatheist

The right-wing Heritage Foundation's "Project 2025" outlines a plan for a potential Republican presidency in 2024, aiming to reshape the federal government along conservative Christian lines.

Their agenda includes abolishing diversity initiatives, curtailing LGBTQ+ rights, undermining public education, and promoting religious exemptions. The document prioritizes Judeo-Christian traditions, sidelining non-Christian beliefs, and seeks to solidify religious dominance in American life.

It’s really just a continuation of everything we’ve seen unfold since 2016. This is nothing new, it’s just the newest label put on the never ending effort of fundamentalists to create christian sharia law in the US. This plan signals a concerning future if those with this ideology are seated, highlighting the importance of civic engagement.

What should be worried about is the gutting of the career civil service in the federal government and a replacement with yes men. No rule of law, no sound policy making decisions, no due process, no right to review, the end of freedom of information, the end of government transparency.

Former Republican Congressman, Joe Walsh, who recently stated on his podcast “White Flag,” there is no more Republican party. What we are meant to understand as the party of small government has become the party of political cronyism, which is evident in their assault on education.

Just like religious institutions, the Republican party thrives off of the swathes of the population that it can keep ignorant. Attacking higher education, or education in general, helps both religious and political cults stay in power, which is why republicans and religion go so well together.

The republicans who advocate for these types of things are interested in the “here and now” to hold on to their positions, in much the same way authoritarian clergy are, and that is why they make such a compatible couple.

How would you like to live in a United States that allows the president to fire anyone in the government who uses science to make policy decisions the president doesn’t like?

Or allowing co-workers to proclaim hateful bigoted beliefs with no consequences because their hate is simply what they believe? Or tax money in the form of Small Business Administration loans going to religious companies?

They wish to deny access to contraception, and decrease the available adoption services to same-sex couples.

Most of this red meat is pure and simple nonsense and can never be implemented, because it has limited meaning. It is as if Chick-fil-A and Hobby Lobby wrote a manifesto.

If that’s what you want, well, then you know who wants that. If that’s not what you want, go and do something to stop it from happening.

#project2025 #politics #republicans #conservatives #2025 #political #project2025isscary #politics #gop #christianity #womensrightsmatter #bipoc #lgbtq #thisisamerica

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Christianity always seeks to go back to its heyday, the dark ages.


@Phoebe - “Chik Fil a meets Hobby Lobby Wet Dream” <<< Brilliant


I am so pleased to see Freethinkers and Atheists becoming rightfully alarmed by this manifesto and plan for insuring Fascism and Christo Fascism for generations to come.


This is what happens when you let religion go unchecked and unchallenged and let the crazies get into power without accountability. This is exactly what the founding fathers didn't want and so many warned us about.
