Hospitals. AGAIN. It never ends

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We're getting sick and tired of hospitals! Even though Malin beat her aggressive colon cancer diagnosis last year, she's still caught up in frequent hospital visits. It really feels like it never ends.

Malin was diagnosed with colon cancer at just 29, and since underwent radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and two major operations, leaving her with a permanent colostomy bag.


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We are a young 'Swenglish' adventure family; Malin, Tom, and young kids Charlie & Isabella. We love all kinds of adventures, including travelling around Europe in our self-built campervan called Sunny, facing the challenges of what it means to be ‘cancer-free’, after a rough battle with colon cancer.

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00:00 - Welcome back!
02:16 - Hospitals and more hospitals.
07:27 - Today's a big day!
16:47 - Van fixing and grill
19:24 - Life going on, podcasts and more!
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Dear Malin, it is perfectly fine and normal to feel down, tired and fed up sometimes. Life is hard and what you are going through isn't easy at all. You don't have to look always happy or cheerful, we totally understand that you don't feel well and you can share it with us. You are so brave. I truly admire you. We love you and your family and will always be here to try to cheer you up or at least send you positive thoughts. Sending you all my love. ❤❤🤗🤗🌹🌹


I feel for you. I’ve had five operations for breast cancer, including a double mastectomy and lots of treatment and am still suffering from the side effects. People seem to think that once you’ve finished treatment you’re fine but that’s not the case. Sending you all hugs from the UK. 🤗🇬🇧


Sadly cancer leaves scars, not just the visible ones but also those that aren’t. I really hope that these painful issues resolve, very frustrating. Your children are so cute ❤


Guys … your family are genuinely a breath of fresh air.. it’s so lovely & refreshing seeing kids being ‘kids’ .. know this beautiful Malin .. no matter what life throws at you.. you’ve got this 🌸⭐️🌸.. Biggest blessings guys ⭐️💜


I'm sorry to hear that you have all these ongoing ailments. Hopefully they'll resolve themselves in the not too distant future. Take care!!


Wow! This came at the perfect time! My husband has been struggling with very similar issues. Severe brain fog, forgetting conversations shortly after we’ve had them, unable to focus and all gets worse when he’s tired. He had colon cancer and a foot of his colon removed Dec.2016. It returned, but showed up in his lung thus time. Chemo, part of lung removed, more chemo
and last chemo late last November. He did well, recovered from surgery but the memory issues and tiredness continue to be major problems. Blood work and scans are all good, but severe brain fog, major memory issues and extreme tiredness at times continue. Thank you so very much for sharing your journey. It’s been so helpful to us💕


My huband uses a product called Neuropaway which contains magnesium and helps with his pain. Also, I was surprised that you went back on the road so quickly after your cancer treatment. It took about 3 yearrs for my dayghter to rrecover some semblance oof a normal life. She still deals with cancer related damage over 10 years later.


Malin i love your crocheting, it's all so cute and well done. How cute are the bags 🥰 Great to see you again this week ❤


Malin, I understand your feelings. Hope change is coming very soon.
Love your creations!.


My partner is feeling exactly the same as you, the side effects of the chemo and radiotherapy are bringing him down as you also .. He has everything you have discussed and gets so frustrated.. He discussed this with his consultant with which she said unfortunately this is the new normal so hard to know this 😢 xx I hope you get more positive answers moving forward xx❤


Bella reminds me of my daughter at that age so much. She loved to show the camera her tongue too.


Malin, I finished chemo 7 weeks ago, and the brain fog is seriously a problem. I can’t remember things or figure out how to do things, like processes. You know? People don’t get how bad it gets. And the body aches are so bad. No one told me about all of this. Or, warned me rather. I pray it gets better for you and me too! Lol❤


Malin, you look like you need a good rest in a decent bed and much time to rest. You seem to put on a good front trying to deal with the side effects and pain as it seems you don't want to disappoint Tom. Van life is not easy when you are well but to do it when you are ill makes it that much more difficult. I appeal to you to continue to focus on Malin's health/side effects and get her settled somewhere where she can get the much needed rest, continued care and support she needs. She's been brave and you all have been through so much, but you have to know when to say when....We wish you the best of health


You are going through the woods to get to the trees, they will be there, your journey seems endless Malin but remeber how far you have come my lovely. I adored Charlie's little chat at the start, he has a mixture of both your accents, so cute. Beautiful family, a pleasure to watch and your interaction together warms my heart. Thank you guys, you are top to toe living your best life with humility, patience and peace and love. xxx


Malin, you are so articulate and that is what will help you as you "wake" your doctors up. You shouldn't have to do all this but you will make a difference for the future of you and others that will not be able to do this for themselves. I have friends that have immune systems that need a little boost that use elderberry syrup. Do you think that it would help? I love your babies and know that when they get to school, their teachers are going to love them too. All the experiences that you have with them will make them natural learners. Good luck with the hospital visit and know that you have all of us rooting for you!


Lovely video, as always! Malin, I'm so sorry you are dealing with difficult side effects. Hopefully, more time will help with that. I wonder if a good quality liquid fish oil (not capsules) would help with brain fog? It helped my brain a lot - I could tell when I forgot to take it. Be sure to store it in the fridge, as it can go rancid.
The children are so adorable. Really love the Charlie cam! So cute.
Glad Sunny got a clean bill of health.
Take care! Best wishes with the medical appointments. ❤


I’m so sorry! I truly believe you have adhesions and won’t get better until they operate. This occurred with my sister. Hope everything gets better!


You don't have to be or look happy or cheerful all the time, with those annoying side effects anyway. All the best!


I hear you, Malin. I have check ups every 3 months and have new side effects from my radiotherapy. There's no escaping it and I'm now 10 months after completing treatment. I always seem to be at the flippin hospital! 3 months is so little time. I'm so grateful and thankful to be on the mend but living your life with this hanging over you is tough. Constant anxiety. I wish you all the very best xx


Malin it’s sad to hear of your side affects and I just hope in time most of them will dissipate for you as it must make life slightly miserable at times. The dress you crocheted for Isabella is so gorgeous and I love everything else you are producing as well. I hope you have a great week and the weather stays nice for Isabella’s birthday.
