How Cleaning Your House Affects Your Mental Health

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Can cleaning your home make you happier and healthier? We all know the answer is yes, but not for the reasons you think! In today’s podcast I’m bringing some house cleaning motivation, inspiration and SCIENCE to get you up and excited to clean your home!

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Last night I forced myself to clean the kitchen. I'm trying to make that one of my "non-negotiables". As I walked into the kitchen this morning and the sink was completely empty and the counter wasn't full of smelly dishes from the night before, I was happier than I've been with my kitchen in a long time. Thank you so much for your help. You're the best!!!


The idea that I am getting a bunch of things (meditating, exercising and cleaning) all done at once makes me feel like I have a cheat code or something! Like I’m winning a game. This might actually continue to motivate me 😃


Been going through depression really bad(ptsd induced), but listening to 3 of your episodes has got my room almost cleaned. Time to find a fourth. I always forget how therapeutic cleaning can be during ptsd depression.


Hey Cassie, just found this podcast. It came at just the right time. I’m a senior who has some niggles healthwise. However, I have been pulling out of them and now I’m turning my attention to my poor neglected house. Listening to you, I got off the couch, washed my breakfast dishes, looked around the kitchen and then I set to! The cupboard front has been wiped, the counters cleared and scrubbed, the cat food mats picked up and washed and put outside to air dry. The fridge exterior and door handles wiped and ditto for the oven!! I’m having little 15 minutes rest and when the timer goes off I will attend to the floors! Woohoo!! Class who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks!! Thank you! BTW it might not sound like a lot but I’m proud! So there!! lol 😂😂😂


I also suffer from depression and couldn't get motivated to start. I am so proud of myself. When I finished I cried. It took me one week. So I really hope other people do it too.


My husband has a cold, so tonight I did our evening kitchen tidy with you instead. 22 minutes and even the floor is mopped. This talk reminded me of giving my daughter FlyLady advice. My daughter was in a season of single mothering while her daughter was one and even a load a day of laundry was overwhelming. Someone (not me) told her to make sure she still made time for the day spa, and was my dear daughter was so hurt and angry! But FlyLady wisdom fell out of my mouth and I said something like "Sweetie, giving yourself a drawer full of clean underwear is self-care." Thanks for this podcast.


I did clean while listening! I didn't go crazy. I cleaned one bathroom. I wiped down my kitchen counters. Vacuumed where it needed it. Not perfect. Mopped where it was needed. Not everywhere. I feel really good. Thank you 😊


“Sometimes you need a win IN THIS MOMENT “ so true.


Best advice I’ve heard - You’re in charge of your schedule, and you’re the only one that can change it💪🦋


Cas - you might find this interesting: Many years' ago, I remember my PhD/dissertation advisor saying to me, "No one cleans more than people working on their dissertation." It's true! A dissertation is such a long-term project. And we're sitting for such long periods of time...that getting up, moving, doing something mindless, and getting a quick win feels sooo good.


I have done this for my whole life! When I feel like things are out of control, I get domestic! I can control my environment!


Cleaning is the same as meditation and exercise....that's INCREDIBLE! 🙂


Man, you're so father just passed away...he was an AMAZING Christian man... I'm sick...borderline Bronchitis...but, decided to go ahead and get dressed and do the kitchen...that alone made me feel better....may have to do the floors in the evening...for the most part things look pretty good.
Cas, you're such a blessing. ...thank you ❤


While watching this I am doing laundry. Cleaned out the dishwasher and swept the kitchen floor. Took out the trash. Am tired. Taking a 5 minute break and keep going. Staying on the train Tracks. Moving forward.


I have experienced exactly this. Also: the mental feedback loop: if you look around and your environment screams back at you, " "im dirty and you're failing!" It's hard to feel well and successful. When you look around and its tidy and clean you get the feedback from your environment :"you are a capable adult with your act together ". And THAT energy is helpful ❤❤❤


Hi Cass, I'm already doing this, but realizing that I'm getting more movement in makes me smile! Glad this video appeared for me. Blessings to you and all that read this 🙏🏼


I've been kicked out and sent to an extended stay hotel while my government senior apartment is being renovated. I'm also a caregiver for my husband. It's been a big stress with me at one point just freezing in front of the movers saying "I don't know, I don't know." Thanks to your videos on changing mindset and other ways to think, it hasn't been as bad as it could have been. Keep them coming. PLEASE. I will now finish organizing the hotel room with the boxes they used to move us here. 💕


I made a funny little deal with myself over the dishwasher! 😂 Here it is: if I need something out of the dishwasher I grab it BUT whatever rack I got it from I then have to put away everything on that rack! So if it’s a coffee cup then everything on the top rack gets put away right then. If it’s a fork then everything in the utensil basket gets put away right then. If it’s a dish then everything on the bottom rack gets put away right then. Of course I quickly get annoyed with trying to remember what’s clean and what’s not so guess what I do… I just go on and put it all away! AND if I keep it all put away then dirty dishes can go straight in the dishwasher and not in the sink. This silly little game has totally changed dishes for me!!! Hope maybe it can help someone else too! Yall have a bright, happy and blessed day!❤


Yes, I’m getting excited about decluttering, cleaning my bedroom! Only problem is it’s midnight & I should be in bed. Last night I put a load of dishes on at 11:30 pm, but was so happy this morning they were all clean-crazy!! You are helping me so much!


Omg, you are so right. Every time I get very angry, I feel like I need to do something and I start cleaning around the house and I truly feel better. I hated cleaning, because of my child experiences with my mother, never beeing satisfied with what I did. I was wondering why do I have the need to clean around the house when I am very angry and now I know. I am still angry when I do it, but somehow it makes me feel better and at some point the anger goes away. So I meditated without even knowing. I love the way you put it to look different at cleaning the house meditating and exercise, that is awesome. Thank you
