How to Stop Diarrhea? - Diarrhea Remedies by Dr. Berg

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Here’s how to stop diarrhea naturally. 

Check out Dr. Berg's Liquid Probiotic Here:

CROHNS, Diverticulitis, IBS, Celiac:
Blackberries and Kefir:  

Digestive System:

0:04 A big problem when you have diarrhea 
0:39 The effects of diarrhea 
1:10 Trace minerals 
1:36 What causes diarrhea?
3:05 Microbes and fiber
3:48 How to help prevent diarrhea
4:41 Natural diarrhea remedies

Today we’re going talk about how to stop diarrhea naturally. One of the big problems, when you have diarrhea, is you can become very deficient in electrolytes and certain nutrients really fast. This can create huge problems for your heart and can cause dizziness. 

If you have diarrhea you may be losing:

• Electrolytes 
• Fluid 
• Salt 
• Probiotics 
• Fiber 
• Acid

Since you’re losing these important things, you need to add them back in. It’s also helpful to add in trace minerals as well. 

What causes diarrhea:

• Viruses
• Bacteria
• Food poisoning 
• Antibiotics 
• Sugar alcohol 
• Excess bile 
• Gut dysfunction 
• Drugs 

In the large colon, we have a lot of microbes working together. They eat your fiber, and they ferment it turning it into certain beneficial acids called small-chain fatty acids. Those acids can feed the colon cells as well as give you energy, help with insulin resistance, and help boost your immunity. Both microbes and fiber are essential in preventing diarrhea. 

It may be very beneficial to put back in the probiotics by taking an effective supplement. Kefir also has natural friendly bacteria, and kombucha tea has lactic acid, which may be helpful. 

Sources of fiber that may be beneficial if you have diarrhea:

• Pickles 
• Sauerkraut 
• Kimchi 
• Berries (blackberries)
• Carob powder

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, 56 years of age is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of The New Body Type Guide and other books published by KB Publishing. He has taught students nutrition as an adjunct professor at Howard University. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

I hope this video helps you better understand how to stop diarrhea naturally. Consider giving these diarrhea remedies a try.
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Anyone else on the toliet watching this rn


I don't comment on youtube very often, but I have to give a huge shoutout to Dr. Berg for his advice in this video. I picked up some kind of bug (unknown where or how) that gave me chronic diarrhea and very painful tummy and gut swelling and tenderness. I was running to the toilet every 30 minutes on average with aggressive liquid diarrhea, the painful type that left me squirming, clutching my stomach and nearly in tears. If I ate anything it was 5-15 minutes, if I fasted every 2-3 hours including during the night. I thought it was food poisoning which usually lasts half a day to a day. I was drinking electrolytes and bone broth and lost 4 kilos in 6 days. After a week of this, eating very little and trying to fast as much as possible I came looking online for home remedies because I knew if I went to the doctor they'd just prescribe anti-biotics (which they did) and I know they destroy your gut health (been there too many times). I can't eat sauerkraut so I got some pickles instead, I also got kombucha and blackberries and kefir. I would blend the frozen blackberries with kefir and drink in the afternoon and had fresh blackberries and pickles a few hours later. The first day was just as rough but on the second day in the evening I felt really nauseous, my body tried to vomit but nothing came up, then my gut churned and swelled up and had a big release in the toilet and I immediately felt better. The tenderness, swelling, growling and nausea went away. That night I was finally able to sleep through the whole night and by the third day my stools had turned loose rather than just water, were no longer aggressive outbursts and back to only needing to go to the toilet twice a day. I can not believe that within 3 days following these suggestions put me on the mend. This really works! I'm going to add frozen blackberries and kefir to my diet on a regular basis now. Thank you so much Dr. Berg!


Thank you Dr Berg. As a colorectal cancer patient I have been fighting diarrhea for 7 yrs now, can’t keep weight stable, . My whole life is trying to keep calories in which is so opposite of most people they do not believe it is a problem or suffering but it is true suffering to live this way and quite isolating.


WOW !! DR. BERG To The RESCUE !! I never have gut issues, but just finished a 3 day water fast(72hrs.), the longest I've every done with Dr. Mindy, I broke it with high quality bone broth ( Kettle & Fire) but within 25mins diarrhea, waited 1/2hr. still had issue, pulled up this video, and thank goodness I had Kefir and blackberries and pickles, WORKED INSTANTLY !!! THANK YOU so much for sharing your knowledge.


I studied English & nutrition through Dr Berg .that's awesome 🤩🤩🤩


I used to go to the bathrroom after eating a meal especualy when i drink soda. I started drinking raw goats milk kefir. Ive already drank about 7 1 liter bottles. And now i dont have diarrhea. And my stools have been whole instead of wet and broken. And i go to the toilet less than before. It really helps


This just happened to me from vomiting many times. Sodium and potassium both helped tremendously! My heart was pounding and outta rhythm. Thanks again dr berg, my wife and I both need this video!


FYI: Diarrhea on the menstrual cycle was missing from the list... Thanks for the video!


Glad I looked this up ain’t trying to die like this 💀


Dr. Berg has elevated my preference as the number one educational doctor that I've ever met. Even though it's on YouTube in my entire life. I wish I lived closer to him so I could just give him the biggest hug ever


Thank you Dr. Berg! I was so, so sick. I took your advice, made a blackberry and Kefir smoothie - got instant relief! Also, I took a liquid electrolyte. Instant


when i need something i will usually come to Dr.berg! you are the best doctor ! thanks for all the information you gave us!


My uncle was an MD. I really miss my talks with him. It was always fascinating. I appreciate your videos. Thank you. ❤


I found that drinking a cup of hot water with fennel seeds 1 teaspoon and steep for five minutes really helped me with this issue. Also eating the seeds afterwards when the tea is finished I found helps me.


I love how informative Dr. Berg is. I’ve looked through so many videos on this topic because my tummy is still on fire 🔥
I can actually pay attention the entire time 😅thank you so much for your knowledge and wisdom


Dr. Berg, I am always surprised when you recommend sauerkraut, especially for diarrhea- my Dad, who was of German descent loved sauerkraut and could eat it only if it were natural, in a vacuum bag in the refrigerated section ...he eventually as he grew older, and couldn’t find that type, would eat the canned variety..and guess how it affected him- Diarrhea!! I am guessing the “natural” kind in the bag had real cabbage juice, and the canned didn’t....☺️ and he lived to be 103 yrs. old BTW!


I swear just listening to dr berg helps me feel better.. thanks so much for everything you share. You are a legend.


May divine continue to bless you sir for all you do for the community 🙏🏽♥️


Thank you, Dr. Berg! I had an abcess on my gum, and my dentist prescribed metronidazole & amoxicillian to be taken for 7 days, mind you I do not normally take medicine, so I was skeptical knowing that my good bacteria would be destroyed. About 5 days after taking the antibiotics, I developed diarrhea. I had started taking a probiotic, but no change. I then bought some grassfed plain unsweetened Kefir, and after two doses, I'm back to normal 😊


Yeah i had chronic diarrhea my whole life because of many medical problems! I just knew afer i ate or drank i would be looking for a bathroom! Now iam 66 yrs old iam on a calcium binder & pain pills & anti-diarrhea pills! Must take every day to feel normal 😊 finally! 😮
