My house is chaos: where do I start?

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In today's video, we'll be discussing how to tackle a messy home and how to restore order once and for all! As someone who can definitely relate, I'll be sharing my top techniques for keeping the chaos in check. After all, the best way to get your home looking amazing is first and foremost to keep it tidy!!

Intro: 00:00
Why are we messy?: 00:28
Get organized: 01:10
Sponsor: 03:28
Declutter: 04:30
Maintain: 07:44

🎶 Music:



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♥ Vivien
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My friends think that I am nuts because I like to watch cleaning videos! So glad to hear you say you do too. They both motivate and inspire me.


I’m 30, two young kids, and it’s hard to find inspiration to cook and clean 45 times a day, but I literally can’t think in a dirty environment, the mess really gets on my nerves. I use “jinday vlog”, or other Korean tidying and organizing vids, to relax and find that inspiration. They are helpful and pleasing to the eye. And your videos work for me as well. Thank you and love from Russia ❤


Really appreciate your point on how the real secret to declutterring involves conscious consumerism, mindful buying and maintaining order. Thanks for the reminder to find some joy! 🤟🏼


This is my favorite way to keep things neat once you’ve purged. It’s your “scan the room” method.

Rules of the house

If you bring it into the room, take it out of the room.
If you drop it, pick it up.
If it’s empty, throw it out.
If you make a mess, clean it up.
If it’s a dirty item, put it in the sink or the hamper.
When you’re done with something…
If it’s a blanket, fold it up.
If it’s a glass or a dish, put it in the sink.
If it’s a game, put it away.


I use "take one wash two" for the dirty dishes. If I use a cup for tea, I wash two cups from the sink of I don't have time to wash them all at once.
When buying stuff I always ask "but where to put it?" If the answer is "I don't know" or " I guess it would stay in the box untill I find space for it" then I won't buy it.


My husband and I just downsized. Soooo, we obviously have more stuff, still in boxes, than we have space for. This video came at a wonderful time. 😃 Woot Woot 🎉


“That chair. You know the one.” I know the one, it’s staring at me with a pile of clean clothes that didn’t make it to the wardrobe before once worn clothes piled up on top. Everything sprinkled with a couple of Christmas decorations that still need to be put up.😂


I really like your basic rules: do you love it/need it/use it. Some might say the wire strippers I've had for over 40 years and used twice should go, but there is no practical substitute and they take up very little space in a toolbox, so they stay. What do you know, I need them again and will use them shortly.

I can say from my own experience never to purge when irritated by all the clutter. Bad decisions get made with respect to what goes and what stays, as I found out about 20 years ago. I have purged calmly and carefully a few times since, and kept such sessions narrow in scope and therefore brief in time so as not to get overwhelmed. My new rule was not to keep accumulating, and this was much easier than I thought it would be.


*Clothing and Linens* . I thrift 90% of my clothing so I'm very mindful about going through drawers and the closet at least once a year to purge items. I did the KonMari folding method for my drawers 3 years ago and I'm proud to say I have maintained it. I utilized bins to sort my bed linens and keep them on the upper shelf in the bedroom closet. I'm good with two sets of sheets and pillow cases, one duvet cover and a quilt. Putting laundry away ASAP was a new habit I developed.


Loved this video. Living in a small flat makes it, in a way, easier to not buy stuff that I don't have space for. I also find that having a place for everything really helps! 💕


I have a pretty basket that I use to gather up things out of place. It’s like the size for collecting seashells. Nothing huge. Just happy when I look at it. I have also found that we struggle with keeping horizontal surfaces clean so I have a messy one. I keep the rest clear but the coffee table can have magazines, coasters, Kleenex box, whatever. It gets cleared once a week. Right now it’s full of med supplies for my husband. It makes it easier for him.


Not just cleaning videos, decluttering videos helped me with decluttering.


The only channel I follow about home decoration, cause each and single videos are very valuable and useful. Well made about organization. What a wonderful woman that you seem to be ❤


This is great! I do one in, one out for new clothes. For my daughter who is 7 we do a few piles: trash, keep, donate, take a photo then trash (this is the most important pile that moves us to decluttering as if she wants to see it again she can, she has never once asked to).


NEVER PUT THINGS DOWN. Put it away. You never have to declutter if you never make a mess! For this to work, you have to have a place for everything.


You're absolutely spot on re watching cleaning videos. Now I'm motivated to clean! Thank you great post! Xx


Karen Kingston (Clearing Your Clutter) had 3 questions except they are: Do you love it? Is it useful? and the best... How does it make you feel when you look at it?. That one was a game changer for me. If I don't feel good or even neutral when I look at something (it evokes guilt, shame, resentment), it most likely has to go. Also, I found that keeping pictures of some things (vs the thing) is sufficient. I have regretted letting a few things go - mostly because I miss their utility and occasionally for sentimental reasons, but I'm mostly at peace with what's gone. It's probably best to do it when you're not in a desperate mode (divorce time or in the flurry of a move) so that you make careful decisions.


This was really helpful! I live alone and I'm super messy so I've only got myself to blame for the mess. Keeping storage bins helped greatly, but they're messy too. Also, brilliant to see that you use a luna as well! I bought one for my sister on the foreo website while the black friday deals are going


Love this video as always. Room scan method ☑️♥️.


Such a lovely video ❤ Straight forward & easy to follow / try. Thank you 😊
