Preparing a Honey Bee Hive for Fall or Winter

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I share how I am preparing my honey bee hive for fall. I have one hive that I don't think has enough honey stores in its brood box. I remove the queen excluders from all three hives, add a top feeder with syrup and entrance reducer to one hive. I share my feelings about when to use use smoke on a hive and how much.

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That is why I make these videos. I could just go about my business and take care of my bees and my family but that would only help me. It is quite time consuming to make videos and reply to comments but knowing that they help really motivates me to continue to make them. Thank you for commenting. And best of success with your bees.


Last year I harvested four times. It looks like I'll do the same this year. I harvest when the honey supers are at least 70% capped. It is interesting harvesting at different times of the year because the honey is completely different because of what nectar the bees have available. Spring honey is the lightest and sweetest because of all the flowers. Fall honey is dark and has a strong but good flavor.


LDSPrepper u rock, I'm a newly separated mother of four, and am wanting to be self sufficient, for the well being of my children considering the times to come, I'm sure your a busy man but if you're able I would love to get some words of wisdom that would surely help me on my journey... thank you either way... and may the Lord bless and keep you in all that you do


1:1 ratio of granulated sugar to water. I measure by volume. One gallon of sugar to one gallon of water. This closely resembles nectar in nature.


I guess its time to start getting my hive ready for the fall as well. Thanks so much for posting


Well I'm glad that you have some pretty cool neighbors! Mine would surely complain about me keeping bees. I can't wait to move to the country side.


Good video. I am lucky that I have enough honey flow throughout winter here to keep them going throughout winter.


Pickerrick1, Keep in mind that the south has had historic rain fall. The rain has been so bad that the nectar is diluted, or completely wash away. Leaving no food for the bees. You must feed them sugar water, or you'll loose your hive. I Wish you great success in keeping your "ladies alive, and well".


Please search my channel for "top feeder" for more info.


My neighbors love that I have bees because I share the honey with them. :)


any further info on the top feeder would be appreciated


I loved this video LDSPrepper, I want to know how you keep water available for your bees? Do you have pets, have you run into problems with water conflicts?


what type camera are you using. good job learned a lot from you keep it up.


I don't think so and certainly don't hope so. I think is just makes sense for everyone to be self reliant. Have some extra food, water, money, etc. put away for emergencies.


I'm glad to share some words of wisdom that I have heard from others. "Take your love to your children and your frustrations to the Lord. " "Grow what you eat and eat what you grow." "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference." and of course, "If Ye are prepared, Ye shall not fear." Doctrine and Covenants 38:30


I'm assuming you are using organic non-GMO beet sugar. Is that correct?


LDSprepper, what did you use to seal the wood on those hives. I really like it. I keep 50 colonies and paint them every two years. I like the patina as the wood is getting darker.
Also, I bet you don't lose many hives do you? You replace queens (hopefully your own raised) and you begin feeding early. The sugar syrup you use stimulates the queens to lay. Good populations going into winter. I start feeding a week before labor day where I live and have healthy hives come spring.


Also, I heard if you cover you hive outside with some foam or whatnot to keep the bees warmer they will eat less honey. One of the guys on mountain men, the TV show does this for his bees. Do your neighbors hate you for keeping bees in the suburbs? lol


I'm new to bee keeping and enjoy your videos.  My question pertains to the screen you stapled onto the top feeder.  It looks as though it blocks the bee's access to the syrup.  Am I missing something?


So... You Harvested almost 20 Gallons of honey this year. That's really good for 3 hives. Do you sell your honey, or give it to you're Friends and family?
