How To OVERWINTER Your Beehive SUCCESSFULLY #beekeeping #beekeeping101

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As a beekeeper we start thinking about winter in July and August. Time really flies but here we are going into September looking at what methods we will use to overwinter our colonies. This will be my 3rd winter with bees and so far I have never lost a colony. So here are the tips and tricks I have used to guarantee a successful overwintering experiences. Happy to have you here and thanks for watching fam :)
@beefit_em on Instagram and TikTok
beekeeping, beekeeping 101, how to, overwintering beehives, northern climate, Michigan beekeeping, beekeeping tips and tricks.
@beefit_em on Instagram and TikTok
beekeeping, beekeeping 101, how to, overwintering beehives, northern climate, Michigan beekeeping, beekeeping tips and tricks.